Fantasy Friday Productions is the DIY internet-television company founded in 2011 by Geoffrey Smith and Jacob Upham. Their latest project “All That You Can’t Leave Behind: The U2 Story,” chronicles the legendary, though surprisingly plotless, career of the Irish rock band; simultaneously a parody and homage. Fantasy Friday Productions began as an extension of a blog about fantasy baseball, a video
component parodying Sports Center called “Fantasy Friday.” This grew into a fully fledged playground, a platform for the ridiculous. Eventually, the fake sports news roundup grew into a serialized thriller about the co-hosts escaping the clutches of evil commissioner of baseball, Bud Selig. These explorations in film-making led to grander ideas and loftier ambitions and Fantasy Friday Productions was born. Having retired the flagship series in 2012 the Fantasy Friday team offered themselves a fresh start. Last year’s phony teaser “Coming Soon: Shark Dad” was a New Year’s resolution, a palate cleanser. “All That You Can’t Leave Behind: The U2 Story” is the giant next step but production for a variety of other projects is currently underway, such as the wrestling-themed cop drama “The Mackerel” and macabre, wannabe-masterpiece “Samurai Ann.”
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