Story of "Horizon Zero" - Ancient Myths:
In a distant future, in an unexplored galaxy, emerged a revolutionary sound artist known as "Horizon Zero." No one was certain of his origin; rumors suggested he was an intergalactic traveler, whose cosmic experiences inspired his music.
The album "Ancient Myths" is a sonic journey through the legends and myths of different interplanetary civilizations. Horizon Zero claims to have discovered ancient sound relics that transcend time, capturing the sounds of long-lost civilizations.
Each track on the album represents a psychedelic voyage to a different planet, where myths and legends come to life through unique sound compositions. The strange and psychedelic sounds result from his exploration, blending alien instruments and cosmic beats.
The narrative behind the album suggests that Horizon Zero, armed with a futuristic musical instrument, travels through space-time, rescuing and reinterpreting the myths of ancient civilizations. His mission is to connect people through music, sharing the beauty and complexity of stories echoing throughout the cosmos.
The mystery surrounding "Horizon Zero" grows as he continues his intergalactic journeys, pushing the boundaries of musical understanding and exploring the deepest corners of cosmic vastness. "Ancient Myths" is not just an album but a musical odyssey that transcends the borders of known reality.