This is a great reminder that WE CHOOSE our feelings and it is NOT the CAKE that has power over us to feel the way it WANTS....
The more you connect in with the Arcturians you will notice the more they want to be HUMAN RELATABLE
(notice the trigger words in here to test if you choose to react or understand it from their perspective)
Feel into the 2 Souls who came into this session to give you their messages.... Can you name them ???
Pleiadian Message for you, with love.
Keep your hearts open.
Release your lungs from the trauma that you are filtering through.
Protect your self-worth.
Release your throat.
Speak your full truth.
Do not dismiss what comes to your throat, to your mind, to your heart when you want to share with others.
Do not hold back sharing with others.
They will know you're holding back something and if they feel that you are holding back something, they may worry that it is something about themselves, that something is wrong with them.
You must speak your full truth. And even if you are scared to share your own thoughts and feelings about yourself to others, they will not understand it as such.
Holding your truth back about what is going on for you will make others around you feel uncomfortable because they want to know what's happening for you.
And if they have self-insecurities, they will start eating away that potentially this is something about them.
Being truthful will set you all free.
We say this, with love.
Part of a bigger message from the book Mastering Human
Arcturians talk about WOUNDS and how we protect ourselves from healing.
(17 minute message)
We have shared many other messages on telegram as we stopped posting on YouTube due to them suddenly deleting many of our sessions from years ago.
Empowerment from Trauma - listen to the Arcturians explain this and much more
Arcturian Message for you
Applying this information in our lives has been incredibly empowering.
Feeling very grateful.
Loving yourself and having confidence in self is the most attractive quality there is in humans - regardless of what you actually look like. When you are at a higher frequency, you almost sparkle and shine to others. Due to you radiating out that essence, you radiate out that joy. That frequency of love is addictive, very noticeable and attractive to others who are seeking that higher frequency - because it reminds them of Source. It reminds them of pure integrity. This is why they're so confused. This is why they're so unsettled on this planet and in their lives because they're just sensing density upon density. Then they react to density upon density upon density.
Find your tribes, find your like-minded friends, find those who match your frequency. The connections should be easy, flow through, joyful and have mutual respect. Let these people come in and out of your lives as you are expanding your consciousness.
From the Arcturians in a Quantum Session, from the book Mastering Human.
...forward in your daily life Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday. We are laughing at our inconsistent order of the days that you perceive, because we really do not care much about your times. Your dates and your calendar labels really aren't significant to us. But we observe you watching them, we observe you holding special intent and belief on certain days. Whether it is your Christmas, or your birthday, or other significant in your perspective, matching number dates. We've seen many observed 11/11, and your intention for that to be a special day was special because you put attention to it. However, it wasn't a significant day from our perspective. It was a day where you all sort of stopped and observed and hoped that something special was going to happen, that maybe some luck could be bestowed upon you. That makes you all feel very excited and special, if you feel like you're going to be rewarded with something. Remember, we have said to you how to achieve that. You do not need to wait for a certain portal date that some influencer has told you about. You can say,
“I want it now. I want to have high frequency energy given to me now. I want to release everything that no longer serves me now. I want to be open to all of my empowerment. I want to be open to my full self, to remember why I'm here, to remember my purpose, and my significance, and my contract, and my experiences that I still want to learn and master. I want to learn what areas of what I would perceive as weakness, to be able to empower myself and strengthen myself to be of service for all.”
You can do that anytime that you choose.
Arcturians in the book
"Time : The Convoluted Concept of Being Human"
Labelled as a dyslexic person, being part of helping create these books has been a big life time achievement. More than 4 years on with making connections with advanced souls, I love my journey and growth. Feeling gratitude each day for my knowledge and perspective I have earnt by applying metaphysical perspectives does bring me inner peace. As part of a group of practitioners being censored sharing our sessions and our truth, this is still being suppressed. We can trust those who are meant to fully awakening will find this information - lovingly prepared for them.
Time : The Convoluted Concept of Being Human
Depressed People Don't Eat Salads
So, There’s THAT
We Are Here For This
We Say This With So Much Love
Mastering Human on Old Earth, Shifting to New Earth
Now That You Have Awakened - Apply Metaphysical Perspectives
Conversations From Heaven To Earth
Today is a powerful day as we remember we choose the way we feel. We choose how we react and we choose where our energy goes and grows…. We have all the choices to empower ourselves… how wonderful is that and TRULY how wonderful are we, as we are understanding more how we are all ONE.
Do all things with LOVE.
Our message from the Arcturians today is this;
“If you have any challenging people in your life, who you know are deeply in fear, deeply afraid, and complying to things and systems that do not serve their souls— you can be using this opportunity when you are awoken to be able to share this high frequency of love to them— without judgment, without frustration, and without matching their own level of fear frequency. You will be able to shed, and share, and shine, this beautiful frequency that you have within you. Because you're not supposed to be doing anything else at your 3AM. What else could you do? You could worry, you could be frustrated, or you could plan ahead, to send and share, spreading love and unconditional compassion to all— isn't that a beautiful way to start your day?! When this is complete, then you can snuggle back and go to sleep, knowing that they are receiving your energy, that they are feeling your love, your respect, your compassion, your consideration, your humanitarianism, and your soul. While they are sleeping that will be merged and infused into them, and this is a ripple effect that is profound."
This is part of a larger message which is in the book Mastering Human.
Events to shift us into the OLD EARTH TIMELINE….
S: Yes, that's why it must occur. Nothing would wake them from their daydream. It's like they're justin life, but they're just in a weird stupor, daydream, of 3D. Nothing just but superficial things, can'tsnap them out of it, you can't shake themenough. They have to. We want them to complete their lifecontracts. They want to complete their life contracts and we don't want them to be disappointed.
They'd be so disappointed if they didn't do what they're supposed to do if we're wanting to help.P: Okay, so yes there's many things that go into that we would like to understand. For those people whoare distracting themselves from the inner work, they seem to be very aware they have inner work, butthen they go into victim mode when they don't want to empower themselves through their inner work,how can we understand those who know that they have inner work but refuse to do the inner work?What's really going on for them there?
S: They're so scared to feel the pain, there's pain. It's hard when you feel like, for example it's if youhave been greatly humiliated in life and stuff it down, because you feel like you hate yourself,because you are humiliated or because you're disliked or teased or bullied or made to feel ostracizedfrom others or gossiped about. We see so many things and it's so hurtful. It's coming from a place of
pain and they want to pretend like they don't need to deal with it or relive it again because theythink that if they just don't even think about it it's really not even there and ‘that was so long ago’and ‘that hurt really bad but I'm over it now’ but yet it comes up and triggers where they panicbecause it reminds them of how they fall when that situation happens. It makes them want to cryand they stuff it down again or they get angry. It just comes out in different ways and they're afraidto feel the full emotion of it. That's the only way you're going to release it and we've all been treatednot