American Lantern Press, founded in 1989, publishes news, views and analysis to empower savvy, self-sufficiency seeking individuals in protecting their assets, health, freedom, and privacy from a rapidly expanding number of threats. Our flagship publication, Independent Living, enjoys the support of over 56,000 active paid subscribers hailing from all 50 states and 52 foreign countries. Launched in
2006, it is the fastest growing and the most widely read newsletter of its kind. In addition to 20-page monthly issues, Independent Living, publishes a wide range of manuals and reports on topics of interest to our readers. American Lantern Press also publishes:
Lee Bellinger's Executive Bulletin™ (weekly, free, email)
Lee Bellinger's Health Edge™ (weekly, free, email)
Ready-For-Anything Report™ (weekly, free, email)
Money, Metals, and Mining® (monthly, paid, print)
All ALP publications are free of the influence of outside advertising. This is your assurance that we exist solely to serve our readers. In addition to publications, American Lantern Press offers hard-to-find, specialized products of interest to our readers. These include our health-promoting, germ-killing colloidal silver generator and our Total Home Evacuation and Emergency Barter Kit (E-PACK). American Lantern Press formerly published Confidential Tax Bulletin and The American Sentinel, both of which have been merged into Independent Living.