Wanetah Walmsley

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  • Wanetah Walmsley

Wanetah Walmsley Wanetah Walmsley is a transformation coach and the co-founder of HowToProfit.com.

Do you think I look like the Starbucks lady??😂

Do you think I look like the Starbucks lady??😂


It’s clearly her favorite holiday😻🎄🎁

It’s clearly her favorite holiday😻🎄🎁

Because the government likes the truth like I like my coffee…slow drip😜☕️

Because the government likes the truth like I like my coffee…slow drip😜☕️

In the realm of focused minds and hearts,Where time and space seem far apart,There lies a state, so pure and bright,A fl...

In the realm of focused minds and hearts,
Where time and space seem far apart,
There lies a state, so pure and bright,
A flow, a dance, in the mind's light.
With every stroke, every line and bend,
In a painter's world where colors blend,
The brush dances free, the canvas sings,
In the flow state, the soul sprouts wings.
A writer lost in a sea of words,
Where thoughts fly free like untamed birds,
Each sentence a step on a path so clear,
In the rhythm of flow, doubts disappear.
In the athlete's stride, the runner's grace,
Where every movement finds its place,
The world falls silent, the track unrolls,
In the flow, the body merges with goals.
In the hum of a melody, the musician's trance,
Where notes pirouette in a timeless dance,
The strings vibrate with a life of their own,
In the flow, the music becomes a zone.
So seek this state, where passion burns,
Where every twist and turn returns,
To a place of joy, of seamless might,
In the flow state, find your light.

(ISO this artist, btw).



Donate to the world’s largest toy drive and make history! Please share🎁 you are awesome! ✨

Donate to the world’s largest toy drive and make history! Please share🎁

you are awesome! ✨

Why I hate name tags…😭

Why I hate name tags…😭


Quantum physics has shown us that we are not just passive observers in this universe. We are active creators, shaping our own destinies through the energy we emit. By understanding and harnessing the power of our thoughts and emotions, we can unlock our true potential to create extraordinary lives.

Joe Dispenza's groundbreaking book, "Becoming Supernatural," is here to blow your mind. 📚✨ It unveils the incredible connection between our thoughts, emotions, and the electromagnetic fields we generate. Deep dive into the captivating world of quantum physics and discover how your thoughts and emotions shape your reality on a whole new level! 💫


'How to Get Anything You Want' is literally a manifesting playbook! So GOOD! 🧚‍♀️ Learn more at Wanetah.com. Link in bio!


In my experience, decisions made out of fear have never resulted in what I wanted. They just kept me playing small. Decisions made out of love, however, have been the stepping stones to finding my personal power and the building blocks of a life I love.
Focus on what you love and watch fear go back to its little corner.


There's nothing like the right book at the right time, especially the ones that seem to choose you. 'Discipline is Destiny' reveals so many shades of how discipline shows up in our lives through seldom referenced but highly influential figures like choreographer Martha Graham, and one of my favorite authors, Toni Morrison.
It's a small book, but it packs a punch. Do not confuse size with weight.


Before I got sober, I spent many years asking other people if 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 thought I had a problem. I moved around so much, always on the chase. All I thought then was settling down meant settling for less. Hard to hit a moving target, I wouldn't allow anyone to ever get too close. They might begin to see it - to see ME. Then, who could I ask to diagnose me properly? 🙃
Friends always said I was fine. They'd text the next day saying they had so much fun last night. I bet we did. Meanwhile, I'd lay in bed drenched with shame, guilt, and confusion.
A few hours and aspirins later, I'd slap some "war paint" on my face, and head to whatever side hustle was supporting my other habit - acting. After all, relentlessly chasing dreams I no longer had kept me busy, at least.
I was constantly conflicted with two opposing identities; the wild child and the wonder woman. As funny as that sounds, as an adult, most of my desire to numb was fueled by my beliefs that I had to be, do, and have so much more if I wanted to be important, happy, and loved. (My character limit isn't high enough to open that can of Childhood!)
During those last years as I was trailing the end of the yellow brick road, questioning if my situation was "severe" enough to make that drastic of a leap (because living with a daily dose of guilt and shame is just our first world way of life 🤥), I met a few sober souls along the way.
I was drawn to them like white on rice. They seemed like mystical creatures,🧚‍♀️ 🦄, at first. I was so intrigued by their existence. How were they really doing this?! Our conversations were so thoughtful and DEEP, and their energy left me feeling calm and seen. I know now that they were just reflecting back to me the person I kept hidden safe in the corner pocket of my heart.
These days, I see myself on the other side of that conversation with others. I can't help but laugh to myself when they compliment my calmness and cozy energy.
If they only knew... Maybe one day they will.
This is what I know. Sobriety hasn't just made every area of my life better, it's made it possible. And, as long as I keep a clean house, God will move in and turn on all the lights.🙏


Managing my time by “keeping my main thing my main thing” means being honest about my capacity. Try to be a little bit to everyone, I end up “not much” to anyone. The bottom line is if I value my time, I will only use my time on what I value. After all, time is the most expensive currency. No one gets any of it back.

Watch the full episode on YouTube or read my blog for more!


This Napolean Hill exclusive has been published for the first time ever! It's such a special feeling to read a lot of his work that's never been released to the public. And, it is PROFOUND! If you love the New Thought era and the personal development space, check out the Secrets of Success link in my bio!


Empower Your Aura

Embracing daily rituals and practices can significantly enhance your magnetism and manifestation power. These activities, ranging from mindful meditation to conscious breathing, act as catalysts, aligning your personal energy with the universe's vibrational frequency. This alignment not only elevates your electromagnetic field but also amplifies your ability to attract and manifest your desires. By regularly engaging in such practices, you create a harmonious resonance within, which not only nurtures your inner peace but also magnifies your potential to attract abundance and positive experiences. It's a transformative journey where the power of intention meets the energy of the universe, leading to profound personal growth and fulfillment.

Thanks for this Livin Rich💕🙏✨

Thanks for this Livin Rich💕🙏✨

Had an awesome time with my ❤️ at the event!


Paperback Paradise

In the quiet moments of introspection, I often trace my journey back to the age of 13, the pivotal year when I first delved into the profound realm of personal development books. That initial encounter was more than mere reading; it was an awakening, an irresistible pull into a world where words held the power to transform lives. Since then, my soul has been irrevocably tethered to the wisdom nestled within these pages. Life, as it does, presented its array of struggles, each a tempest threatening to unmoor me. Yet, it was the knowledge, patiently accumulated over years of dedicated reading, that became my anchor. This arsenal of insights and lessons did not just aid in my recovery; it was the very essence that enabled me to rise with greater resilience each time I fell. Every chapter read, every idea pondered, contributed to an inner strength that turned setbacks into stepping stones, guiding me back to my path with a newfound vigor and clarity.


For me, David Goggins' message isn't just about grit; it’s a profound call to embrace my pain as a pivotal part of my purpose. Witnessing the transformative impact he's had on my brother 's journey toward health and personal growth has been nothing short of inspirational. 🚀

I remember gifting him Goggins' book, 'tHurtMe, initially coaxing him to turn those first few pages after our intense workout sessions. Now, he's navigating through the chapters with fervent intensity, each page turning a new leaf in his life.

Our conversations, rich with resemblances from Goggins' life to his own, have become a cornerstone of our bond. And for my birthday, surprised me and with the best gift - tickets to the . A testament to the journey we're on together.

David Goggins' unfiltered, potent narrative on faith, self-respect, and unwavering realness resonates deep within. It’s a reminder to prioritize my own self-perception and the path I choose to walk in life and let everyone else's opinions live rent-free somewhere else. I just don't have that kind of room up here 🧠 nor there 🫀.
A heartfelt thank you to . Your unconventional, refreshingly honest message doesn't just inspire—it leads souls closer to the Maker, guiding us through the labyrinth of life with courage and truth. 🙏

 you lit me on fire!!!! Thank you! See you in December💪

you lit me on fire!!!! Thank you! See you in December💪


Shoulder to Shoulder Growth
Learning from those just a few steps ahead of us on the same path can often be more impactful than always looking to the top experts in the field. Here's why:

1) Relatable Experiences: People who are slightly ahead have recently navigated the challenges we're currently facing. Their experiences are fresh and directly relevant, making their advice and insights particularly applicable.

2) Accessible Mentors: Unlike top industry leaders, those just ahead are often more accessible for questions, discussions, and guidance. This accessibility allows for a more interactive and personalized learning experience.

3) Practical and Immediate Solutions: Individuals just ahead are likely dealing with problems and solutions that are immediately applicable to our current level. Their strategies and tips are often practical and can be quickly implemented.

4) Motivation from Visible Progress: Seeing someone who is just a bit ahead provides a tangible and achievable goal to aim for. It's motivating to see that with hard work and dedication, we can reach that next level soon.

5) Shared Context and Understanding: These mentors understand the specific context and nuances of the current stage of our journey. This shared context means their advice is grounded in an understanding of the specific hurdles and opportunities we face.

6) Incremental Learning: Learning from those just ahead promotes an incremental approach to growth. It helps in mastering one level at a time, making the learning process less overwhelming and more structured.

7) Building a Community: Engaging with peers and near-peers creates a sense of community and support. It fosters an environment of collective growth, where everyone is learning and evolving together.

By focusing on learning from those just ahead, we can gain practical, relevant, and immediately actionable insights, making our journey more efficient and enriching.



Chapman won the award for her 1988 hit "Fast Car," which got renewed attention after singer Luke Combs released a cover of the song earlier this year.

Tell ‘em Mel!

Tell ‘em Mel!

Ready to level up? 🚀 https://bit.ly/takecontrol2023 👈 Sign up for my FREE 3-part science-backed training, Take Control with Mel Robbins! It’s designed spec...


Hi, I’m Wanetah and I have no idea how to use Facebook anymore…

(monotone but in unison) “Hi Wanetah.”

Having a “page” (and a personal account) is kind of like walking into Walmart and not knowing where ANYTHING is anymore because they’ve decided to rearrange the store - on a daily basis.

Maybe the wheat bread is now in Women's clothing to save us time, but honestly I just wanted to pop in and grab some toothpaste🤷🏽‍♀️ Tough luck, sister! That's in aisle 7,058 behind the department of LOWES!!

I just sent a belated thank you to ten of you who sent me a “happy birthday” on messenger…a month ago.
Where those messages were the day before? Apparently, out of my pay grade.

Sometimes I see I have messages. But maybe I need to write code to check them?

And I do see your comments (😘). It sure would be nice to know what you're commenting about!💡

If anyone has a “How To Facebook 2023” tutorial I can watch on 2x speed, I’ll gladly like, comment, and subscribe.



It's time for a reality check. Our days are NOT numbered. Life is too short for some, but you know what's even worse? A long life filled with regrets. 😱

Don't let that sink in without taking action! Life is too long to regret. Every single day, we have the power to make choices that will shape our future. So why waste another moment dwelling on past mistakes or missed opportunities?

Instead, let's embrace the notion that it's ALWAYS too late to live a life of regrets. 😎 Take charge of your destiny and start making those dreams a reality. Whether it's pursuing your passion, mending broken relationships, or trying something completely new – the choice is yours!

Remember, life is an incredible journey full of endless possibilities. Don't let fear or complacency hold you back from living the life you deserve. Seize every opportunity that comes your way and make every second count!

So today, right now, make a promise to yourself: NO MORE REGRETS! Embrace the unknown, push your limits, and create a life worth living.

Tag someone who needs this wake-up call and spread the message far and wide – it's NEVER too late to start living your best life! 💪💥


Fear can be a trusty companion when dodging danger or surviving in the wild. But when it comes to chasing dreams and goals, fear is NOT invited! Kick it out of the car, my friends, and let courage and focus take the wheel. Don't let fear hold you back from greatness! 💪🚀


Page 17.
"We owe it to ourselves, to our goals, to the game, to keep going. To keep pushing. To stay pure. To be tough. To conquer our bodies before they conquer us." -


🌟 This is how I stopped being overwhelmed by others' opinions and started embracing my true self! 🙌 It's time to overcome insecurity and embrace authenticity. My personal mission and purpose matter more to me than what anyone else thinks. If I'm going to make the impact I'm here to make, I must stop taking things personally so I can start living purposefully. 💪


Sobriety has taught me the power of emotional awareness. I've shattered the spiral and taken control of my emotions in a healthier way. No more destructive habits, just pure clarity and strength.


🌟 Don't chase after material possessions. Embrace the power of becoming more with what you already have! 💪 Shift your focus from having more to doing more. 🚀 Take charge of your growth and watch as abundance follows suit. 🌈💫 ✨ It's time to level up, transform, and become more YOU! 🌟

Nerding out in

Nerding out in

Ready for a New Chapter? Let’s Write It Together ✨We live in a society that constantly pushes definitions of success and...

Ready for a New Chapter? Let’s Write It Together ✨

We live in a society that constantly pushes definitions of success and happiness onto us, leading many of us to chase after dreams that may not truly be our own. If you find yourself lost amidst the noise, questioning who you really are, your purpose, or what you genuinely desire, know that you are not alone.

In a world filled with uncertainty and rapid transformations, there’s a pressing need to adapt and reinvent. Through my own journey, I’ve learned the art of starting afresh, making necessary pivots, and realigning with my North Star. Using my life as a testament, I am now dedicated to guiding others like you, helping you navigate the twists and turns of life with clarity and purpose.

If you’re looking for a catalyst for change and a guiding light to find your authentic self amidst the chaos, let’s connect. Your next chapter is waiting, and it promises to be extraordinary.

For more information or to book a consultation: link in bio

My hometown of Leesville, LA. is in flames, among several other regions across the state. Meanwhile, “back at the ranch”...

My hometown of Leesville, LA. is in flames, among several other regions across the state. Meanwhile, “back at the ranch”, it’s 124° in my car here in Katy, TX.
Natural disasters are occurring more frequently and intensely. Fact.
It’s time we ALL put our religious and political beliefs aside and come together to face facts and focus on solutions. Quit demonizing other people just because they don’t share the same opinions as you. Opinions are not facts. And everyone has reason to believe what they do.
Expecting people to immediately change their way of life and livelihoods is not only ineffective, it’s irrational and inhumane.
However, using religion and political agendas to lie to people and pretending that it doesn’t exist is dangerous and can be fatal. For everyone!


Don’t let anyone or any organization tell you they have a monopoly on God.

Realize that our lifestyles don’t have the capacity for perfection, but we each have exponential room for progress. There are so many factors in play regarding our environmental issues, you don’t have to get them all right. Find one corner of conviction that you can improve and start there. (After all, that is a picture of a car that runs on gasoline.)
Progress not perfection. Meet in the middle.
We’re not killing our planet. We’re killing our species.

Happy birthday to my true north,  ❤️

Happy birthday to my true north, ❤️

Went to a premiere screening of Mission Impossible w/ this handsome guy❤️ to watch his dear friend  shine big and bright...

Went to a premiere screening of Mission Impossible w/ this handsome guy❤️
to watch his dear friend shine big and bright on the big screen✨

She’s so photogenic 😋

She’s so photogenic 😋

https://youtu.be/VYJtb2YXae8“I can’t wait to read that show!”😁


“I can’t wait to read that show!”😁

It's not you — the dialogue in TV and movies has gotten harder to hear.Subscribe and turn on notifications 🔔 so you don't miss any videos: http://goo.gl/0bs...



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