Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2023 Competition: Terms and conditions for participation
1. Scope of application
a. By participating in the competition (the ′′ Competition ′′), the participants accept these conditions.
2. Organizer
a. The organizer of the Competition is Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Benelux (the ′′ Organizer ′′).
b. This competition is not sponsored, supported, administered by or associated with Facebook or Instagram.
c. Participants must comply with the Terms of Service, Community Standards and other applicable policies for submissions and / or uploads via https://www.facebook.com/legal.terms. Submissions violating applicable service terms or guidelines will be disqualified. Competition participants completely dismiss Facebook from any claims. All information regarding the competition is provided solely by the Organizer. In case of questions, suggestions or complaints, you can contact the Organizer at https://www.facebook.com/SonyPicturesHomeEntertainmentBenelux.
4. Requirements for participation
a. Participants may participate in the Competition by persons who on the date of participation:
i. Being 18 years or older;
ii. Being a resident of the Netherlands or Belgium.
b. Employees of the Organizer, their immediate family and employees of partners with whom they were or are being collaborated to set up or complete this competition, are excluded from participation.
5. Participation
a. Competition participation is free, and the purchase of goods and / or services is not required.
b. The Competition begins 17/08/2023 at 12 h 00. The deadline for submitting is 31/08/2023 at 23 h 59 (the ′′ Submission deadline ′′). Entries received outside this deadline will not be eligible for participation.
c. Participation in the Competition is possible for all participants who either:
I. [Instagram] Like the competition post, follow Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Benelux on Instagram and comment a Spider-Man on the post of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Benelux Instagram post
d. Commentaries containing defamatory, obscene, illegal, offensive, or any other unfit content will be disqualified and revoked by the Organizer. Commentary should be suitable for publication or use online by the Organizer.
e.The Organizer is not liable for incomplete, incorrectly completed, lost or delayed submissions for the price stretch or for any failures or defects in the software designed to store the participant's data.
f. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude participants who violate these Terms of Participation, counterfeit the Competition, disprove the cases or make statements that violate applicable law or violate third-party rights. If a participant is excluded, prices and benefits can then be withdrawn or recovered. In this case a new winner will be appointed according to the procedure in Section 5.
6. Prizes, designation and notification to the winners
a. Sony and/or retained agency representatives will select the winners who have met all the criteria to enter this competition (please see section 5c). Winners will be randomly drawn.
b. The jury will draw 8 winners who will be sent a Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Merch Bundle, which includes:
1 x Pen Set
1 x Playing Cards Set
1 x Spider-Man Squishy
1 x Bag for All
c. The jury will select the winners after 9 h 30 on 01/09/23.
d. The winners will be informed via Instagram or Facebook and give permission to release their names on the social networks through participation.
e. Notified winners should provide the Organizer with the necessary information within 3 days of the notification. If the winner does not provide the necessary information within this period, their participation will be cancelled. In this case a new winner will be appointed according to the procedure in Section 5.
f. The winners will receive the prizes within the month of being declared the winner.
g. All winners agree to participate in reasonable publicity after the event and using their name, voice, biographical information, image and publication of the submitted commentary for this Competition.
7. User rights
a. The participant ensures that their comments (the ′′ Contribution ′′) are free of third-party rights, in particular copyrights, logos and other intellectual property rights (e.g. patents, trademarks, design rights, know-how, etc. ), and that the participant has the right to grant the Organizer the permission referred to in Section 6. c.
b. The participant agrees to dismiss the Organizer (including its partners, officials, staff and intermediaries) from, grant discharge of, remuneration for, defend against and claim compensation for any third party claim resulting from a breach of Section 6. b.
c. The Participant hereby grants the Organizer a non-exclusive, irrevocable, freely assignable right that has no limitations in time, nor to geography and content, and that is transferable, for the use of the Contribution with all known and currently unknown uses , and in all media and on all carriers, understanding but not limited to paper, the internet, audiovisual, digital and mobile carriers or media. The rights of use include the Organizer worldwide right to copy, modify, process, publish and market the Contribution, and to publish the Contribution at prominent, public media locations (including Sony's website and marketing activities, printing and generally in retail). This award of rights is free and is free of royalty.
8. Data protection
a. With their submission, the participants give permission to register their personal data that will be used by the Organizer and its approved representatives and released for the competition administration and the award ceremony. Personal information collected by the Organizer is subject to GDPR legislation the Organizer's privacy policy: https://redeem.sonypictures.com/gdpr/en/privacy
b. With the exception of any liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence, fraud or any other liability of the Organizer that cannot be excluded by the law, the Organizer (including connected companies, officials, employees and representatives) rejects all liability for any loss or damage (including a loss of opportunity), whether direct, indirect, special damage or consequential damage resulting in any way from the Competition, including but not limited to the following: theft, unauthorized access or interference of third parties.
c. There will be no exchange of letters regarding decisions by the Organizer.
d. In case of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Organizer, or in other cases where fraud, abuse and / or a (human or technical) error has or might have consequences for the proper ex*****on of this promotion or the award of prizes, The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or change these Terms at any stage.
e.If any provision of these Terms for participation by any law, rule, norm or regulation of any authority or by a final order of a competent court is invalidated, then this invalidation will not affect the enforceability of any other provision that does not if declared invalid.
f.All legal relationships created by or in connection with these conditions and the competition are subject to Belgian and Dutch law. The binding legislation of the participant's residence explicitly applies