Eyes Open New Zealand

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Eyes Open New Zealand Without proper context, data can mean anything or nothing at all. Indeed, contributors would - by and large - rather be spending their time and money elsewhere.

Here at Eyes Open we provide open, honest, realistic and understandable perspective to otherwise easily assessable data. This page is maintained and funded by private individuals - concerned citizens of varying qualifications. The administrators and contributors have nothing to gain other than a hope that by providing this accurate and easily understandable information, the disaster that a large number of governments are steering us towards might be averted.

Exceptional news for the future of NZ mediaRCR Reality Check Radio NZ

Exceptional news for the future of NZ media

RCR Reality Check Radio NZ

RCR Reality Check Radio NZ has a large following throughout NZ - but they need your ongoing financial support.Can you he...

RCR Reality Check Radio NZ has a large following throughout NZ - but they need your ongoing financial support.

Can you help them?

We are confident RCR will be able to return to the airwaves in some form at some point. The bigger questions are “when” RCR will be back on air, “what” that might look like, and for “how long”… The answers to those questions will depend entirely on the level of support from you and the...



Data shows, reports say, experts claim…

Wow. It's official. Covid is like the flu and should be treated as such.  They've finally cottoned on. Never mind all th...

Wow. It's official. Covid is like the flu and should be treated as such. They've finally cottoned on. Never mind all the stats telling them that since day 1. Nevermind gaslighting those who pointed it out. Never mind mandating and cajoling populations to take experimental jabs and shutting down entire economies. Never mind the excess deaths and injuries.

Now is the perfect time for a top-tier Freedom-minded individual or consortium to make the current owners of Newshub an ...

Now is the perfect time for a top-tier Freedom-minded individual or consortium to make the current owners of Newshub an offer they can't refuse.

That is, a Freedom-minded individual or consortium that can fund Newshub's large and persistent annual financial losses - but who are happy to, in order to massively change the cultural and political future for the better.

If they don't, no doubt some soul-sucking Globalist will fill the void instead.

The recent anguished comments from senior media and political personnel over the decline of the MSM effectively amount to complaints that it's becoming harder and harder for the MSM to form a united consensus amongst the general population (completely ignoring the fact that a consensus absolutely does not equate to Truth).

And so - and despite what those same people may claim - effectively they are openly admitting that "Might is Right" and that the might of Mainstream Media dictates what is considered "right", "good" and "true".

RCR Reality Check Radio NZ has made an admirable dent (surely making a direct impact on the make up of the current New Zealand government coalition), but owning and then subtly changing the bias of Newshub would be absolutely game changing, with major beneficial cultural and political repercussions to flow for decades to come.

There are Mega Donors of our ilk out there. Who of them has the foresight and wherewithal to make Discovery the buyout offer?

Direct message us here at Eyes Open if you think you have a direct lead. We have people who can facilitate such negotiations.

On Thursday, Parliament grounds, NZDSOS will hand over a letter demanding that the cv vaccines are ceased and for  an **...

On Thursday, Parliament grounds, NZDSOS will hand over a letter demanding that the cv vaccines are ceased and for an ***independent*** inquiry. (A Royal Commission won't be worth the paper it is written on.)

"The ‘midwit’ really came into their own during Covid and what a curse on the world they all were, these individuals of ...

"The ‘midwit’ really came into their own during Covid and what a curse on the world they all were, these individuals of above average intelligence, but not too far above, who nevertheless liked to think of themselves as far wiser than the common pleb. Every state Chief Medical/Health Officer in Australia [and NZ, and in the Western world generally] was, in my opinion, a classic midwit, diving into complex, multi-faceted public health issues with simplistic notions and infantile policies."

The ‘midwit’ really came into their own during Covid and what a curse on the world they all were, these individuals of above average intelligence, but not too far above, who nevertheless liked to…

Topher Field (in conjunction with other heroes such as Rukshan Fernando and Avi Yemini) has been one of the more promine...

Topher Field (in conjunction with other heroes such as Rukshan Fernando and Avi Yemini) has been one of the more prominent faces of the Aussie "Freedom" movement over the past few crazy years, and is well worth a listen and a follow, both on his personal page (https://www.facebook.com/TopherField) and his brand new media page (https://www.facebook.com/theaussiewire).

One of the team from Eyes Open New Zealand joined him this week for a discussion on the recent NZ election (from the 23 minute mark): https://youtu.be/9DUEWSWDFSc?si=t1i1dO9qFb3PVExG

New Episode Live 🎬

Hope and Change: How Australia chose hope and New Zealand chose change in a historic weekend.

Watch on Youtube, Rumble & Twitter 🍿

Obviously, this page is generally "freedom" minded, and broadly anti-globalist, and anti-governmental overreach in its o...

Obviously, this page is generally "freedom" minded, and broadly anti-globalist, and anti-governmental overreach in its outlook.

With this in mind, the imminent General Election poses the question: which party bests fits our worldview?

Almost certainly, it would be one of the "minnow" parties.

Unfortunately, and to our great disappointment, it seems there are quite a number of minnow parties from the "Freedom" camp, splitting the vote amongst themselves, all naively confident in their own pre-eminence and importance.

Had they united in some way - any way! - they would have confirmed that they were worthy of serious and enthusiasitic consideration.

But they did not have the foresight or the fortitude to do so, and so they have confirmed (to my mind) that they are unworthy.

In the last couple of weeks, I have discovered that NZ First has in recent months stacked its party list with many very upstanding "Freedom" candidates.

I've checked it out, and indeed, this is the case.

And so, despite never being a Winston Peters fan - and holding him significantly responsible for bringing in the disastrous Labour Regime of the past 6 years - I am in fact, endorsing NZ First.

Yes, Winston is a late-comer to our point of view. And yes, I find it difficult to trust him.

But its not about Winston - it is about the people he has recruited to accompany him in parliament.

Make your vote count this weekend!

(But we still love you even if you disagree).





Heart related deaths are up by eye watering record percentages compared to the norm - with the largest percentage increase in excess deaths in the younger populations - in virtually all Western countries.

Ditto brain/stroke related deaths.

(And this is just deaths - not factoring injuries which are survived).

Excess death has in general, skyrocketed in the past 18 months - since the mass jab roll out, including in NZ. Again, percentagewise, the worst increase is found in the under 40s age group.

But with no link to Covid (other than in handwaving feeble scapegoating assumptions), and these horrifying increases are not found in the unjabbed population.

Have you not noticed the massive increase of "died suddenly" or "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" reporting in the media?

I recall saying many many times that our cures for Covid (first the absolutely re****ed lockdowns, and then unprecedentedly rushed and barely tested medical interventions) were all catastrophically worse than the disease. That they were politically and financially driven, rather than based on sound logic, science and genuine care for humanity.

Subsequent events and data (both economic and in health) have only served to confirm this.

Off the field News: A leading UK-based Indian-origin consultant cardiologist and an Australian medic said on Tuesday that they fear the sudden death last year of Australi



From the article: "It’s their sheer smallness that is so striking. Their banality. Their triteness. I had hoped, reading...

From the article:

"It’s their sheer smallness that is so striking. Their banality. Their triteness. I had hoped, reading The Lockdown Files, to find some explanation for the miseries that were inflicted on us in 2020. Perhaps decisions that looked imbecilic to the rest of us might make sense to those in the control room, able to survey information that we could not see. Perhaps there was a grand plan.

But not a bit of it. What we see in the leaked WhatsApp messages are petty, frightened men at the mercy of events. They obsess over tweets and news reports. They fret about how they are coming across.

Again and again, decisions are made for presentational rather than medical reasons. Quarantine could safely be cut from 14 to five days; but the problem, says Matt Hancock, is that this would “imply we’ve been getting it wrong”. “Imply”?

Care home testing is initially rejected because the bigger issue is meeting the 100,000 tests a day target. What is so important about that target? In medical terms, nothing. In political terms, everything, since some self-important broadcasters have decided that this is the measure by which the Government’s success will be gauged. Schoolchildren are forced wear masks, not because they do the slightest good, but because the Tories don’t want to look weaker than Nicola Sturgeon, who has imposed this dystopian requirement in Scotland.

This being 2020, there is also inevitably some nonsense about whether a lockdown in areas with lower white populations would look racist.

People often say that Yes, Minister is a documentary not a comedy. But what we really see here is a hideous, two-year, real-life episode of The Thick of It. “CALLED FOR THIS TWO MONTHS AGO,” exclaims Hancock at one point, in a line that could have come straight from Armando Iannucci’s ingenious script. “This is a Hancock triumph!”

The problem is not with one politician, but with a dysfunctional system. Hancock comes across as (no other phrase quite fits) a bit of a plonker. But he also seems energetic and diligent. Having insisted on lockdown because he believed that vaccination would be the way out, he did at least stick to his logic and argue for a removal of restrictions once the jabs came in – a surprisingly lonely position when BBC reporters, public sector unions, Labour MPs and assorted malingerers were clamouring to keep it going.

What we see is not a bad man, but a well-intentioned man caught up in a machine that might have been deliberately programmed to generate bad outcomes. Britain was driven into abandoning its proportionate, cool-headed epidemic plan, not just by shrieking TV presenters, but by perverse incentives. Put simply, decision-makers knew that they would not get into trouble for excessive caution. They could blow away billions, bankrupt businesses, ruin children’s education, and none of it would be a resigning matter. But make the slightest mistake the other way, and they would be done for.

Could he have resisted that pressure? Other countries had already closed, 92 per cent of the electorate wanted to be confined and the scientific advisers, sniffing the wind, had switched to arguing for tougher measures.

But one country held out. Sweden, lacking its own pandemic plan, had adopted Britain’s – and, unlike Britain, it did not crack under criticism. Sweden is our counterfactual, a laboratory quality control showing what would have happened here had we held our nerve. And the evidence it presents looks damning. A study has found that, from 2020 to 2022, Sweden had the lowest excess mortality rate in Europe.

That finding blows the case for lockdowns out of the water. In the early days of the pandemic, when the Government was being criticised for what looked like a high death rate (largely because it had sent NHS patients into care homes), ministers and medical advisers urged us to wait until all the evidence was in.

They had a point. Covid was a new disease, and countries had wildly differing approaches to measuring it. There was a row about whether people had died “of Covid” or “with Covid”. Some nations did not have the capacity to test even this.

But one thing that no one can fake is the overall number of deaths. We know how many people die annually in each country, and we can predict, on the basis of population size and age, what the figure should be for any given year. The excess mortality figure is the percentage above that expected baseline. It can be calculated with the same methodology the world over. It is, in short, the one statistic that there is no getting away from.

Judged by this metric, Britain did not do badly. Our overall excess death rate was behind Scandinavia, in line with Germany and the Netherlands, and ahead of most of southern and eastern Europe. But the real outlier was Sweden, which had the lowest excess mortality in Europe, and one of the lowest in the world, throughout 2020 and 2021.

During the pandemic, I assumed that Sweden would emerge with a slightly higher death rate, but a much stronger economy. Since poverty correlates with lower longevity, I expected that, over time, Sweden would see fewer deaths from other causes, so ending up healthier as well as wealthier. But I underestimated the lethal impact of the lockdowns themselves. Sweden did not just do better over time; it actually killed fewer people during the pandemic.

How did Britain’s leaders respond to the evidence that they should have stuck to Plan A? They took it as a personal affront. Hancock referred in his messages to the “f***ing Sweden argument”, and asked officials to “supply three or four bullet [points] of why Sweden is wrong”.
But Sweden was not wrong, and no amount of desperate deflection about Norway also having a low death rate can disguise it. The horrible truth is that lockdowns killed people. Sweden had lots of coronavirus cases but relatively few excess deaths. Australia had few coronavirus cases, but a strict lockdown. It ended up with higher excess mortality than Sweden.

Are people ready to believe it? Are we prepared to admit that the disasters we are still experiencing – undiagnosed diseases, absenteeism, debt, lost education, price rises, mental health problems – were self-inflicted?

It seems not. We will go into the next crisis with the same skewed incentives. And all because, like so many Hancocks, we don’t want to “imply we’ve been getting it wrong”.

The leaked WhatsApp messages show that we have been governed by petty, frightened men who valued appearance over substance

This is the sort of deliberate fearmongering that went on throughout 2020 - 2021 (and still ongoing to some degree by th...

This is the sort of deliberate fearmongering that went on throughout 2020 - 2021 (and still ongoing to some degree by the NZ government).

Unfortunately, the average person, the vast majority of people, are extremely susceptible to this government propagandist technique.

Fingers crossed, the more this is highlighted to the gullible in retrospect, the less likely so many will fall for it when the governments do it again...

If there's fear and panic involved, it's quite often coming from people trying to scam a lot of money and/or power from ...

If there's fear and panic involved, it's quite often coming from people trying to scam a lot of money and/or power from us.

It has become somewhat of a cliche for media reports and climate scientists to actively link modern extreme weather events in New Zealand with climate change, but an accurate answer requires more or less complete knowledge of our past recorded climate.


Deep down, everybody knows that none of this stuff made sense, nor was it effective in a positive, tangible way. All the mandates, policies, hysteria, confusion, and fearmongering did (and will continue to do) is cause more harm than good. And continue to erode trust in our institutions and fellow human beings.

A small minority of us said this all the way through and we received scorn, insults, discrimination and even ostracisation for voicing concerns and asking reasonable questions.

The real question is whether people have the honesty and fortitude to accept they wasted 1-2 years of their life. Oh, and pretty much everybody still got the rona regardless... That was predictable.

If people don't learn from this then it is guaranteed to happen again. Don't just pretend that we didn't live through this, and that people did not behave how they did, and say what they said. We all remember what happened.

P.S. If you got sick or lost somebody to this particular illness, then that sucks. My condolences. It still does not mean all these measures were justified nor righteous. They didn't even work. People get sick and die every day. It's been happening forever. It's just usually not advertised. We cannot control everything. Welcome to reality and the human condition. God bless. 🙏🏾

A few days ago, we noted a variety of very recent, very noteworthy examples which should make it clear that just because...

A few days ago, we noted a variety of very recent, very noteworthy examples which should make it clear that just because Authority Figures (in conjunction with their chosen "Experts") bang on about a certain point, doesn't make them anywhere correct.

We missed another wonderfully obvious example, highlighted by an article published today in the New York Times on the usefulness (uselessness) of masks - a piece which amounts to a rather large concession on their part given their past militant stance on the issue.

No doubt some will be tempted to fall back on the often used "but at the time..." excuse.

However, at the time, the data was absolutely all there, and a some of us were bothering to refer to it, and make genuinely unformed, well considered, opinions - even as most were not, and even as most (including The Authorities and their media minions) heaped scorn and derision on those who dared to veer from the approved (and popular) narrative.

We get that the average person prefers to default to the opinions and edicts of Authority Figures, but we just can't recommend it as a general rule, if one is looking to maximize life outcomes.


(As a side note, it's hughly ironic that the futile use of literally billions upon billions of masks has lead to such an awful effect on the environment - right on the back of the banning of straws and plastic bags...)

“Do something” is not science, and it shouldn’t have been public policy.

If anything has been learned over the past few weeks following the unusual spate of naturally caused emergency events in...

If anything has been learned over the past few weeks following the unusual spate of naturally caused emergency events in New Zealand, surely it should be this:

"Experts" simply aren't the High Priesthood of accuracy and truth that the vast majority of the population appear to think they are.
They didn't predict a once in a multi-generational flood event in Auckland, but they were quick to warn of subsequent "events" - complete with multiple emergency alarm warnings blared out from our mobile devices - in Auckland that never really materialised, in order to cover themselves after the horse had well and truly bolted on the first event that was missed.

They didn't predict a scale 6 earthquake in Wellington, or larger ones in Turkey for that matter. (I remember at primary school being told of these clever seismic readers that allowed for the predicting of earthquakes - great for reassuring young and impressionable children for sure, but also largely bo****ks it seems).

They predicted a catastrophic cyclone hitting Auckland (perhaps strongly biased by the fact they had already missed a catastrophic Auckland event just weeks earlier); but basically gave little mention to the possibility of it unleashing the worst of it onto the Hawkes Bay region.

This isn't to say these aren't good people, attempting their best - because I'm sure they are.

And it isn't to say that in some fields, where accountability is certain and as such the scientific work is more exacting and precise (e.g. the world of engineering - in which I'd also include medical surgery) experts don't have my utmost respect - because they certainly do; but one mustn't then attribute the engineer's/surgeon's degree of expertness and precision across to other much "softer" and much less accountable scientific fields.

It is to say that this fetishizing of conventionally accepted "Experts" as the accurate and absolute arbiters of !Science! related knowledge wears thin on those of us who over the recent years have kept track of just how wrong conventionally accepted !Science! "Experts" and authority figures so often turn out to be.

Just because such authority figures state that a novel virus may have a catastrophic infection fatality rate of up 3-5% does it mean that it does (or indeed, nor does it mean that the balance of available evidence, at any stage, actually supported such preposterous and fearmongering claims).

Just because such Experts and authority figures state that unprecedented and prolonged lockdowns are an obvious beneficial choice, simply doesn't make it so (particularly when there is little quality evidence, at any stage - and most certainly in hindsight - to suggest such a stance).

Just because such Experts and authority figures state emphatically over and over that certain novel forms of medical treatment are virtually 100% safe and virtually 100% effective, simply does not mean that they are (particularly when so much profit for MegaCorp is involved, and even more so when the manufacturers' own initial studies indicate nothing of the sort. And of course again, particularly in hindsight).

And yet the average person absolutely wants (or even needs) experts/authority figures to tell them what to believe, what to worry over, what to remedy with, so as to comfort oneself that they don't need to worry about having to work anything out for themselves.

Because, admittedly, many can't, and most don't want to.

And so nothing will change in this respect.



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