KOLLAMIGOS is an online web portal developed and created by Bogle Technologies . The soul purpose of Kollamigos web portal is to develop tourism in
Kollam and near by cities. You can find everything and anything you
want to know about Kollam like different tourism attractions, movie
show times , what's happening around the city and much more. Our team
is trying there level best to cover all the a
ctivities and events that
are happening in Kollam so that you and your family will never miss a
single adventure. if you are reading it you don't need any introduction to this site. The discussion's section of Kollamigos will be updated once in
everyone week. The topics will be selected our communities top
concerns. The discussions are powered by discuss and you can use your
Facebook account to comment.. The news section covers day to day activities happening at Kollam and
near by cities . The news will be added as soon as possible that is
when our team comes to know about it and we will make sure we update
at least 5 times a day and the topics will be of course Non -
politics. The gallery of kollamigos is where you can find all the interesting
pictures of main tourist attractions of kollam. The gallery already
has more than 50pictures an our crew giving there best to make it more
than 100 by next month. Under the talkies section we cover movie show times of theatres
around Kollam and we don't just say show times we bring you the
complete details of the movie with a perfect review, cast & crew
kolam is a Greay place to be in but when you are here you won't notice
it but you will realise it soon after you left the place.