The site is intended for readers over the age of 18 years old and is satirical in nature. If it makes a point or helps you to have some sort of a societical or personal epiphany, this has also been by accident. We are open to reader ideas and feedback but currently are not accepting story submissions or job applications. Our intent is to amuse ourselves and potentially find some loyal and rabid Mo
uthFroggers that will be equally amused. Spread the word so that we can expand our operations to incorporate more things for you to enjoy! If you find references or humor to be offensive or confusing, you are in the wrong place. Go visit another site and don’t waste our time with spam or hate mail. If you steal our inventions, that’s fine. We just want a cut. We’re too lazy to really put any ideas into action so 20% off the top will be just fine. For all advertising, press, or technical issue inquires please visit the Contact Us section of the site and we will respond to you as soon as we are able. Enjoy the content MF’ers!! STAFF:
Chief Curmudgeon - Sonny Ashpole
Writers - Devlin "phermones" Malone
Wally Borders
Patterson "corkscrew" Erickson
Contributors - Joshua "I'll write when I fu***ng feel like it" Seater
David "calypso" Von Andoven
Legal - Phillip Oglethorpe
Marketing - Coco Kay