The Wonderful Book of Deliverance
Season 2 Trailer
We have now wrapped up the book of Genesis which means we will continue our study in the scriptures by looking at the thrilling book of Exodus! Please look for Season 2 Episode 1 as we dive into "the book of Deliverance".
"Exodus, in Hebrew Shemot (Names) after its first word, is in many ways one of the most important and spiritually interesting books in the Old Testament. It tells the story of how God freed his people from Egypt and bound them to himself by a covenant. we are given an insight into the way this link with God modified the people's traditional law, and how God's Grace reacted to a broken covenant. Finally we are given through the symbolism of the Tabernacle, which finds New Testament expression in the Epistle to the Hebrews, a picture of how man should approach God in Worship." K.L. Ellison