
Kritzerland Kritzerland is a record label with limited edition soundtracks and show recordings. Kritzerland is a record label and entertainment company.

We release limited edition soundtrack and Broadway show albums, as well as new recordings and singers. From classic soundtracks to the best of Broadway, you'll find everything you need at Kritzerland.

Broadway World has us. Book your tix now - it's gonna be a lovely evening celebrating one of the loveliest men who ever ...

Broadway World has us. Book your tix now - it's gonna be a lovely evening celebrating one of the loveliest men who ever walked the planet. Ticket link in the first comment.

For the 127th Kritzerland show, the evening will be spent honoring and celebrating the life and work of the beloved Richard M. Sherman of the Sherman Brothers. Learn how to purchase tickets.

Here's a little video from a Kritzerland show, wherein I tell the story of how it came to be that Richard Sherman and I ...

Here's a little video from a Kritzerland show, wherein I tell the story of how it came to be that Richard Sherman and I wrote a song together, and then sing it, with Richard doing the piano honors. We would write one more song together for the Sherman Brothers/Larry Cohen musical Levi!, which I directed, when we realized we needed a new song for the second act. In both cases, I wrote they lyric and he the music, then together we finessed both. You cannot imagine what a thrill it was, and we'd perform this song you're about to hear, many times. Also, Sandy Bainum recorded it, its first and thus far only recording. Richard and I shared the most important trait one needs to have: Positivity.

Our 44th Kritzerland show was called These April Foolish Things - and foolish we were for much of it, but not all. Here we have the legendary Richard M. She...


Had a really fun first rehearsal for next Wednesday's Kritzerland show - I'm just gonna say, if you haven't booked yet, you should :) There was no one like Burt Bacharach and just hearing these incredible songs, plus two that NO ONE has ever heard, is amazing, one great song after another - lots of classics, some lesser known stuff, and the two premieres. And our cast - could not be happier with Brittany Anderson, Jason Graae, Kerry O'Malley, Adrienne Stiefel, Robert Yacko, and the just announced Joan Ryan. Our new musical director, John Sawoski is a pleasure to work with and is doing a great job. I'm told that a certain very elusive singer could well be making an appearance. Link for tickets is in the first comment. Use it. Help us fill the place with happy faces - it's really important for this very first show at Catalina Jazz Club. Join co-producer Doug Haverty and me in our tribute to the late, great Burt Bacharach.

Hi all. About three or four months ago we had to take A Time for Singing's cast album off sale until we found the box I ...

Hi all. About three or four months ago we had to take A Time for Singing's cast album off sale until we found the box I knew we still had. We finally found it and so if you missed this, didn't know about, or have never gotten around to getting it, now's the time until they're gone. I will say that this was one of the best produced cast albums and the sound is superb. The score is terrific, too - John Morris wrote the gorgeous music and he told me this was his proudest hour. Great cast, too. Here's the direct link to it.

Richard Llewellyn’s 1939 novel, How Green Was My Valley, was a popular success, so much so that Twentieth Century-Fox purchased the screen rights immediately and released their Academy Award-winning film version just two years later.  The film itself is very musical, with its beautiful score by A...


A couple more Amazon reviews that are lovelier than lovely. Amazon now has the eBook, soft and hardcover and I'll link to the softcover in the first comment and you can then go to the eBook or hardcover from there. Here's the first of the new ones:

5.0 out of 5 stars Let me direct you to DIRECTED BY
Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2024

When I was younger, I wanted to be a director. I grew up watching the films of Frances Coppola, Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Truffaut and Hitchcock, marveling at their protean storytelling abilities as well as their gifts for visual greatness. I didn't make it that far. That's why I love Bruce Kimmel's latest volume, DIRECTED BY. He did make it. He's directed several films, of which The First Nudie Musical is a classic, as well as TV shows, a pair of online series and a host of plays.

Kimmel's been a writer as well as a director, so he knows what it takes to sell a story to an audience. And he presents his lifetime of knowledge in ways that are easy to absorb and follow. He doesn't shy away from telling tales of how to deal with less-than-cooperative people, whether they be actors, writers, producers or critics, but he always approaches a story as a learning situation and how to handle things in the most positive manner possible.

In a world driven by sarcasm, petty jealousies and negativity, that positive approach is a breath of fresh air -- and one I'll be applying to my own life, even though directing still isn't on my horizon. Think of this as a guide to being better in your dealings with other, whether you're a stage director or a mid-level business director. The end effect is the same. It's just that all of the examples used are tied to the dramatic arts, which makes for more interesting anecdotes and examples.

I especially appreciate Kimmel's method of dealing with actors. He tries to work with them to develop the best performance for the production. It worked when he was an actor and his own directors would trust him. In other words, he never compares actors to cattle, a quote that followed Hitchcock for the rest of his life. Again, Kimmel's offering great advice on how to work with others, which doesn't have to be confined solely to the director's chair.

DIRECTED BY doesn't skip the failures or shortcomings in Kimmel's career, as there are as many lessons to be learned from a drawback as there are from a success. You get it all in highly conversational writing that makes it seem as if Kimmel were speaking directly to you.
2 people found this helpful

And here's the second:

5.0 out of 5 stars A must for entertainment fans and arts students, and business people alike.
Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2024

Verified Purchase
Five stars all the way!

When I saw that Bruce Kimmel was writing this book, I was already looking forward to it. (I’ve been an admirer of Bruce Kimmel’s work since his acting on beloved TV shows like “The Partridge Family,” and I was even there on the New York opening night of his now-classic groundbreaking movie “The First Nudie Musical” at the 68th Street Playhouse back in the 1970s.)

And the book exceeded my already high hopes, in entertainment value and (in all great ways) educational value about the fantasies and realities of show business! It’s a must for fans and students and business people alike, and also people looking for a page-turning good read.

I may even buy one :) Those who ordered signed copies, we should have them in a couple of weeks.

And the two new Kritzerland releases are: Tammy Grimes, the debut album for this unique and amazing performer, prior to ...

And the two new Kritzerland releases are: Tammy Grimes, the debut album for this unique and amazing performer, prior to her great success in The Unsinkable Molly Brown and when she was working with Julius Monk. The second release is Mein Freund Bunbury, a delightful German adaptation of The Importance of Being Earnest, generally hailed as the first musical comedy of the DDR. Hummable tunes, in German of course, and great orchestrations and stereo sound. It was a huge hit, filmed for TV in 1970 and revived many times. To hear audio samples and order, just go to


Two new Kritzerland releases for Christmas - our first new releases since the beginning of the year. Yikes. That won't happen again.

Hi all. A little Black Friday sale - all Kritzerland CDs 30% off list price, plus postage. We prefer Venmo to PayPal but...

Hi all. A little Black Friday sale - all Kritzerland CDs 30% off list price, plus postage. We prefer Venmo to PayPal but either will work. Any in-print title. Private/Direct message me here on Facebook and I'll tell you how to make the payment.

And the new Kritzerland release is NOW the final in the Ben Bagley series and it's great - Vernon Duke Revisited Volume ...

And the new Kritzerland release is NOW the final in the Ben Bagley series and it's great - Vernon Duke Revisited Volume III, with Dorothy Loudon, Tammy Grimes, Ann Hampton Callaway, Mary Cleere Haran, and lots of other good folks. Wonderful gems in this volume by a wonderful composer working with top lyricists, you know, people like Ira Gershwin, E.Y. Harburg,Howard Dietz, John Latouche and more. You can hear audio samples, read more about it and order at

And the two new Kritzerland releases are: Cole Porter Revisited Volume V - the final release in our Ben Bagley reissues ...

And the two new Kritzerland releases are: Cole Porter Revisited Volume V - the final release in our Ben Bagley reissues and it's a great one filled with Porter rare gems, wonderfully performed by Tommy Tune, Ann Hampton Callaway, Sandy Stewart, Arthur Siegel, and the divine Julie Wilson. The second release is the original London cast album of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying starring Warren Berlinger and Billy De Wolfe. It's fun, it's Loesser, and some fun bonus tracks to boot. You can read more about them, hear audio samples, and purchase at


T-minus one HOUR! Okay, I promised a last-minute surprise perky perk and here it is - an original song written by me just for you - subject matter is your choice - can be about you, family, loved ones, partner, career or whatever. For this perky perk you'll receive sheet music for the song and a recording done by one of our brilliant Kritzerland performers. You have one hour to grab this completely unique to you perky perk. Or grab another perky perk that catches your eye but let's really try to get this three percent done and hit this puppy clear out of the park. Linkilicious link in the first comment and please comment after so people can actually see this post. Let's confuse and confound those algorithms, baby.


T-minus six hours! And - 146% - we're gettin' closer to 150%. Bit by bit, perk by perk - check out them perky perks that are so perky they're perky - tons of great stuff left amazing stuff, stupendously stupendous stuff. Grab something fun, if price is an issue, PM me and let's see what we can do. Linkilicious link is in the first comment, after which we must all comment in unison whilst singing the score to We Take the Town, because if there's anything the algorithms hate it's the score to a flop musical. We can DO this! Wheee!


T-minus seven hours! But I think we need a drum roll right about now because: 145%!!! You people are not only amazing, you're AMAZING. A mere five percent more and we're at 150% - just a dream away. We can DO this. So many great perks left so check 'em out, grab one, and let's see just how far to infinity and beyond we can go! Wheee! Linkilicious link is in the first comment and I think this here update should have a LOT of comments, don't you? Seven more hours!


Good morning, good day, how are you this beautiful day? Yes, it's the final day of our campaign and I can tell you with certainty that it ends this evening at precisely 11:59, for those who like last-minute things. As of noon we have twelve hours to go to infinity and beyond - I prefer beyond, of course, but infinity also works. So, check out them perky perkilicious perks - plenty to choose from, including lots of OOP soundtrack and show CDs, and I've just added back a couple of things that sold out, and then check back frequently during the day and evening because you never know what surprises, perk-wise, might be in store. Let's put on our Friday clothes and end this thing with The Big Finish, let's show 'em how it's done, so we can celebrate with a parade in town with seventy-six trombones leading the big parade. We can DO this, so let's puuuuuush. We're at 131% currently. Dare we dream of 140%. Let's. Let's just dare to dream because sometimes we're makin' our dreams come true! Linkilicious link is in the first comment, then please comment to your heart's content because then we can watch the algorithms get confused due to all that engagement and I don't know about you but there can't be enough confused algorithms.


First things first because first things second is unseemly and causes chaos: 125%!!! That's what I'M talkin' about. Second things second: We've just entered our last forty-eight hours of the campaign and we do so love last-minute action. Dare we dreamers dream of 130%? Wouldn't that be a dreamy dream? Doesn't hurt to try, so check out them perky perks, of which there are perky perks aplenty, grab one if it's winking at you and if it's a bit beyond what you can pay simply PM me here on Facebook and we'll see what we can do. Those who've PMd me about stuff have been VERY happy with the resulting result. So, let's bring this puppy home in high style, like gogo boots and flared paisley pants. Linkilicious link is in the first comment, and then you can also leave comments in the comment section because, well, all the best people do - it's simply done - and it does play havoc with the algorithms of this jernt. I'll probably put up a couple of new perky perks in a few hours. We can DO this!


Last Friday, rather amazingly, we hit 100% of our goal. Since then, rather amazingly, we've gone up to 120% of our goal and the idea is to go as fer as we can go - the more we raise, the more CD releases, both soundtracks and shows, we can do and the more Kritzerland shows we can do. We've put up quite a few new perky perks so check 'em out. The linkilicious link to the campaign is in the first comment. Five days to go. How high can we go? We can DO this because you people are AMAZING!


92%!!! You people are AMAZING. Let's keep it going. Lots of new perky perks have been added, so check 'em out. Thanks to all, and let's begin heading to 95% and infinity and beyond! 🙂 Linky link in the commenty first comment, and then be sure to comment and share as well as share and comment. Lots of incredible and unique perky perks left - check 'em out, grab one, or PM me if the price isn't right for you. We can DO this!

Okay, the long, slow weekend is over and it's high time we put some more GoGo into our Indiegogo campaign and to that en...

Okay, the long, slow weekend is over and it's high time we put some more GoGo into our Indiegogo campaign and to that end there are some new perky perkilicious perks up, plus some still great perks that were already there, including rare show and soundtrack CDs and other coolicious stuff - something for everyone and everyone for something. In the new batch, there's a signed Sondheim first edition of Anyone Can Whistle (the rarest Sondheim first edition), there's a fun drawing of Ariel by one of the Disney artists who worked on her in The Little Mermaid, a signed card by Marlene Dietrich, and later today I'll put up the original painting for one of the Lost in Boston albums, a little chance to own a piece of recording history. Link is in the first comment. We really need to get past 80% before going into our final week in a couple of days - we can DO this! #/

Help us to keep Kritzerland going and doing more CDs and shows | Check out 'The Kritzerland Campaign' on Indiegogo.

And so we begin week three of our Indiegogo campaign. Second and third weeks are notoriously difficult for campaigns, bu...

And so we begin week three of our Indiegogo campaign. Second and third weeks are notoriously difficult for campaigns, but we had quite a good second week, going up more than 18%. I'm hoping we can do the same for week three because if we do we'll be VERY close to reaching our goal. Of course, wouldn't it be wonderful to reach it sooner and relieve some of the tension 🙂 Old Jewish people, after all, don't need tension. There are new perks up and there are many incredible things you can grab at all price ranges. The Perk of the Day has just gone up, an original gouache painting by the classic Disney artist, Retta Scott, a concept/story painting done for a never-filmed Disney project in 1946 called Toinette's Philip. Ms. Scott worked on Bambi, Dumbo, and Fantasia, and was the first woman ever credited on a Disney animated film. The detail and color and joy in this painting is incredible and I'm already regretting pricing it so low, but what's done is done. A chance to own a real piece of Disney history and I guarantee you you'll be the only one on your block to have anything like this 🙂 Link is in the first comment, and the painting is right here for your eyeballs. Let's have a great start to our third week, please - come on in, the water's fine.


All right, we're heading to the end of the second week of our Indiegogo Kritzerland campaign - we're still at 62%, which is great, but now we need to climb every mountain to have the sound of music and I have confidence we can do something good so check out them perkilicious perky perks, including the ones added over the weekend, for some of my favorite things. The Perk of the Day is the Masquers 50th hardcover anniversary book. The Masquers was a very famous Hollywood club and this book was done as a tribute thing and has the history, fun ads from celebrities, etc. But in addition to the soft and hardcovers that were available to members to purchase, 50 special limited edition copies were made and this is number 47 of the 50.
These special 50 comes with a special page for these copies only and on that special page, 50 celebrities of the day (this came out in 1975) have hand-signed their names. Also included is a typed sheet with all the names listed. I couldn't do the complete list in the perk description, so here it is - an amazing bunch of original autographs in the order in which they appear: Joe Pasternak, Allan Hersholt, Henry King, Jack Mulhall, Edith Head, Leon Ames, Jack Warner, Fifi D'Orsay, Pat O'Brien, Isabel Sanford, Beulah Bondi, Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal, George Burns, Joan Blondell, Tay Garnett, Walter Pidgeon, Ken Murray, Gene Kelly, Jack Lemmon, Fred Astaire, Glenn Ford, and Walter Matthau. 23 amazing signatures - I mean, Kelly and Astaire alone... The only surviving people on this list are Ryan and Tatum O'Neal. So, check it out.
There'll be a few new perks later today or early tonight but do check out the ones that are there and let's get that percentage up so we begin our new week in high steppin' style. 🙂

Looky, looky! 18%! You people are AMAZING. In seven hours. Shall we try for 20%?

Looky, looky! 18%! You people are AMAZING. In seven hours. Shall we try for 20%?

Help us to keep Kritzerland going and doing more CDs and shows | Check out 'The Kritzerland Campaign' on Indiegogo.


And here we go! Read all about the campaign, grab a fabulous perk - a lot of rare stuff including OOP CDs, signed books, window cards, photo shoots, vocal scores, first edition musicals, be an executive producer, an associate producer, be thanked in CD booklets, photos - something for everyone! The first two to three days of any Indiegogo campaign are the most important as it sets the tone for the campaign, so please grab perks early so we come out of the gate as strongly as possible. Please share with every person you've ever met. We can DO this! 🙂 #/


Very excited to launch a new Indiegogo campaign in the morning, this one for Kritzerland - both the label and our Kritzerland shows. We try to make the Indiegogo campaigns lots of fun and boy are there some great perks - we're all about the great perks, so you'll want to check it out right away. The thing we've learned over the years is that we need the first two days of the campaign to be really strong, as it sets the tone for the entire campaign. So, come in early, grab a perk or three (there are some really one-of-a-kind amazing things) and we always add perks as things sell out.

New Kritzerland release - the new off-Broadway cast recording of Love Quirks - previews begin on June 16 at the AMT Thea...

New Kritzerland release - the new off-Broadway cast recording of Love Quirks - previews begin on June 16 at the AMT Theater on West 45th Street. A delightful score by Seth Bisen-Hersh, book by Mark Childers, directed by Brian Childers, about which Broadway World said: “With a score that shines and four strong performers each struggling through very different love stories, Love Quirks is If/Then meets First Date – a new musical for a new generation of a new New York.” You can read more about it and hear audio samples at or directly at


Three new Kritzerland releases coming any moment now. Prepare! :)



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