秉持著men’s uno雜誌品牌精神“ 男人第一 ”:注重品味、熱愛時尚、享受生活、追求自我的設計概念,強調舒適透氣的布料、時尚流行的元素、有型獨特的剪裁、前襠囊袋的集中支撐效果,改善其他品牌不服貼的困擾,適合各種靜態與動態的活動,完美演繹自信都會男人內著的態度與風格。
men’s uno bodywear consistently expresses the brand spirit of men’s uno magazine–good taste, cutting-edge fashion, enjoyment of life and being true to ones’ self. men’s uno bodywear uses a wide range of fabrics, from soft cottons and exclusive functional fabric
to edgy sheer synthetics, with an emphasis on unique style, and designed contour pouch that provides the support your need and the comfort your deserve. The biggest difference between men’s uno bodywear and other underwear brands is a body-conscious design that enhances the figure and will never bunch or ride. Every series that men’s uno bodywear sells best represent the current standards of men’s bodywear fashion. men’s uno BODYWEAR不只有最頂尖的設計團隊,以最新科技獨家開發全方位新素材「BODYTECH甲殼素新柔棉」:100%全天然纖維日本甲殼素加上4T新柔棉。強調六大特色:抗菌、防臭、吸溼、排汗、快乾、親膚,堅持使用「台灣製造」的高成本,men’s uno BODYWEAR致力提供您最時尚的設計與最佳的商品品質。
men’s uno BODYWEAR not only has top design group but develops exclusively all-inclusive material 「BODYTECH」:100% NATURE Fiber CRANYARN from Japan and SHINSOFT-4T FIBER in newest technology, witch emphasizes 6 main characters:ANTI-BACTERIAL、DOR-PROOFING、OISTURE-ABSORBING、ERSPIRATION、QUICK-DRYING、SKIN-FIT. It insists to use high-cost fibers MADE IN TAIWAN to provide you the fashion-design and best quality goods.