A teenage girl went m.issing on New Year's Eve, but the police found her pregnant in the hospital. The mystery of the baby's father and the fight for justice is revealed
A teenage girl went m.issing on New Year's Eve, but the police found her pregnant in the hospital. The mystery of the baby's father and the fight for justice is revealed
The boy discovers his father is seriously in.j.ured and leads the police to the mystery of a tr.agedy in the family involving the wife. Why does the father hide the truth about what happened?
The boy discovers his father is seriously in.j.ured and leads the police to the mystery of a tr.agedy in the family involving the wife. Why does the father hide the truth about what happened?
The mystery of the bur.ning d.e.ath of a homeless teenage boy leads the police to the ho.rrifying truth of Catholic high school girls.
The mystery of the bur.ning d.e.ath of a homeless teenage boy leads the police to the ho.rrifying truth of Catholic high school girls.
The woman found de.a.d floating on the water leads police to the mystery of the female astronaut and the d.irty man's spectacular trick
The woman found de.a.d floating on the water leads police to the mystery of the female astronaut and the d.irty man's spectacular trick
A young girl is found b.e.aten to d.e.ath and the police suspect the strange tattoo is related to the d.e.ath se.n.tence. What really happened to underage girls?
A young girl is found b.e.aten to d.e.ath and the police suspect the strange tattoo is related to the d.e.ath se.n.tence. What really happened to underage girls?
The girl was k.i.lled before her wedding day and the mystery of her fiancé was never revealed. They expose the secret of a double-faced man but a te.rrible tr.auma inc.ident happens to the wife and children.
The girl was k.i.lled before her wedding day and the mystery of her fiancé was never revealed. They expose the secret of a double-faced man but a te.rrible tr.auma inc.ident happens to the wife and children.
An anonymous young man is b.r.utally m.u.rdered and many secrets about his personal life are exposed in connection with the preacher. Does satisfying desire b.etray God's faith?
An anonymous young man is b.r.utally m.u.rdered and many secrets about his personal life are exposed in connection with the preacher. Does satisfying desire b.etray God's faith?
A mysterious letter was sent to the police about the poor little boy, but they discovered a large-scale chemical po.i.s.oning case. The mystery behind the organization's con.s.piracy against the poor people
A mysterious letter was sent to the police about the poor little boy, but they discovered a large-scale chemical po.i.s.oning case. The mystery behind the organization's con.s.piracy against the poor people
A father ab.a.ndons his son when he suddenly sees the police and leads them to a decade-sha.t.tering case involving young girls and a d.irty man. What happened over the years?
A father ab.a.ndons his son when he suddenly sees the police and leads them to a decade-sha.t.tering case involving young girls and a d.irty man. What happened over the years?
A bewildered young girl awakens from un.c.onsciousness and leads the detectives to a world of underground parties and a cyber m.ogul who pr.eys on vulnerable girls
A bewildered young girl awakens from un.c.onsciousness and leads the detectives to a world of underground parties and a cyber m.ogul who pr.eys on vulnerable girls
The mysterious cr.i.minal targets the elderly woman and cold-blo.o.ded m.u.rder of an innocent boy. Will the police take the side of justice?
The mysterious cr.i.minal targets the elderly woman and cold-blo.o.ded m.u.rder of an innocent boy. Will the police take the side of justice?
D.a.ngerous cr.i.minal escapes from pr.ison and plans to ps.ychologically manipulate Detective Benson. What happened between them and his secret targeting the female detective?
D.a.ngerous cr.i.minal escapes from pr.ison and plans to ps.ychologically manipulate Detective Benson. What happened between them and his secret targeting the female detective?
A young girl is at.t.acked at the midnight but they find something shady in her story about the hate cr.i.me. Will the police reveal the truth about dirty men before it's b.uried by a h.oax?
A young girl is at.t.acked at the midnight but they find something shady in her story about the hate cr.i.me. Will the police reveal the truth about dirty men before it's b.uried by a h.oax?
The 17-year-old player mysteriously dis.a.ppeared and the police discovered a te.rrible secret inside the team and the coach. What really happened that made them hide the truth til the end?
The 17-year-old player mysteriously dis.a.ppeared and the police discovered a te.rrible secret inside the team and the coach. What really happened that made them hide the truth til the end?
The 16-year-old girl was mi.s.sing but police put suspicion on her boyfriend who was involved in a local g.a.ng. They also discovered something t.e.rrible had happened to her and her uncontrollable body
The 16-year-old girl was mi.s.sing but police put suspicion on her boyfriend who was involved in a local g.a.ng. They also discovered something t.e.rrible had happened to her and her uncontrollable body
The woman was br.u.tally mu.r.dered in her apartment, the police linked her de.a.th to another unsolved case. It has striking similarities to a string of m.u.rders by a mysterious serial ki.l.ler
The woman was br.u.tally mu.r.dered in her apartment, the police linked her de.a.th to another unsolved case. It has striking similarities to a string of m.u.rders by a mysterious serial ki.l.ler
The woman was bru.tally a.b.used but lied to the police. It was difficult for them to reach her and the old lady's story was turned over after 34 years
The woman was bru.tally a.b.used but lied to the police. It was difficult for them to reach her and the old lady's story was turned over after 34 years
Ab.a.ndoned baby diagnosed with p.ain but left untreated leads the police to many other v.ictims. False beliefs c.ost them their l.ives
Ab.a.ndoned baby diagnosed with p.ain but left untreated leads the police to many other v.ictims. False beliefs c.ost them their l.ives
The woman was a.t.tacked multiple times but was afraid to report it and hid it for 15 years. The police discovered the ter.rible cri.mes of the serial cri.m.inals in many places but never got caught
The woman was a.t.tacked multiple times but was afraid to report it and hid it for 15 years. The police discovered the ter.rible cri.mes of the serial cri.m.inals in many places but never got caught
A young girl is unconscious at the party but turns into a m.u.rder case. Police discovered unexpected evidence related to 2 dirty men who everyone respected
A young girl is unconscious at the party but turns into a m.u.rder case. Police discovered unexpected evidence related to 2 dirty men who everyone respected
The man was a.t.tacked but was afraid to tell the truth but the police discovered his di.rty story and 2 other men related to a 14-year-old girl at the summer camp that year
The man was a.t.tacked but was afraid to tell the truth but the police discovered his di.rty story and 2 other men related to a 14-year-old girl at the summer camp that year
A man is found st.a.bbed in a parking garage and detectives uncover his secret related to the sw.ing club. The illusion of blind love leads the man to a de.ad end.
A man is found st.a.bbed in a parking garage and detectives uncover his secret related to the sw.ing club. The illusion of blind love leads the man to a de.ad end.
The female host receives a bl.oody scarf and de.ath thre.ats that lead the police to the connection with her sister's cold case. Why is the serial k.i.ller still following her after 25 years?
The female host receives a bl.oody scarf and de.ath thre.ats that lead the police to the connection with her sister's cold case. Why is the serial k.i.ller still following her after 25 years?
A single mom and her daughter are br.u.tally mu.r.dered in their apartment and the connection to an old man with amnesia. Can the police stop the k.iller before there are more vi.c.tims?
A single mom and her daughter are br.u.tally mu.r.dered in their apartment and the connection to an old man with amnesia. Can the police stop the k.iller before there are more vi.c.tims?
The girl is at.t.a.cked by a d.irty man and the police discover there are v.ictims in the past as well. The mystery of the poor old woman with an unrelenting heartache
The girl is at.t.a.cked by a d.irty man and the police discover there are v.ictims in the past as well. The mystery of the poor old woman with an unrelenting heartache
A woman witnesses her friend f.all from a building and leads the police to her unit's big secret about fr.a.udulent money. The investigation seems to come to an impasse when the police are de.ceived
A woman witnesses her friend f.all from a building and leads the police to her unit's big secret about fr.a.udulent money. The investigation seems to come to an impasse when the police are de.ceived