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Pink Cube Concept Empowering Ambitious Christian Women to become self sufficient and build purposefully. Dear ACW! welcome to Pink Cube Concept, where wise women build.

We are a community of Young Ambitious African Women empowering each other to pursue purpose and build personal and professional stability. Through this community, you'll get better with maximizing your time, learn about positive coparenting, build a home not just a house, prioritize selfcare, and overall become a better woman than you were last year. Our community ethics are guided by biblical pri

nciples, and we uphold diversity and inclusion. We serve single mothers, single women, married women, stay-at-home mothers, divorcees, young widows, business and career women alike. Come on board, and let's ease the journey.


I would encourage you to view the creation of a family vision as a foundational step towards marital unity. It's essenti...

I would encourage you to view the creation of a family vision as a foundational step towards marital unity. It's essential to engage in heartfelt discussions with your partner about the shared values and objectives that will steer your family's journey.

This vision serves not only as a compass for your collective future but also as a testament to the strength and purpose that faith brings into your union. Agreeing on this vision before your wedding is a proactive measure that lays the groundwork for a harmonious and prosperous family life.

TICKET LINK IN BIODiscover the essence of the "Versatile Woman" at the "Wise Women Build Global Summit," set for August ...

Discover the essence of the "Versatile Woman" at the "Wise Women Build Global Summit," set for August 31st, 2024.

Hosted by Pink Cube Concept in Maryland, this event is a celebration of family, wealth building, friendship, and career. It's an invitation to transform your life. Network with purpose, build enduring bonds, and embrace the dynamic spirit of womanhood.

👉🏾Spread the word: Every woman's presence is pivotal. Secure your tickets today!
Experience the power of inspiration and empowerment tailored just for you.

See you soon!

Mark your calendars for the transformative "Wise Women Build Global Summit" this August 31st, 2024! Brought to you by Pi...

Mark your calendars for the transformative "Wise Women Build Global Summit" this August 31st, 2024! Brought to you by Pink Cube Concept, this summit in the vibrant DMV area is a must-attend Maryland event. Dive into genuine discussions about family dynamics, nurturing friendships, money matters, and advancing professionally and personally. It's more than a summit; it's a wealth-building journey. Connect, network, and rejoice in the experience. Spread the word:Sister, bring a sister. Stay tuned for ticket details. An empowering encounter awaits—from us, for you. ❤️🔥🎤👑



HOW MANY HOURs DO YOU SPEND ON SOCIAL MEDIA?Excessive use of social media can have several negative effects on individua...

Excessive use of social media can have several negative effects on individuals, particularly on mental health and social well-being. Here are some of the potential ills associated with too much social media consumption:

▪️Mental Health Issues: Studies have shown a causal link between heavy social media use and an increase in mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Teens spending more than three hours a day on social media are at double the risk of experiencing these issues.

▪️Cyberbullying and Harassment: Social media platforms can be hotspots for cyberbullying, which can lead to emotional distress and lasting psychological trauma.

▪️Social Isolation: Despite being more connected than ever, excessive social media use is associated with feelings of loneliness and social isolation.

▪️Body Image Concerns: Constant exposure to idealized images can lead to body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, and low self-esteem, especially among teenagers.

▪️Addiction: The design of social media platforms often encourages compulsive use, leading to addictive behaviors and difficulty disconnecting.

▪️Sleep Disruption: The overuse of social media, especially before bedtime, can interfere with sleep patterns, leading to sleep deprivation and its associated health problems.

▪️Reduced Productivity: Spending too much time on social media can distract from important tasks and reduce overall productivity.

▪️Comparison and Envy: Social media often presents a skewed reality, leading users to compare their lives with others and feel inadequate or envious.

▪️Communication Skills: Overreliance on digital communication can diminish face-to-face interaction skills and lead to a decline in meaningful personal relationships.

It's important to maintain a healthy balance and be mindful of the time spent on social media. Encouraging real-life interactions and setting boundaries for social media use can help mitigate these negative effects.

A must watch for all parents.

A must watch for all parents.

Tune in let's discuss this pertinent issue...

What age is right for your child to own a phone? Is it just an age or affordability issue?

Are there other factors to bear in mind🤔

See you in a few...

Join the Parenting With Dr. Jen Telegram Channel here


Only those who care for you deeply, can hear you when you're quiet.

Dear Ambitious Christian Woman, As we embark on a new week, let's reflect on the wisdom of Proverbs 25:28, which reminds...

Dear Ambitious Christian Woman,

As we embark on a new week, let's reflect on the wisdom of Proverbs 25:28, which reminds us that "A person without self-control is like a city whose walls are broken through."

In the pursuit of our goals and dreams, it's easy to become consumed by ambition. However, true strength lies in balance and self-control. Like a city with robust walls, self-control protects us from being overrun by the chaos of life.

This week, let's focus on building the walls of discipline in our daily routines. Whether it's managing time, balancing work and rest, or making healthy choices, each act of self-control is a brick that strengthens and secures our success.

Remember, a balanced life is not about restriction but about creating a harmonious space where ambition thrives alongside well-being. So, take charge of your spirit, fortify your walls, and let your controlled power be the force that drives you to greatness.

I wish you a week of balance, strength, and remarkable achievements.
May this message inspire you to find your happy balance between your aspirations and your well-being. ~Cate-Bridson Akwen

What habits are we intentionally passing down? Children learn from their parents before their teachers.        #

What habits are we intentionally passing down?
Children learn from their parents before their teachers.


"The Fascinating Womanhood" by Helen Andelin is a book that offers guidance on how women can enhance their marriages and...

"The Fascinating Womanhood" by Helen Andelin is a book that offers guidance on how women can enhance their marriages and relationships. The book has been both influential and controversial, sparking discussions about gender roles and relationship dynamics.

Here are some key lessons from the book:

✅️Embrace Femininity: The book encourages women to embrace and celebrate their femininity as a powerful and positive force.

✅️Understand Men: It suggests that understanding men and their needs can help women create harmonious relationships.

✅️Cherish Traditional Roles: Andelin advocates for traditional gender roles, believing that they contribute to a happy marriage.

✅️Cultivate a Lifelong Love Affair: The goal is to make marriage a lifelong romantic and loving relationship.

✅️Awaken a Man's Love: The book provides advice on how to awaken and sustain a man's deepest feelings of love.

✅️Eight Rules for Success: It outlines eight rules for a successful relationship, focusing on respect, understanding, and support.

CPR stands for (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). This should be a compulsory course prior to issuing ID Cards to individu...

CPR stands for (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). This should be a compulsory course prior to issuing ID Cards to individuals.

It's an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when someone's heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can significantly increase the chances of survival after cardiac arrest by maintaining partial blood flow to the heart and brain until professional medical help is obtained.

👉🏿What is your personality type?A woman with a Melancholic-Phlegmatic personality blend exhibits a unique combination of...

👉🏿What is your personality type?

A woman with a Melancholic-Phlegmatic personality blend exhibits a unique combination of traits. Let’s delve into the details:

Analytical and Detail-Oriented: The Melancholic-Phlegmatic is naturally skilled at analyzing everything they encounter. Before taking action, they seek to answer the question “why.” Their cautious approach ensures they make well-informed decisions.

Preference for Solitude: This personality type prefers solitude most of the time. They are not socially active and tend to spend time with family or a few close friends. When attending social events, they usually do not stay for extended periods.

Structured Environment: The Melancholic-Phlegmatic thrives in a structured environment that demands attention to detail. They are systematic, precise thinkers who follow procedures both in their personal and professional lives.

Self-Sacrificing and Self-Critical: They possess a self-sacrificing, self-critical nature. Often, they feel guilt even when things are not their fault. Their strong sense of justice guides their actions.

Systematic Planning: When faced with new projects, they take their time to collect and review information. Their decisions are deliberate and well-thought-out. However, they may struggle with taking action.

Difficulty Sleeping: The Melancholic-Phlegmatic’s mind is always active, making it challenging for them to fall asleep. Late nights are spent thinking, reviewing, and planning.

Quality-Oriented: They appreciate quality and seek to do things right. Their attention to detail ensures they operate from a well-organized plan.

👉🏿IS WORK LIFE BALANCE A REALITY?Imagine the transformation in our family lives, if we channeled just a fraction of the ...

Imagine the transformation in our family lives, if we channeled just a fraction of the dedication and focus, we invest in our careers into building our homes. By doing so, we could cultivate a family system that approaches perfection.
As a Christian life coach, I encourage ambitious women to consider the powerful impact of applying the principles of discipline and mindfulness from your professional life to nurturing and strengthening your family bonds. It's about creating a happy balance that enriches both areas of your life. Remember, a harmonious home can be the foundation of success in every other aspect of your life. ~CBA


Remember, it's important to regularly review and adjust your time management strategies to find what works best for you and your household.
Improving time management at home can make a significant difference in your daily productivity and stress levels. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Work Out Your Week by using a weekly planner to map out your tasks. This helps you understand your commitments and the time you have available for other activities outside your home.

2. Create a 'Landing Strip' by designating a specific spot for commonly used items like keys, phones, and wallets. This reduces the time spent searching for these items when you're in a hurry.

3. Delegate Tasks by identifying chores or tasks that can be handled by other household members. Investing time in teaching them now can save you time in the long run.

Wishing you an amazing week.

In Cameroon, it was common for mothers to take an active role in the upbringing of children, while fathers typically con...

In Cameroon, it was common for mothers to take an active role in the upbringing of children, while fathers typically concentrated on providing financial support. This meant that mothers were often the ones closely involved with the children's day-to-day welfare. However, for the foundation of strong Christian homes, it's essential for both parents to participate actively, regardless of whether they live together or apart. Creating a family involves more than merely holding the titles of mother and father; it demands a shift in how parents view their roles and responsibilities.

❓️What is your idea of

The Wise Woman Build-Global Experience empowers Christian women to excel in life's many roles through Pink Cube Concept'...

The Wise Woman Build-Global Experience empowers Christian women to excel in life's many roles through Pink Cube Concept's inspiring events, guided by faith and strategic excellence. We begin in less than 24hours| April 06 | God we are grateful.

An entitlement mentality is a sense of deservingness or being owed a favor when little or nothing has been done to deser...

An entitlement mentality is a sense of deservingness or being owed a favor when little or nothing has been done to deserve special treatment. It's often characterized by a "you owe me" attitude and is considered a narcissistic personality trait. This mentality can negatively impact interpersonal relationships and mental health, leading to conflict, unhappiness, and depression.

These steps can help shift the focus from self-centered expectations to a more balanced approach.

1. Practice gratitude and humility: This helps in becoming more responsible and considerate.

2. Recognize and challenge entitled thoughts: Acknowledge insecurities or behaviors that drive entitlement and understand that the world does not owe anything.

3. Differentiate between needs and wants: Learn what is essential and what is additional.

4. Focus on controllable aspects: Concentrate on actions and efforts rather than outcomes.

5. Promote others' successes: Engage in celebrating others' achievements to foster a sense of community and shared joy.

Please share this with at least two persons.

Using this multi-purpose quarterly planner can be incredibly beneficial for all-around stability. Here are three compell...

Using this multi-purpose quarterly planner can be incredibly beneficial for all-around stability. Here are three compelling reasons to consider:

✅️ Enhanced Focus: Quarterly planning allows you to concentrate on short-term goals, making them more manageable and achievable within a 90-day period. This focused approach can lead to increased productivity and a clearer direction for the tasks at hand.

✅️ Regular Progress Review: It provides regular checkpoints to review and adjust your strategies. This means you can stay on track with your objectives and make necessary changes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

✅️ Strategic Alignment: By breaking down annual goals into quarterly segments, you ensure that your short-term efforts are aligned with your long-term vision. This alignment helps maintain momentum and ensures that every action contributes to the bigger picture.

Make a choice today to maintain a structured and strategic approach to achieving your goals.
🌝 *pre-order today* $40 includes shipping.

WELCOME TO APRIL: A SEASON TO BLOSSOMDear Ambitious Christian Woman, As we step into the second quarter of the year, let...


Dear Ambitious Christian Woman,
As we step into the second quarter of the year, let us reflect on the seeds we've planted. Just like spring, this season brings renewal, growth, and vibrant energy. Here are some empowering thoughts to guide you:

✔️Cultivate Your Garden: Imagine your dreams as delicate buds. Nurture them with intention, watered by persistence and resilience. Each day, tend to your aspirations, knowing that even small steps lead to magnificent blooms.

✔️Embrace Change: Spring teaches us that transformation is beautiful. As the world awakens from winter slumber, so can you. Embrace change, whether it's a career shift, a new project, or a personal goal. Trust that growth lies beyond your comfort zone.

✔️Set Clear Intentions: Just as flowers follow the sun, align your intentions with your purpose. What do you want to achieve in these next three months? Write it down, visualize it, and let your actions bloom accordingly.

✔️Collaborate and Flourish: Like a garden with diverse flowers, surround yourself with supportive women. Collaborate, share wisdom, and lift each other higher. Together, we create a tapestry of strength and resilience.

✔️Celebrate Progress: Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. Whether it's a successful presentation, a new client, or a personal breakthrough, acknowledge your growth. Each petal unfurls, revealing your unique brilliance.

✔️Weed Out Negativity: Just as a gardener removes weeds, eliminate self-doubt, comparison, and negativity. Replace them with affirmations, self-love, and a belief in your capabilities. You are the gardener of your destiny.

✔️Blossom Boldly: Spring flowers don't shy away—they burst forth with color and fragrance. Similarly, step into your power. Speak up, take risks, and let your brilliance shine. The world needs your unique contribution.

Remember, dear women, this quarter is your canvas. Paint it with purpose, resilience, and unwavering determination. As the days lengthen and the sun warms our spirits, let your ambitions bloom into reality.

💌With love and encouragement, ~CBA


Please listen to one of our seasoned speakers.
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Palm Sunday: what does it mean for Christians?

Palm Sunday: what does it mean for Christians?


Guard your heart from and . When Joseph narrated his dream to his family, they didn't pay attention that they(brothers) were referred to as stars, rather they focused on 'who bowed' before who.

Don't lose yourself because you want to be like someone else. Jealousy is a device of the enemy. Support one another to thrive.


How well do you love yourself?

Hello future team member! We are looking for a male or female Facebook team member who is proficient in page management ...

Hello future team member!
We are looking for a male or female Facebook team member who is proficient in page management and content creation.


📆 Les 4 Meilleurs Événements pour les Professionnels ce Weekend

Une série d'événements professionnels captivants vous attendent ce weekend, offrant une opportunité unique d'élargir vos horizons et d'enrichir votre parcours professionnel.

Voici ce qui vous attend :

1️⃣ Masterclass with Fidjil : "Animer un Concert Grand Public en 5 Points"

Le host et animateur Fidjil vous donne rendez-vous ce samedi 23 mars à 10h à Up High Lab, pour une masterclass qui vous dévoilera les secrets de l'animation de concerts grand public. Vous explorerez les cinq points essentiels pour captiver un auditoire lors d'événements musicaux.

2️⃣ Opening Class-Cameroun . : "Des Camerounais pour Changer le Cameroun"

Opening Class Cameroun, un projet de Carine Andela, vous invite à une session inspirante sur le potentiel de changement des Camerounais qui se déroulera à Yaoundé du vendredi 22 au samedi 23 mars. Découvrez comment chacun de nous peut contribuer à façonner un avenir meilleur pour le pays.

3️⃣ Share Hub Days : Atelier sur la Prise de Parole en Public

Share Hub vous convie à un atelier dynamique sur la prise de parole en public ce dimanche 24 mars à partir de 14h à Bali, Douala. Améliorez vos compétences en communication et apprenez à transmettre votre message avec impact.

4️⃣ Wise Women Build Global : "Forging Her Own Path”

An event dedicated to women's empowerment awaits you in Molyko Buea on Saturday 23 March from 11am, offering the opportunity to meet inspiring women and make valuable connections. Explore the theme "Forging Your Own Path" and get ready for a day of networking and professional development organised by Pink Cube Concept.

Ces événements sont l'occasion parfaite de développer vos compétences, d'échanger des idées et de rencontrer des professionnels partageant les mêmes valeurs.

😃 Quel évènement vous tente le plus ?

🌐 + d'évènements sur

Abonnez-vous à Grena Event pour ne rien manquer de l'actualité évènementielle au Cameroun.



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