Integrity and Accountability with Shawn Bostock

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Integrity and Accountability with Shawn Bostock This page is dedicated to ridding Southern Indiana of political corruption.

This page is an op-ed page that uses factual analysis to share opinions of political corruption throughout Southern Indiana.

Where did the get them? John Jones.

Where did the get them? John Jones.

"The citizens and taxpayers of Indiana are being shortchanged and deserve better."


Kennedy bridge shut down southbound again. On the Louisville side there are several cars with blown tires through hospital curve including a three-lane wide oversized load that is stuck in hospital curve with flat tires. Kentucky Department of transportation just corrected that expansion joint last week and reopen those lanes and now people are having blown tires again. So as of right now the entire bridge is shut down at stansider


Mayor Mike Moore today announced that the city will study the fiscal feasibility of establishing its own ambulance and EMS service.

The City had already retained the accounting and financial advisory firm of Baker Tilly to study the possibility of a fire territory in the City of Jeffersonville that would also include Utica and Utica Township.

“It’s time that we take a hard look at whether Jeffersonville should provide ambulance and EMS service for its residents,” said Moore. “We were already looking at whether it made sense financially to create a fire territory. With residents concerns about adequate ambulance and EMS coverage, it just made sense to expand the scope of that study. We want to look at all viable options to ensure that our residents are safe.”

City Council President Dustin White proposed the original study for the fire territory and supports looking at the creation of a Jeffersonville operated ambulance and EMS service.

“We have a top-notch fire department that is well-trained. It is well-positioned to implement and manage ambulance and EMS,” said White. “The creation of a new fire territory could provide us that opportunity.”

Moore said the study will analyze whether the creation of new fire territory will produce enough revenue to support a Jeffersonville operated ambulance and EMS service that would be staffed by trained paramedics and EMTs.

Moore said once the study is completed, its findings will be presented to City officials.

“If the fire territory and the establishment of ambulance and EMS service is economically feasible, then we will have discussions with Utica and Clark County about the next steps,” said Moore.


Multiple sources reporting that New Chapel EMS continues to hemorrhage staff.

These reports come after several days in a row of proper EMS staffing being reported.

Over the last week I have noticed TransCare making several transports in the Clark County area. Once again they are a convalescent transport company, picking up patients from the hospital and taking them to the appropriate post hospital facilities.

I look forward to sitting down with the director of LYNX Ambulance in the coming days.

Sure would be nice if those commissioners would be proactive within Clark County.


Hey everybody I just wanted to touch base.

I'm taking the weekend off. Including yesterday.

Yesterday my middle son was married. And today my brother is taking the vows. So fairly busy. Sitting waiting on an oil change right now so I figured I'd hop on here and explain why I have disappeared over the last 24 hours. I'll see you all after the weekend


I am being attacked by bots again today. If anybody sees bots posting stuff on my page or in the comments. Please send me a direct message. It will appear as a news story about some catastrophic event.

Please and thank you


Breaking news.

Stabbing at Norton Clark memorial hospital. Just outside of the ER entrance. Heavy police presence on scene at this time. No further information from police due to an ongoing investigation.


Had a very nice short conversation with clerk Ryan Lynch of Clark County. I had some questions in regards to campaign finance forms.

I asked, when finance forms are submitted are they reviewed audited or just filed. He said historically they have just been filed. And only if somebody pulls that form and finds an anomaly and files a complaint will it be addressed.

I know he has been working on a computer-based campaign finance filing system for a couple of months. He is still working with that. He is also working towards an audit system that would audit all forms prior to the filing.

Now let's remember, these things are going to take money. Will the commissioners and the council agree to give the clerk's office the extra funding for these things since it means extra oversight upon the commissioners and the council members?

I don't know. My opinion is that the majority of the current commissioners will vote no, and the majority of the existing council will vote no. These people have historically not liked oversight and have fought tooth and nail to prevent oversight.
Questions are not a good thing for many of these people. And they will protect themselves. And I hope by running this story, it tells those majorities that we're tired of it and we are watching. I hope it tells them that the b******* excuses that they have used in the past will no longer be tolerated.


Good morning everyone.

I'm reaching out to you today requesting some assistance. As you know I have been trying to do this completely and solely on my own. I have had assistance from other watchdog groups. And I am very thankful for that. But with that said, if you are interested in learning how to track campaign financials and are interested in helping in an official capacity with some of the workload. Reach out to me. I could use a couple sets of boots on the ground. It's a volunteer position with no benefits.

As Southern Indiana emerges from the sewer of corruption it has been held under for these past decades, we need to make sure that other sewer creatures do not rise to the surface and take command of the political realm and day-to-day operations of the counties in Southern Indiana. And it takes a lot of work.

The bulk of the work that would be required would be to assist in obtaining and reviewing campaign finance reports from candidates and political action committees. It would be assisting with obtaining and reviewing government contracts.

It would mean in person attendance in government meetings on occasion.

What I am asking is not for the faint of heart. Because you will get resistance from elected officials and bureaucrats. Associates of theirs will try to dissuade you from looking into their friend or their financial partner. You will quickly learn about the roadblocks that are thrown in front of some of these document requests.

And in some cases you are going to find that someone you have known since childhood is involved with corrupted practices. You've got to be able to put that personal association to the side and look at the data.

If you are interested, send me a message through the page and we will have a conversation and go from there.

I didn't have time last night to delve into this. This is a wonderful thing. There was an ordinance that prevented other...

I didn't have time last night to delve into this.

This is a wonderful thing. There was an ordinance that prevented other EMS companies from operating in the county. Giving new chapel a monopoly. A government-backed monopoly.

Today is a new day. Clark hospital and nursing homes and rehab facilities can now use different contractors to speed up their processes for their facilities.

Backup EMS contingency plans can be made using these other agencies now.

This is great for the taxpayers of Clark County. This is not good for New Chapel EMS.
I don't know how much longer New chapel can stay afloat. They just absorbed a heavy financial loss losing the Floyd County EMS contract and the New Albany township Fire district contract. Couple that with now going to lose several convalescent contracts.

I have talked to several officials from throughout Clark County. I will tell you there is light at the end of this tunnel. There are a lot of plans being made across the entire county. Once I am given the clearance I will start talking about some of them. But right now it is in the formation. And I cannot expound on it.

Today is a great day.

June 5, 2024

The Clark County Health Department is aware of the concerns regarding the EMS coverage of
Clark County. New Chapel EMS has recently experienced a loss of workforce that has created challenges meeting the requirements for adequate coverage required by the Clark County public safety plan. We have instituted several initiatives both to mitigate the strain on the system by New Chapel’s current shortage and protect the citizens of our county if the issues should worsen. These initiatives include
maximizing the resources available to community partners that either currently assist in EMS response or have the ability to flex up resources to provide EMS services. Additionally, we are adjusting the public
safety plan to allow alternative providers to provide service for transfers and non-urgent transports, as
well as exploring their ability to provide back-up and/or augment 911 response capacity.

We also feel that it is imperative that our citizens have transparency regarding the oversight of EMS operations in the county. We perform frequent monitoring regarding the number of units operating
in the county. In additional, we monitor the response times to every municipality in the county and will
post those on the Health Department website for public consumption. It is important to note that large
scale response times can be an imperfect indicator of an EMS system’s capability, we also have a ‘jot
form’ process that allows real time reporting and feedback of any issues that occur on a specific run.This allows more accurate monitoring and factors in the quality of care that basic response times do not. We will also share the number of jot forms on our website (detailed information will not be available due to patient privacy).

I do think it’s important that our citizens are aware that there has been no interruption in operations. In the time period since June 1st, there has been one prolonged response time (20 minutes) reported, and no jot form reports. We will continue to monitor vigilantly and work on the initiatives outlined above to ensure that remains the case. The Clark County EMS Board has been formalized to provide recommendations both for the short-term management of the current situation and long term
planning for service provision in Clark County after the current contract has ended in 2025. We
encourage your input into this process as we look forward to building an EMS system that provides the
highest level of care for our citizens.

Dr. Eric Yazel
Clark County Health Officer


Wow. The corruption is deep and is flaunted in our faces with no remorse.

The question is, WHO'S NEXT..........

There are so many to choose from.

Let's not forget who was pulling the political strings during this era. The current Indiana State Police investigation i...

Let's not forget who was pulling the political strings during this era. The current Indiana State Police investigation into Noel really only goes back to 2019 due to statute of limitations.

In reference to the video link below, Noel during this time was a very high ranking individual within Indiana State Police post 45. He was an extremely high ranking Republican that controlled who could be on ballots. And let's not forget that during the same time frame Noel became Sheriff of Clark County.

Let's not forget that Noel escorted a couple of individuals out of commissioner meetings during that time for people asking about the charges. One of them a personal friend of mine.

It makes one wonder if there was a quid pro quo presented to Mike Moore by Noel. I'm not saying that that happened but it is a feasible option to look at.

Hey Mr commissioner do you want this to go away? Well you need to come over to our side and be under my thumb.

We are starting to see a picture of Mike more that is not very pleasant in my opinion.

In my opinion we need to start asking questions such as

Mr Mayor, was there ever a quid pro quo between you and Noel to quash the child molestation case?

Did Mr Noel use his political influence with the prosecutor's office to hide your case file?

In the latest financial documents that were released from Citizens In Action Clark County Indiana We can see that a lot of the common players are moving money here and there, are you using your brother's political action committee to bribe local officials and local business people?

The money that John Jones continually donated to The political action committee, the majority of that money went to you Mr Mayor. Was that a layered bribe to have all city vehicles purchased through John Jones automotive group? Because the vast majority of city vehicles that are purchased through John Jones do not require the upfit that police vehicles do.

Some of the other money that was donated to the political action committee that ended up in your campaign comes from business leaders that do business with the city and county governments. Were these bribes?

When laundering money, one must layer it to hide it. That means adding a layer of insulation to the person who is moving the money. By going through a political action committee that would be a form of layering in my opinion.

We can see that several high-ranking city officials were paid "consulting fees".

When asked we were given numerous different responses in regards to why they were paid the money. One individual stated that it was for purposes of planning and operating a golf scramble for the re-election of Mike Moore, if so, that's not consulting, and that's also something that Mike Moore's campaign should have paid the money not a political action committee.

One individual stated to me directly, that he was given money in 2017 for going out on his own time off of the city clock and doing door knocking for the Get the Vote action for, " the campaign".
There's a problem though. There was no election in 2017. The only thing on the ballot at any time in 2017 in Clark County was The West Clark community schools referendum which failed. That vote was only for those living in the West Clark community School system area. Which includes Sellersburg Memphis Henryville and Borden.

Things smell fishy, and it's not the Ohio River.

The proceeding was my opinion based on evidence that was obtained through freedom of information act requests.

In closing I would like to ask mayor Mike Moore to expound on what a "COW KISS" is? He knows what I'm talking about.

Mr Mayor it is my opinion that you should resign immediately and never run for public office again.

A missing court file. A southern Indiana mayor. And s*x abuse allegations that have been a mystery until now. Jeffersonville Mayor Mike Moore says claims he ...

Now is the time to speak up about who you want to lead The GOP in Floyd County.

Now is the time to speak up about who you want to lead The GOP in Floyd County.

Dedicated through cooperation and community to facilitate progress.

Of course no EMS on the agenda. Credit: Citizens In Action Clark County Indiana

Of course no EMS on the agenda.

Credit: Citizens In Action Clark County Indiana


Just clarify..

Rico is a federal charge

Corrupt business practice is the state charge

They basically both are the same but one is state level and one is federal. I do expect federal charges to be charged on a lot of the individuals after the state trial is over


The greatest part of today's hearing had to have been when the judge asked Wilder if Wilder would like the judge to hold the proceedings while he ran across to his office and pulled out the 1.5 million dollars out of the safe


1.5 million dollar bond set


Order granting motion to add additional charges to Noel granted.

Noel will be in court tomorrow to answer to the additional charges. We are now up to 31 felony charges.


As you all are aware, myself and a member of Citizens In Action Clark County Indiana met with the administrator of Indiana Sheriff's Youth Ranch a few weeks ago.

We have not done a story on it yet because we were waiting on some information that we were promised. Unfortunately that information has never gotten into our hands. I have reached out to the administrator again, and received no response from him.

We were supposed to have gotten financials and bylaws from that entity. Still nothing

I will be gathering all my information together to present it to you all within the week.

We need to know if he would be willing to give a pardon to Noel or any of his cronies

We need to know if he would be willing to give a pardon to Noel or any of his cronies


The list of Hoosier politicos with ties to Jamey Noel spreads deep and wide. But commotion over his fall from grace has so far stayed south.


Been a busy busy busy pre-work day day. So the offer of New Chapel providing an ambulance to Clarksville is not an immediate thing. There are a lot of details to be worked out. The details that have been worked out are extremely limited.

It is nothing more than a stopgap idea. For now.

I know Chief skaggs has a wonderful plan that he is working on for the future of Clarksville. I look forward to sitting down with him when he has some free time to discuss their future plans.


You know how I tell you guys that I can't tell you everything?

There is something that happened over the weekend that I cannot discuss because it is not my story to discuss.

But when the story breaks, oh my goodness oh my goodness..

Emailing while apparently drinking is a dangerous combination.


There is an update in the comment section.

It appears we have some minor victories.

I am being advised by extremely extremely reliable sources that two major things are happening almost immediately.

New Chapel EMS has agreed to finally put GPS tracking in their squads that can be monitored by Clark County officials.

Secondly, New Chapel has agreed to donate an ambulance to Clarksville Fire Department for them to staff. Once again I want to repeat that they are donating the ambulance to Clarksville Fire. For Clarksville Fire Department to staff. But the ambulance will remain labeled as a new chapel ambulance.

This brings up a couple of concerns. At the Clarksville fire crew get in a wreck in the new Chapel ambulance, whose insurance is going to pay? Which workers comp is going to pay? Are those firefighters going to receive double pay?

Next, who is going to get the billing on this? Will New Chapel be billing since it's happening in their ambulances?

And let's not forget, yes this is a nice gesture, but yet new Chapel is being paid a government subsidy to provide a coverage that they won't be covering.

Just like what happened over the weekend. You have tri township and new Washington Fire departments making EMS runs and transports that new Chapel is being paid tax dollars to do. This is the same as they had done in Floyd County. Each time they were negligent in their contractual duties and Highlander fire transported, New Chapel still got the tax subsidies.

I understand they are scrambling to do what they can to provide services for the county. But we cannot overlook our tax dollars still going into the coffers of New Chapel through the subsidies.





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