Ceo Devon Gaither has been in the game with over 20 years experience, resources and connections in the game. He has taken pride in hand picking a strong team to assist him in making magic happen for upcoming artist who are serious about climbing charts and making it to the top. The label has been going strong now for four years and will continue to strengthen and go hard. We dont just go hard for
us, we go hard for you and the passion that lies behind Music. Devon Gaither is also an artist. He first hand knows the journey and the struggles of an upcoming star. He strives to give back and is a man of his word. He sets the tone at Involved Records and what that man says goes. He is always open to new talent and ideas. We really like to work with artist that have a full comprehension of the indusrty and if you dont , you can come and learn. Feel free to join us on our expansion and our way to the skies! We set no limitations on ourselves and can never be put in a box. We have a position for everyone. It just depends what you wanna do. you can have your artist distributed through our company! If you are an artist looking for a home , we just might be looking for you! If you would like to contact an Involved Records Representative, send and email with your contact information and music to [email protected] Thank you so much and we appreciate the love.