What is the difference between a dream, a hallucination, and the real world? Sometimes there is no difference at all. They may be exactly the same as far as your brain is concerned.
The nature of reality has been debated by philosophers and scientists for thousands of years. I'm not trying to settle the nature of reality issue today. My goal is to expand your ideas and thinking in this area just a little bit.
I say just a little bit because I don’t want to overload your brain and have it explode. Strangely enough, there is a condition called exploding head syndrome. It sounds like something out of a horror movie but it's actually a real thing.
Want to learn more about hallucinations? Check out the full podcast episode at the links below!
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/hallucinations-are-everywhere-and-sometimes-they-are-real/id1726854861?i=1000652446328
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/204BpqUTTs0M5WTbPLDpRj?si=qUhgO2XJT2KzqwZ-R7dOaw
iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-psychology-outside-the-box-144633843/episode/hallucinations-are-everywhere-and-sometimes-they-167586195/
Youtube: https://youtu.be/z9duF-AoKI4?si=ssgJ3JwmOKYpkK95
Audible: https://www.audible.ca/podcast/HALLUCINATIONS-ARE-EVERYWHERE-AND-SOMETIMES-THEY-ARE-REAL/B0D1NCTCN4?ref_pageloadid=uAhzq4F6qHjde14h&ref=a_podcast_P_c0_lAsin_0_1&pf_rd_p=ef8b1b21-74d0-4bb7-8c33-48388ec241ca&pf_rd_r=8MKYZWYTT9HWPN2BA42R&pageLoadId=bwMfsFkIpvEbVlKK&creativeId=05aa40aa-4cb8-46aa-818c-3a06ddf84ab5