Polk Sun

Polk Sun The Polk Sun is a community newspaper serving Lakeland, Bartow, and Mulberry.

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Right on targetLast week, I had the opportunity to be in the room with Florida State Senator Jason Pizzo from District 3...

Right on target

Last week, I had the opportunity to be in the room with Florida State Senator Jason Pizzo from District 37 as he received the 2024 Defender of the Home Rule award from the Florida League of Cities.
One of the things that he spoke about was what he calls the “Pizzo Target.”
I thought it was a good illustration, and one that could certainly apply here in Polk County as well. I’m changing it up a bit, but it goes a little something like this…
The center of the target is you – your home base – your family, your home.
The next closest ring is your neighborhood. Then your city. Then your county. Then your state. Then your region. Then your nation.
Pizzo said that when he goes to speak to seventh grade civics classrooms, most, if not all, of the students can name the current U.S. President, but few, if any, can name the mayor in their city.
And if we’re being honest, it’s not just the kids. There’s probably a fair amount of adults who would be hard pressed to name their respective city, county and state administrators.
Similarly, those local elected officials are typically not supported with the same enthusiasm or fervor as some on the national stage.
Yet it is the local officials that best know and understand your daily routines – the struggles and the perks. It’s the local officials that know where the biggest hurts lie – because they often feel them too – and whose ears are open the clearest to hear your concerns.
And it is the decisions of the local officials that most affect your daily life. The closer the target circle to your target bullseye, the more directly you are affected.
It is your city and county officials (depending on where you live) who are coordinating with electric companies and broadband providers and waste collection services. It is your city and county officials who are pushing for more money for infrastructure improvements and coordinating with the utility departments within them.
It is city and county officials looking to make sure that our children have safe schools to attend and a variety of recreational complexes on which to play. And it is city and county officials who look for local entertainment, sometimes for the enjoyment of residents, and sometimes as a host location to bring an economic influx into the pockets of local businesses.
In short, those rings closest to your bullseye are ensuring that your normal day-to-day routine is not disrupted anymore than is necessary. Are there growing pains? We all know that there are. We feel them every day. Disruptions happen. But local officials try to minimize them.
I encourage you to get involved with your local governments. Go to city and county commission meetings. Volunteer for city or county committees. Apply to participate in a citizen’s academy in your town.
Be an informed presence and a local voice for the target rings that affect you most, and in the process, let’s keep the hometowns that we love right on target.
Polk County Sheriff's Office
Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
Polk County Government Florida
City of Lakeland, FL - Government
City of Bartow, a Florida Municipality
City of Mulberry, FL Government

Food trends and observationsToday, I’m stepping away from my role as a county commissioner and speaking to you as a farm...

Food trends and observations
Today, I’m stepping away from my role as a county commissioner and speaking to you as a farmer, a profession I've dedicated the last 24 years to, with the past six years focused on organic blueberry farming.
What I've observed in this time, especially as it relates to how people shop for food, is deeply concerning. There’s a significant disconnect between the consumer and the farmer—the very person who grows the food you eat.
When we transitioned to organic farming six years ago, it wasn’t because I was a staunch believer in the organic movement. Rather, it was a pragmatic decision based on understanding consumer behavior, which is often driven by trends. Terms like "organic," "sustainable," "fair trade," "antibiotic-free," and "non-GMO" have become marketing buzzwords, capitalizing on the general public’s lack of knowledge about agriculture.
One of the most troubling misconceptions is the belief that our food is drenched in toxic pesticides. Yet, when you compare the life expectancy of farmers to the general public, you’ll find that farmers actually tend to live longer. And if we exclude skin cancer, farmers live significantly longer, despite their regular exposure to pesticides at levels far higher than what you will encounter in your food.
Why is this? The answer is straightforward: the perceived danger of pesticide residues is vastly overstated. The trace amounts found on your food are measured in parts per million, sometimes even parts per billion—levels that are carefully regulated and monitored.
Now consider this irony: the same consumer who insists on buying organic might also enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. That wine contains ethanol, a substance classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)—the same Group 1 that lists chemicals like benzene, radon, and vinyl chloride. Ethanol in wine is present at concentrations of around 120,000 parts per million, vastly exceeding the minuscule pesticide residues on conventionally grown produce. To put this in perspective, DDT, a Group 2 carcinogen, once a widely used pesticide, has a lower cancer probability than the ethanol in your wine or beer.
What consumers really need to do is pay closer attention to labels. Take Spam, a product that most people look down on, yet it has just six ingredients—all of which you can easily recognize. Now, compare that to a bag of chips like the ones you put in your kid’s lunch everyday—say Doritos—with 39 different ingredients, only a few of which you might actually recognize.
After you scrutinize the label on the food you purchase, I think it will become obvious that fresh produce, fruits, and meats are a far safer choice than the chemistry experiment in most processed foods.
Next week, I’ll delve into the “buy local” trend and explore its implications.
Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
City of Lakeland, FL - Government
Polk County Sheriff's Office
City of Bartow, a Florida Municipality
City of Mulberry, FL Government
City of Lakeland Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts Department
Lakeland Chamber of Commerce


Missing Child Alert from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Tallahassee

A Florida MISSING CHILD Alert has been issued for Cameron Dixon, a black male, 5 years old, 3 feet 9 inches tall, 60 pounds, black hair and brown eyes, last seen in the area of the 100 block of Northeast 11th Avenue in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, who was last seen wearing a blue shirt, and black shorts. The child may be in the company of Leon Dixon, a black male, 5 feet 6 inches tall, 160 pounds, black hair and brown eyes. They may be traveling in a 2019, gray Chevrolet Cruze, FL tag number AJ51GI. The vehicle may have a large dent on
the rear passenger door. If located, DO NOT APPROACH. Contact law enforcement immediately. If you have any information on the whereabouts of this child please contact the Broward County Sheriff's Office at 954-764-4357 or 911.
Polk County Sheriff's Office
Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
Polk County Government Florida
City of Lakeland, FL - Government
City of Mulberry, FL Government

Polk County’s Parks and Natural Resources Division will conduct a 20-acre prescribed burn at the Circle B Bar Reserve to...

Polk County’s Parks and Natural Resources Division will conduct a 20-acre prescribed burn at the Circle B Bar Reserve today. Circle B Bar Reserve is located by Lake Hancock.

During today’s prescribed burn, a portion of the Eagle Roost trail, which is located near the uplands on the southern half of property, will be closed to the public. It is expected to reopen later today.

This prescribed burn is being conducted for ecological purposes. Prescribed burns protect conservation lands from uncontrolled wildfires and support the health of Polk County's ecosystems. Polk County Parks and Natural Resources routinely conducts prescribed burns to maintain the health and ecological function of natural areas. To learn more about prescribed burns as a land management tool, visit Polk’s Nature Discovery Center and explore hands-on interactive exhibits.

All prescribed burns are subject to being postponed or canceled due to weather or other factors.
Polk County Sheriff's Office
Greater Bartow Chamber ofGreater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
Polk County Government Florida
City of Bartow, a Florida Municipality
City of Mulberry, FL Government
City of Lakeland, FL - Government Friends
City of Lakeland, FL - Government

Talk to your kids about the tough stuffby Grady Judd, SheriffAllow me to share with you a piece of advice as this new sc...

Talk to your kids about the tough stuff
by Grady Judd, Sheriff

Allow me to share with you a piece of advice as this new school year gets underway. As a lawman of more than fifty years, I believe it is imperative to speak to your children about the tough stuff--things that may be uncomfortable to talk about with your children, but are very important for them to hear.
And believe me, I get it…. I’m a father and a grandfather. It’s not always pleasant to have certain conversations, but those conversations need to happen so that your children will have the insight to make good choices.
The world is changing, and children these days are facing serious issues that didn’t even exist 30, 20, and even 10 years ago.
Make sure your children know that words matter. Tell them that written and verbal threats can get them into huge trouble at school and they can even get into legal trouble. This includes notes, drawings, verbalization, and even physical actions that infer a threat. And of course, social media is where a lot of these messages get around.
Get through to them that a child carrying around weapons, especially fi****ms and knives, can lead to major problems. There is zero tolerance at the schools when it comes to possessing weapons, and criminal charges will most definitely follow.
Alcohol and ci******es have always been on the list of things NOT to bring to school, but new to the list in recent years are vaping/e-cigs and THC gummies. We have seen too many instances of children getting very sick from partaking in vapes and THC gummies. Your children need to be warned about not only taking these items into the school, but also be warned against ingesting them.
Have a conversation with your kids about cell phone use. Set boundaries; when and where they can use their phone. Talk about cyberbullying—not to engage in it and to stand up to bullies. Make it clear that there's no phone use at bedtime. Set phone-free zones and times, such as during family meals or outings. And lastly, explain that you will monitor their phone use, including texts and social media.
The Polk County Sheriff’s Office is constantly working hard to keep children safe, but the foundation for your child’s safety and well-being begins at home.
Polk County Sheriff's Office
Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
Lakeland Chamber of Commerce
Polk County Government Florida
City of Lakeland, FL - Government
City of Bartow, a Florida Municipality
City of Mulberry, FL Government
Main Street Bartow
Lakeland Fire Department
City of Lakeland Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts Department
Lakeland Marketplace

Polk County Commissioner Bill Braswell YOU can make a difference in this election Next Tuesday is your final opportunity...

Polk County Commissioner Bill Braswell

YOU can make a difference in this election
Next Tuesday is your final opportunity to make a difference by voting in the upcoming primary elections on August 20th.
Several key positions will be decided in this election and will not appear on the November ballot. These include roles such as Property Appraiser, School Board Districts 1,2 and 4, Public Defender, County Commissioner for District 5, and Circuit Judge. Each of these officials plays a significant role in your daily life, from managing property taxes and shaping school district boundaries to overseeing legal proceedings.
Historically, turnout for Polk County primary elections has been around 25%, but it often falls short of this number. Many local races have been decided by just a handful of votes, so every vote truly counts. Remember, all registered voters in Polk County have the opportunity to vote in these elections, regardless of party affiliation. In Florida, while we have closed primaries, if all candidates for an office are from the same party or are non-partisan with no general election opposition, all qualified voters can participate in the primary.
Early in-person voting started on Saturday, August 10. Taking advantage of this option can help you avoid long lines on August 20 and address any potential issues with your voter registration. Note that early voting is not available at your usual precinct, so check the Supervisor of Elections website (www.polkelections.com) for locations and hours. If it’s been a while since you last voted, verify your precinct location before Election Day, as precincts may have changed due to redistricting or other factors, like in my case the demolition of the building used in previous elections.
Additionally, election laws have changed, so it’s wise to confirm your voting status. You can do this easily on the Supervisor of Elections website by entering your name and birthdate to check your registration status and eligibility.
Last but not least, if you are mailing your ballot make sure you sign the back of the envelope, otherwise it will not count. You must also put a stamp on the envelope, or it will not be delivered.
Florida law requires you show a valid ID when voting. Make sure you bring one with you and check the expiration date. For a list of acceptable identification, see the Supervisor of Elections website.
Voting early can help you avoid any last-minute complications on Election Day, so make sure to cast your ballot and make your voice heard.
Polk County Sheriff's Office
Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
Lakeland Chamber of Commerce
Polk County Government Florida
City of Lakeland, FL - Government
City of Bartow, a Florida Municipality
City of Mulberry, FL Government

It’s not yet November, but nonetheless, it is election time.The past several weeks, and last week in particular, was spo...

It’s not yet November, but nonetheless, it is election time.

The past several weeks, and last week in particular, was spotted with political forums and events across the county.

Early voting is well underway, and those of us who are still old school in our voting method preferences will head to our respective polls on Tuesday.

Some will win. Many will lose. But all should be commended for stepping up to serve.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better,” former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt once said. “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

To those who know me, it’s no secret that I’ve been fascinated by another former U.S. president ever since I was a seventh grader at what was then Daniel Jenkins Middle School in Haines City and wrote, at the assignment of Ms. Bessinger, what would become the first of many research papers on the political giant.

Fascinated so much so, in fact, that our son is, in part, named in his honor. He had a little bit to say about public service as well.

In his inaugural address, former U.S. President John F. Kennedy historically said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

With those words, Kennedy challenged his fellow Americans to actively participate in their communities and contribute to the greater public good.

“If freedom is to survive and prosper, it will require the sacrifice, the effort and the thoughtful attention of every citizen,” Kennedy also said.

No matter if our voting tendencies tend to lean blue or red, no matter our opinions on certain candidates and the stances they have boldly taken, I hope that we all can see past the names on the ballots.

I hope that we can see that at the end of the day, each of these names are just normal people who have answered the call to serve the greater public good. Win or lose, they were willing to take a stand for what they believe and work for what they believe our county, our state or our country needs.

Thank you, candidates, for answering the call and standing up to serve. Thank you for showing up.

And at a time when our country is so divided, I hope that our candidates, our voters and our residents alike can keep one final Kennedy quote in mind.

“Let us not emphasize all on which we differ but all we have in common,” Kennedy said. “Let us consider not what we feat separately but what we share together.”
Polk County Fire Rescue
City of Lakeland, FL - Government
Polk County Government Florida
Polk County Parks & Haines City Parks & Recreation
City of Mulberry, FL Government
Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
City of Bartow Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts
Bartow Police Department
Main Street Bartow
City of Bartow, a Florida Municipality


Vote Early This Weekend

POLK COUNTY, FL (August 9, 2024) – Supervisor of Elections Lori Edwards wants to remind Polk County Republican voters that early voting for Florida’s Statewide Primary Election is available this weekend from 9 am until 6 pm this Saturday and Sunday.

“Eligible voters may vote at any of our ten convenient locations around Polk County,” said Ms. Edwards. Early voting continues through August 17th.

Early Voting Locations:

Bartow, Polk Street Comm. Center, 1255 Polk Street

Davenport Polk County Sheriffs NE District Office, 1100 Dunson Rd Community Room

Haines City Haines City Library111 N 6th Street

Lake Alfred NE Polk County Gov. Ctr. 200 Govt. Center Blvd

Lake Wales Lake Wales Family Rec. Ctr., 1001 Burns Avenue

Lakeland Polk County Govt Center, 930 E Parker Street

Lakeland, Simpson Park Comm. Center, 1725 MLK Jr Avenue

Mulberry, Mulberry Civic Center, 901 NE 5th Street

Poinciana, Poinciana Comm. Fitness Center 397 Marigold Avenue

Winter Haven, Nora Mayo Hall, 500 3rd Street NW

For more information, please visit PolkElections.gov or call the Elections Office at (863) 534-5888.
Polk County Sheriff's Office
Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
Lakeland Chamber of Commerce
Polk County Government Florida
City of Lakeland, FL - Government
Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce
City of Mulberry, FL Government
City of Lake Alfred, FL

Want to know more about the candidates? We’ve got you covered! Check out our special political section this week.

Want to know more about the candidates? We’ve got you covered! Check out our special political section this week.

View the Four Corners Special Sections for Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Polk County has closed the Lake Hancock Boat ramp until further notice. The boat ramp, off U.S. Highway 98, is closed du...

Polk County has closed the Lake Hancock Boat ramp until further notice. The boat ramp, off U.S. Highway 98, is closed due to high water flows upstream and in Polk County due to Tropical Storm/Hurricane Debby.
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) needs to operate the Lake Hancock water control structure to reduce flooding impacts in the surrounding communities by allowing water to flow downstream to the Peace River. Closing the boat ramp allows the district to operate as needed and the county wants our boaters to not be put in an unsafe situation.
Panther Point Trail is also closed until further notice.
Polk County Sheriff's Office
City of Lakeland, FL - Government
City of Winter Haven, FL
Polk County Sheriff's Office

Polk County Commission commits $21 million for new agricultural and equestrian centerIn a recent landmark decision, the ...

Polk County Commission commits $21 million for new agricultural and equestrian center
In a recent landmark decision, the Polk County Commission approved an initial $21 million investment for the development of a new agricultural and equestrian center. This initiative aims to replace the outdated Stuart Center in Bartow, which has been in service for 80 years but is now deemed inadequate for the county's evolving needs.
The Stuart Center, limited by its size and lack of sufficient parking, has struggled to meet the demands of a rapidly growing county. Events such as the annual youth fair have increasingly become logistical challenges. The new facility is planned to be situated on county-owned land between Bartow and Fort Meade, adjacent to Mosaic Park along the Peace River. This location not only offers ample space but also aligns with the county's vision of enhancing community facilities.
The project will benefit from a strategic partnership with the Polk County School Board, which is keen on leveraging the new facility's proximity to their recently established campus on the Peace River. This collaboration is expected to foster a multifunctional center capable of hosting a wide range of events, including agricultural shows, equestrian competitions, cattle auctions, and other community gatherings.
Given financial constraints, the project will be executed in phases. The initial phase will focus on constructing two covered arenas and their associated facilities. Future phases will include additional infrastructure to host the youth fair, which is currently held at the Stuart Center.
Polk County's heritage is deeply rooted in agriculture, with citrus and phosphate industries being primary employers for many decades. However, citrus greening has devastated the citrus industry, and the phosphate industry has shifted operations southward in search of new phosphate rock sources. This economic shift has led to large landholders selling off non-productive land, fueling a housing boom and accelerating urbanization, particularly in the northern part of the county.
As Polk County has urbanized, significant investments have been made in youth sports facilities, such as the North East Regional Park, Lake Myrtle Sports Complex, and Loyce Harpe Park. While these have primarily catered to soccer and baseball, there has been a growing demand for facilities to support equestrian events like barrel racing and dressage. The new center aims to fill this gap, providing a venue for these activities and more.
The collaboration with the Polk County School Board opens up a plethora of possibilities for the new center. Plans include potentially reviving a county fair, reminiscent of the popular citrus festival from years past. Polk County remains one of the few counties in Florida without a county fair, and this new facility offers the perfect opportunity to reintroduce this beloved tradition.
Additionally, the center is poised to become a key point in Florida's state trail system, which plans to extend a trail from Naples through Polk County. This trail is envisioned to run through the new facility along the Peace River, enhancing its appeal as a community hub.
The site is also historically significant, located adjacent to the old Kissingen Springs. Although the springs no longer exist, they were once a vibrant social venue. This historical context adds a layer of cultural richness to the new center, blending the past with the future.
As the project moves forward, the Polk County Commission is hopeful that private industry partners will step up to support and participate in this transformative venture. The new agricultural and equestrian center promises to be a cornerstone for community engagement and development, reflecting Polk County's commitment to honoring its agricultural roots while adapting to modern needs.
Polk County Government Florida
Polk County Sheriff's Office
Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce
Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce
Northeast Polk Chamber of Commerce
Auburndale Chamber of Commerce
Lakeland Chamber of Commerce
City of Mulberry, FL Government
City of Lake Alfred, FL
City of Lakeland Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts Department

Commuter safety for the new school yearAs the new school year begins, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyo...

Commuter safety for the new school year
As the new school year begins, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone about best practices for getting yourselves and your children to and from school safely. Please take time as you prepare your children for the new school year to review safety precautions for their daily commute. Whether they ride the bus, walk, are driven, or ride their bikes, it is important that they are always vigilant. Pedestrian and driver safety is everyone’s responsibility – not just parents of schoolchildren.
Last year, 22 Polk County children were killed commuting to and from school. We believe that losing one child is too many. We want to reinforce the importance of being educated and aware of safety at all times, even if the commute has become familiar/habitual.
When commuting by car:
Make sure that you drive in a single file line to maintain the flow of traffic. Drive cautiously. Worrying about arriving late is no excuse to speed in a school zone, it is dangerous! Leave your homes an extra 15 minutes early. There will be an increase in traffic, and leaving early will ensure that you can arrive on time and safely while following the speed limit.
When commuting on the school bus:
Last week we announced the “Safe Stop” initiative, a joint effort with Polk County Public Schools to discourage drivers from illegally passing stopped school buses. While we hope that this will deter unsafe driving around school buses, children still need to be cautious and careful at all times. Make sure your child is early to the bus stop. Wait with them if possible. Ensure that your children stand in a safe spot at their bus stop and are paying attention to the traffic passing by them as they wait. Remind them that it is important to follow the instructions of their bus driver – remaining seated, following directions, and making sure they are aware of how to evacuate their bus in case of emergency are all very important.
When commuting on a bike or on foot:
Make sure that children who commute to school on their bike are wearing the proper protective equipment EVERY DAY. Helmets save lives! Bikers should ride with the flow of traffic and stay in the bike lanes. Walkers, however, should walk on the sidewalk facing traffic, so they can see oncoming vehicles. Both bikers and walkers need to remain vigilant – wearing headphones or looking at your phone as you walk/bike means you are not aware of your surroundings and are putting yourself in danger. Both bikers and walkers need to cross only at cross walks and, when a crossing guard is present, they need to follow their direction.
I believe the most common reason people ignore safety precautions is because they are concerned about being late. While being on time is important, it is nowhere near as important as arriving alive. Slow it down next week. Be cautious, plan ahead, and be aware of your surroundings at all times. We are excited that school is starting again and want to wish everyone a safe and productive new school year.
Polk County Sheriff's Office
City of Winter Haven, FL
Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce
City of Lake Wales, Florida
Polk County Fire Rescue
City of Auburndale, FL Government
Lake Wales Police Department
City of Eagle Lake, FL.
City of Eagle Lake, FL.

From Polk County Sheriff's Office:Eagle Lake man killed in single-vehicle crash near BartowThe Polk County Sheriff’s Off...

From Polk County Sheriff's Office:

Eagle Lake man killed in single-vehicle crash near Bartow

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a fatal single-vehicle crash that occurred Saturday, August 3, 2024 near Bartow.

At about 9:38 pm, deputies responded to the crash scene on US 17, approximately a half mile south of 91 Mine Road.

Upon arrival of first responders, 22-year old Aaron Angel Delgado of Eagle Lake was found with head trauma, and he was pronounced deceased by Polk County Fire Rescue.

The investigation so far, based on witness statements and evidence, determined that Mr. Delgado was driving a black 2008 Ford F150 pickup truck south on US 17 at a high-rate of speed and made rapid lane changes just prior to losing control of the vehicle. The truck left the roadway and rolled multiple times, causing Mr. Delgado to be ejected from it. He was not wearing his seat belt at the time of the crash.

PCSO detectives believe that wet roadways may have been a factor in the crash, and they noted that the tires on the truck had very low tread depth which may have also been a contributing factor.

The southbound lanes of US 17 were reopened after about three hours after the crash, but the investigation is ongoing.

Polk County Fire Rescue
City of Bartow, a Florida Municipality
City of Eagle Lake, FL.


251 Magnolia Avenue SW



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