Based on the most recent opinion polling, Trump will win the electoral college. The main lesson to be learned from the end of WWII and the Cold War is that fascism, totalitarianism, and authoritarianism tend to end in tears, often very bloody ones, but that lesson has been lost in the intervening years. The rise of Trump, the invasion of Ukraine, the Israeli genocide of Palestinians, Brexit, and the re-emergence of hard right parties throughout Europe all challenged the post war liberal consensus that international cooperation, freer trade, economic integration, social inclusion, gender equality, and human rights were the path to greater peace, prosperity, social cohesion, and democratic governance....
Based on the most recent opinion polling, Trump will win the electoral college. The main lesson to be learned from the end of WWII and the Cold War is that fascism, totalitarianism, and authoritarianism tend to end in tears, often very bloody ones, but that lesson has been lost in the intervening ye...