Lizzie Reezay

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Lizzie Reezay Hey it's Lizzie, I'm LizziesAnswers on YouTube! I talk about Christianity & Bipolar Disorder.

Photos from my life of the past week! 1. My first coffee in almost a year! ☕️ 200mg of caffeine daily is safe in pregnan...

Photos from my life of the past week!

1. My first coffee in almost a year! ☕️ 200mg of caffeine daily is safe in pregnancy, but the smell of coffee made me extremely nauseous while I was pregnant and after giving birth. This past week the food aversion finally went away and we got a nespresso machine to make lattes! It is safe to drink 300mg caffeine a day while breastfeeding.

2. It was my birthday so we did a family photoshoot outside! 📸 I love taking photos so much and have a bluetooth remote that goes with my tripod so we can take them ourselves. I have over 34,000 photos on my phone because I love looking back at memories.

3. Dim sum takeout for birthday dinner 🥟 So good! We got this last year too.

4. Birthday cake was so yummy! 🎂

5. Baby contact napping on me! We spend hours doing this every day which is one of my favorite parts of being a mom. I work on social media while she is sleeping.

6. Shōgun is the show my husband and I are currently watching together! We recently got Disney plus and Hulu bundle and it’s been so fun. I’m also rewatching my favorite show Lost and just finished season one.

7. New toy for our baby! It’s so cute.

8. Pesto pasta we made from the cookbook! 🍽️ We used some of the tomatoes from our garden and substituted pine nuts for cashews, because we cannot find pine nuts anywhere.

9. First alcohol in almost a year!🥂It is moscato which is the only wine I like. Since I’m breastfeeding my baby I have to wait 1-2 hours per drink after finishing the drink before feeding her again. We went with 2 hours to be extra safe. I have a huge stash of pumped milk which is why I can drink which is so nice!

Advice for the Catholic girlies! How to talk about contraception & fertility tracking with your doctor:At my 6 week foll...

Advice for the Catholic girlies! How to talk about contraception & fertility tracking with your doctor:

At my 6 week follow up after birth my OBGYN asked me what contraception method I want to use once I resume s*x.

She told me I’ll ovulate before my first period & can get pregnant while breastfeeding. Both correct! LAM method is not reliable.

I’ve seen Catholic women share stories of bad responses from their OBGYN and that they switched OBGYNs or now travel far to see a Catholic doctor.

Neither of these is necessary if you communicate effectively.

Here’s what to say when asked about contraception…

“I track my ovulation with luteinizing hormone tests” Or “I track my ovulation with a basal body thermometer and cervical mucus”

Most women don’t know what LH is or that cervical mucus can inform us on fertility so that communicates to your doctor how you are educated on ovulation.

Here is what NOT to say:

1. “I use Natural Family Planning” This is not specific. NFP is an umbrella term for many ways of tracking fertility all with different effectiveness and can even include the calendar method which is only 75% effective with typical use.

2. “I’m opposed to contraception” There is no reason to be argumentative and get into a philosophical discussion. Just say you are tracking your fertility.

3. “I’m against contraception because of my religion” This is not accurate for most Catholics. Yes we learned NFP from Catholicism, but that’s not why we use it. Even if I left Catholicism I would still use ovulation tracking. Most women who use NFP are not even Catholic. No need to be controversial by bringing up religion.

4. “I track my ovulation and am abstinent with husband during fertile periods” Not necessary to bring up. Most women who track fertility use NFP as a birth control method by using barrier methods during fertile times. It’s not necessary for your OBGYN to know you do abstinence rather than condoms.

If my doctor responded that NFP is not effective and I need to take prenatals I would calmly say “The Marquette Method I use is 99% effective with typical use & 99.5% effective with perfect use. My daily multivitamin has enough folic acid in it.”

I just had my birthday!! So here is my annual photos post from what happened over the past year 🎂1: Family photoshoot we...

I just had my birthday!! So here is my annual photos post from what happened over the past year 🎂

1: Family photoshoot we did on my birthday!

2: One of the many PowerPoints I made for my job at our church! My husband and I teach OCIA (the class people take to convert into Catholicism) and this year we had 5 people come into the church at Easter vigil! Getting to know them on their faith journeys is so incredible. We work in children’s ministry too and I am SO happy that my jobs are all Catholic.

3: Me going to my campus ministry job! For this I do prayer nights, Bible study and hang out events with the Catholic college students.

These two jobs got me through my pregnancy. It was so hard to work being so sick but I needed it so much to give me purpose and joy. So thankful!

4: Taking care of my baby with my husband is so fun! I spend my days holding her because she breastfeeds and then falls asleep on me for her naps. I LOVE being a mom. While I was pregnant I learned that babies don’t realize they are a separate person from their mom, but what I wasn’t expecting was to feel the same way toward my baby.

5: Speaking event I did in September in Michigan! The audience was the best I’ve ever had their facial expressions were so intense! I usually feel more comfortable when I can’t see people’s faces because of the lighting or crowd size but this event changed my mind.

6: Over Christmas this was my last time seeing my childhood cat (named Christmas) before he died. We got him when I was 12 and so he had such a long and happy life! I’m glad he got to meet my baby before he died. Cats (and dogs and rabbits) can hear the babies heartbeat and smell hormonal differences so know when a woman is pregnant.

7: Halloween because I’m a Swiftie!

8: Flying for Thanksgiving! We visited one of my friends from college (also a Catholic convert!) and her family for my favorite holiday. They are my favorite Catholics (who are now our baby’s godparents) so we had such a fun trip!

9: San Diego trip in August! My last trip of the summer. Beach and hiking are my favorite & the food there is incredible too.

10: Maternity photoshoot a few days before baby was born!

Pregnancy journey!🤰🏼It is SO weird not being pregnant anymore because it felt like 3 years of my life. I am really grate...

Pregnancy journey!🤰🏼It is SO weird not being pregnant anymore because it felt like 3 years of my life. I am really grateful breastfeeding is going so well, because it still feels like we are so interconnected and after growing her for so long I love that closeness. Wearing her in her baby sling also reminds me so much of the closeness of pregnancy.

I randomly had an amazing last month of pregnancy with minimal symptoms and so didn’t have this super excited feeling that I was no longer pregnant like I thought I would. I was even a little bit sad at the hospital thinking of how I’d no longer feel her kicks and movements every day.

Instead, it completely blew my mind when I saw her for the first time processing that an actual human came out of me and how big she was and how she had fit inside my bump!

Every Saturday of my pregnancy I read about the baby’s growth in the upcoming week (and bought the fruit or veggie that she was!!) and saw diagrams and ultrasounds of what my baby looked like… but it is still so amazing to me how women can grow life!

Lots of women told me they forgot the pain of childbirth and pain of pregnancy after giving birth and for me I definitely remember! It makes it feel absolutely worth it, that’s the thing that changed for me 🥰

Happy Ash Wednesday! SO excited for my 7th Lent!

Happy Ash Wednesday! SO excited for my 7th Lent!

I’m pregnant! 🥳 Baby girl coming in May!! 💕

I’m pregnant! 🥳 Baby girl coming in May!! 💕

New YouTube video! The word "gaslighting" is often used as a joke and exaggeration! This is problematic, because it desc...

New YouTube video! The word "gaslighting" is often used as a joke and exaggeration! This is problematic, because it describes a very dangerous relationship and we shouldn't use it flippantly. This video is a true analysis of how to recognize gaslighting.

New YouTube video! Themed around my birthday, here are major things I’ve changed my mind on from my early 20s to now! 🎉 ...

New YouTube video! Themed around my birthday, here are major things I’ve changed my mind on from my early 20s to now! 🎉

New video!! After being married for 11 months, here are some expectations vs reality on how marriage actually is for me!...

New video!! After being married for 11 months, here are some expectations vs reality on how marriage actually is for me!


So when I became Catholic I was worried that my guardian angel could leave God and join Satan 👼🏼 (this was my first time believing in guardian angels) I asked my priest & he confirmed that won’t happen!! He said because the angels had full knowledge when choosing between Satan and God, that all of God’s angels won’t switch sides! Amazing news!!! 🎊

I absolutely love these prayers! “Grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console. To be understood as ...

I absolutely love these prayers! “Grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand. To be loved as to love.” 🙏🥹

SO cute feels like LA 🌴🦋

SO cute feels like LA 🌴🦋

“And I’m fading thinking do something babe say something lose something babe risk something” ON REPEAT 🥹😭 my favorite ly...

“And I’m fading thinking do something babe say something lose something babe risk something” ON REPEAT 🥹😭 my favorite lyric is def “I wouldn’t marry me either / do something babe” BRUTAL! can’t believe she wrote something sadder than All Too Well

So cute! 🍨 I had such a fun trip.

So cute! 🍨 I had such a fun trip.

Sun o’clock 🌤️

Sun o’clock 🌤️

New youtube video! ✈️🎒I flew a budget airline where only 1 backpack is allowed….this is how I packed!

New youtube video! ✈️🎒I flew a budget airline where only 1 backpack is allowed….this is how I packed!

SO excited to challenge myself! I'm on my trip now & my backpack was the right size so I got on the plane without an extra charge.👻TIKTOK: LizziesAnswers 🎨...

Sunshine state 🏝️🌞

Sunshine state 🏝️🌞

The ☀️ is such a dopamine hit! I had so much fun 🌴 My dad did some major yard work after this, but I kind of like it mor...

The ☀️ is such a dopamine hit! I had so much fun 🌴 My dad did some major yard work after this, but I kind of like it more wild such a vibe. HOA disagrees tho!

New YouTube video!! If you've never been on a date or had a boyfriend. My intense advice!

New YouTube video!! If you've never been on a date or had a boyfriend. My intense advice!

A relationship advice video!

Another photoshoot in Florida, another day praying the neighborhood alligator won’t come out of the lake 🐊☀️ I was taugh...

Another photoshoot in Florida, another day praying the neighborhood alligator won’t come out of the lake 🐊☀️ I was taught as a kid to run away in a zig zag line if I ever saw one 🫢

New YouTube video! It’s about how God has never spoken to me. My spiritual journey struggling with “God has a plan for y...

New YouTube video! It’s about how God has never spoken to me. My spiritual journey struggling with “God has a plan for your life” theology.

It's been like this all my life. I'm SO curious how many people are the same as me and also never experience this. 👻TIKTOK: LizziesAnswers 🎨 INSTAGRAM: liz...

Water always makes me feel soooo peaceful & 85🌡️ is my ideal temperature ☀️🌄 Here’s the Bible passage that teaches us ho...

Water always makes me feel soooo peaceful & 85🌡️ is my ideal temperature ☀️🌄 Here’s the Bible passage that teaches us how to live in peace:

Philippians 4: “4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.” 📒🙏

New video!! Why Catholics have the Crucifix rather than an empty cross. The deeper meaning of the Crucifix than many non...

New video!! Why Catholics have the Crucifix rather than an empty cross. The deeper meaning of the Crucifix than many non Catholics don't know about.

I HATED Crucifixes growing up. This is why I changed my mind.📚 My Amazon Storefront of theology books:

My favorite place! 🏝️☀️🌊 Live Photo has made these jumping pictures WAY easier 😂

My favorite place! 🏝️☀️🌊 Live Photo has made these jumping pictures WAY easier 😂

How to live immersed in peace: 9 things to do! 🙏🌊1. Read the Bible right when you wake up ☀️📒 When Scripture is the FIRS...

How to live immersed in peace: 9 things to do! 🙏🌊

1. Read the Bible right when you wake up ☀️📒 When Scripture is the FIRST thing you do as you’re eating breakfast it sets the whole day to be happier. Even if you only have 3 minutes— open your Bible to read something! If you’re on the go, listen on the You Version Bible app.

2. Start showing up early. ⏰ I struggle with getting places on time. Planning to be early to everything has given me tons of peace.

3. Go outside! 🌳🌺 Being in nature, even taking a quick walk around the neighborhood reduces stress.

4. Pray short prayers at random times throughout the day. 🙏❤️ If you are having an intense conversation, see a homeless person looking sad, interact with someone who’s angry, etc. pray for them silently. Prayer doesn’t always need to be this lengthy thing. It can be one sentence. Petitionary prayer always makes me feel less stressed.

5. Working out! 🏋️‍♀️🏃‍♀️Any stress, anger or sadness diminishes when I’m at the gym.

6. Stop procrastinating on work. 📄💻 A few weeks ago I decided to get ahead on all of my jobs! It’s life changing going into each day and already being prepared.

7. Medication! 🧠💊Last year I had a depression & anxiety episode for a month. Once I added on another medication all of the anxiety and depression went away in 1 week. Thanks Zyprexa! 😌 If you have the possibility of a mental illness diagnosis go to a therapist or Psychiatist. Add on medication if you have something! It could change your life.

8. Listen to music! 🎧 I usually have something in my headphones when I’m working, waiting in line, at the gym, cooking, commuting to work. YES times of silence are important too, but music makes it so I’m never bored and in an upbeat mood.

9. Get to Mass 10-15 minutes early and stay after. 🫓🍷 Use this time to read a theology book, pray, and reflect on your life. If you can throughout the week, also come to just pray in the Church in front of the Eucharist. Silence is precious and having a time to be still before God and just think, read, pray etc. will surround you in peace.

This is next to my arts high school in Florida! 🎨🎬 I remember being SO annoyed having to take our required film and tv p...

This is next to my arts high school in Florida! 🎨🎬 I remember being SO annoyed having to take our required film and tv production classes, because I just wanted to do creative writing. I ended up falling in love with video editing and after my sophomore year created my YouTube channel because of that passion! In my debate classes I learned public speaking (which helped me SO much with youtube) and developed my passion for philosophy. If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have majored in philosophy in college which super helped me become Catholic 🇻🇦 I always thought YouTube would stop being trendy and never could’ve imagined that 13 years later it would still be a platform I loved posting on! This year I’ve been uploading new YouTube videos every Saturday! It’s my new upload day & I’ve had SO much fun producing the videos 🥺



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