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Dad Still Standing This is somewhere men can visit to find some inspiration, find some comfort and realise that “it?

🎙️ End of Season 3 – Thank You for Joining Us! 🎙️As we wrap up Season 3 of the Dad Still Standing podcast, we want to ex...

🎙️ End of Season 3 – Thank You for Joining Us! 🎙️

As we wrap up Season 3 of the Dad Still Standing podcast, we want to extend a massive heartfelt thanks to all our listeners. This season has been incredibly meaningful, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to share these important conversations with you.

Here’s a recap of the episodes we dropped this season:

1 - Pregnancy After Loss
2 - Multiple Losses
3 - Social Media
4 - Regrets
5 - Impact on Careers
6 - Escaping the Rut
7 - Spotlight on loss with James Green
8 - Healing and Justice: Legal Action After Baby Loss
9 - Feliz NaviDads
10 - Complexities of Grief
11 - Supportive Partners
12 - Pregnancy Announcements
13 - The Guilt of Happiness
14 - Sad Dads Club

We hope you’ve found the podcast helpful, as always we’re just in this to give the kind of support that wasn’t around for us both through our losses. Having a little break over the summer before coming back with Season 4 and having it large like usual.

A big shout out to and for making us sound sexy this season and to some of our incredible guests from , , and the brilliant dads from the

As always, DMs are open so get in touch if you need us and if you can give the pod a review that really helps.

Stay safe and smilling folks, we’ll be back soon.

Matt & Liam

However you held your baby, you are a father. This Father’s Day, and everyone from here on, is a day to celebrate the li...

However you held your baby, you are a father. This Father’s Day, and everyone from here on, is a day to celebrate the little lives that mean so much to us and your place in their world as dads.

Happy Father’s Day Dads.

We love you all.

In the season three finale coinciding with Father’s Day, we’re joined by the incredible bereaved parents behind Sad Dads...

In the season three finale coinciding with Father’s Day, we’re joined by the incredible bereaved parents behind Sad Dads Club. Jay, Rob and Chris dialling in from the USA share the story of their losses and the impactful work they are doing to support fathers across America (and the world) with their grief.

The three dads give advice ahead of Father’s Day, and we also do a little round-up of the season, sharing our favourite highlights. Make sure you give the a follow and check out their instagram channel. It’s always full of insightful and moving content. These guys are such a powerful resource as we grapple with grief.

Download the podcast wherever you get yours by searching ‘Dad Still Standing’.

Supporting a partner through Father’s Day after the loss of a baby can be incredibly challenging. Here are our  top five...

Supporting a partner through Father’s Day after the loss of a baby can be incredibly challenging. Here are our top five tips to help:

1️⃣ Acknowledge the Day: Let them know you understand how tough it is.
2️⃣ Encourage Open Communication: Create a safe space for them to share their feelings.
3️⃣ Plan Together: Respect their wishes on how they want to spend the day.
4️⃣ Honour the Memory: Find meaningful ways to remember and honour their baby.
5️⃣ Provide Emotional and Practical Support: Offer comfort, understanding, and help with daily tasks.

Every individual grieves differently, so it’s essential to tailor your support to what feels right for your partner. Your presence, empathy, and understanding can make a massive difference

How long did it take you to realise you weren’t the only loss parent in the world? The amount of our listeners who reach...

How long did it take you to realise you weren’t the only loss parent in the world?

The amount of our listeners who reach out to say they feel completely alone is heartbreaking. There’s nothing worse than going through the pain of grief while feeling isolated. One of the main things you can do, when the time is right, is to reach out to groups, forums, charities and social media to find others who have lost.

The solidarity in our community is strong and remains one of the main reasons people keep going through the pain. But we also need to share our stories so others have the chance to find them and feel comfort.

So much pressure to feel and act a certain way with your grief. But it’s really about you working out what you want or n...

So much pressure to feel and act a certain way with your grief. But it’s really about you working out what you want or need to feel in the moment, and that can change throughout the day as well.

Checkout the podcast where we chat about this in depth and more…

How much of how we feel about our grief is dictated by those around us? Our latest episode is all about the guilt of fee...

How much of how we feel about our grief is dictated by those around us?

Our latest episode is all about the guilt of feeling happy whilst also in grief. It’s something all of us will have felt at some point in this tragic journey. But in and amongst all of the sadness, we have to have moments where we want to smile and allow that to happen.

Check out the episode by searching ‘Dad Still Standing’ wherever you get your pods.

It’s podcasting time!!! Sorry for the delay folks but we’re back after a little mental health break. In this episode, we...

It’s podcasting time!!! Sorry for the delay folks but we’re back after a little mental health break.

In this episode, we delve into the complex emotions that come with feeling happiness after experiencing a profound loss. Many of us grapple with guilt when moments of joy peek through our grief - wondering if it’s okay to feel happy and questioning what it means about our mourning.

We explore not only the personal dimension of this guilt but also how perceptions - both our own and those of people around us - shape these feelings.

We also chat about the sources of this guilt, whether it is internal expectations or external pressures, and how to understand the emotional landscape that tells us it might be too soon or somehow disrespectful to find joy in life again.

Join us as we break down these barriers, encouraging a dialogue about emotional honesty and the right to reclaim joy without reservation.

Today, on International Women’s Day, we stand in solidarity with the incredible women in our lives. To the mothers who h...

Today, on International Women’s Day, we stand in solidarity with the incredible women in our lives. To the mothers who have faced unimaginable loss, the partners who walk beside us in our grief, and the sisters, friends, and allies who support us: your strength, resilience, and compassion light our way.

Today, we celebrate you, honour your journeys, and acknowledge the indispensable role you play in our healing and in championing a world of equality and understanding.

Oooh it’s a controversial episode this week. Pregnancy announcements…are we happy for people? Does it just compound our ...

Oooh it’s a controversial episode this week. Pregnancy announcements…are we happy for people? Does it just compound our own misery more? Why do they suddenly start appearing from everywhere? Who gives a f**k?

It really is a tough situation to deal with after your own loss(es). In typical fashion we can’t agree on our reactions so the pod gets a bit tasty about how people should feel.

As always get in touch with us, let us know how you felt and what makes it easier to deal with - if it ever can be easy - other people’s announcements.

How can it be that two people who have experienced the same loss, can grieve so differently? Do you and your partner gri...

How can it be that two people who have experienced the same loss, can grieve so differently? Do you and your partner grieve differently or is it the same?

In our latest episode of the podcast we discuss the supportive role partners play in allowing each other to grieve in our way, in our own time, and in spaces and places that help us.

In this episode of the podcast, we explore the importance of giving and receiving support within a partnership after the...

In this episode of the podcast, we explore the importance of giving and receiving support within a partnership after the loss of a child. We have contributions from four listeners, each with their own insights into what it truly means to be a supportive partner during the most challenging times.

Through their personal journeys and ours, we discuss the actions and gestures that have made a difference in our partners’ lives, reflecting on the importance of being a steadfast source of comfort and understanding. We also reveal the lessons learned from our attempts to provide support, including the moments we wish we could have approached differently.

The conversation also delves into the experiences of receiving support, highlighting the significance of empathy, patience, and the delicate balance of navigating two individual grief paths within a single relationship.

Our guests, Chris, Mitch, Joe and Kurtis share both heartwarming and difficult experiences of support from their partners, offering a raw look at the complexities of grieving together yet apart.

This episode is an invitation to all listening to consider the dynamics of their relationships in the face of grief. It’s a discussion about growth, love, and the continuous effort to understand and be understood by one’s partner. Whether you’re seeking to be a better source of support or wishing to communicate your own needs more effectively, this episode offers perspectives, encouragement, and a reminder that you’re not alone in this journey.

Check out the podcast wherever you get yours…

Launching this morning on Dad Still Standing: a new episode focused on the role of being a supportive partner through gr...

Launching this morning on Dad Still Standing: a new episode focused on the role of being a supportive partner through grief. We’ll explore practical advice, shared experiences, and the impact of support from both sides of the relationship. It’s a candid look at what works, what doesn’t, and how we can all be better partners during tough times.

Incredible news today that in England any parent that has suffered a loss, from gestation up to 23 weeks and six days wi...

Incredible news today that in England any parent that has suffered a loss, from gestation up to 23 weeks and six days will be able to receive a certificate of loss.

It doesn’t matter whether this was recent or decades ago. You, your partners and family will finally get to recognise the little lives that were taken from us.

It’s opening up for those losses from September 2018 onwards, but earlier losses will be able to apply shortly. All the details are on the Government’s website:

In one of the most open episodes from Season 2 of our podcast, we delved into the personal journey of discovering the ‘N...

In one of the most open episodes from Season 2 of our podcast, we delved into the personal journey of discovering the ‘New’ You after the unimaginable loss of a baby. It’s a path marked by both sorrow and growth, where the echoes of what was blend with the realities of what is.

The poignant phrase that we’ve written above... ‘Finding your ‘new normal’ doesn’t mean moving on from the loss, but weaving it into the fabric of your life,’ ...beautifully encapsulates this process. It speaks to the essence of transformation that occurs—not moving away from the memory of our loss but integrating it into every thread of our existence.

This journey is not about forgetting or leaving behind; it’s about honouring, remembering, and carrying forward. It’s a testament to the strength found in vulnerability, the resilience in grief, and the power of love to redefine our lives.

As we shared stories, insights, and reflections in that episode, we were reminded that this ‘new normal’ is not a destination but a continuous journey of adaptation, acceptance, and growth.

Your stories, your journey, your ‘new normal’—they all have a place here. The link to the episode The ‘New’ You can be found by searching “Dad Still Standing” wherever you get your podcasts.

In our latest episode of Dad Still Standing, we delve into the intricacies of grief, offering a candid look at how loss ...

In our latest episode of Dad Still Standing, we delve into the intricacies of grief, offering a candid look at how loss touches every aspect of our existence - not just emotionally, but mentally, physically, and spiritually as well.

This episode is a heartfelt exploration into the diverse ways grief manifests and impacts us, beyond the initial emotional toll.

Together, we share our personal experiences and insights, reflecting on how grief has shaped our lives in unexpected ways. We open up about the challenges we’ve faced, the moments of growth, and the ongoing journey of healing. Our conversation aims to validate the wide range of emotions and reactions that come with loss, acknowledging that everyone’s path through grief is unique.

This episode is for anyone who has felt the impact of loss, for those seeking to understand their own complex emotions, and for individuals looking for solace in shared experiences.

Join us as we navigate the complexities of grief together - in true Matt and Liam style - finding comfort in the knowledge that, though the journey is hard, we’re not walking it alone.

🎧 Listen to our conversation now -

Soooo…this episode starts with a strong focus and direction but loses it within the first three minutes - maybe less tha...

Soooo…this episode starts with a strong focus and direction but loses it within the first three minutes - maybe less than that. There’s also a mid section where it descends into complete chaos 🤣

However, we do talk about the complexities of grief; why you shouldn’t avoid groups and social settings; tips on how to deal with the longer-term effects of loss; the challenges of rebuilding yourself mentally and much much more.

We would like to apologise to our Australian fans in advance for any offence that we may cause during this episode! We ❤️ you all so much.

Please remember to subscribe or follow the podcast so it lands in your inbox as soon as a new episode drops. If you could write a review or rate the pod that would be awesome. 

Much love

Matt and Liam

It is so important for to take Christmas as it comes and to allow yourself to enjoy the good parts but also accept that ...

It is so important for to take Christmas as it comes and to allow yourself to enjoy the good parts but also accept that some bits might be s**t too.

There’s so much pressure to be jolly, and merry and all just very Christmassy. But just do you. And everything else will be fine.

Family will understand it, friends will accept it, and everyone else can just get over it.

You got this!

As another year comes to an end, we reflect on what Christmas is all about and what the New Year could bring for us all....

As another year comes to an end, we reflect on what Christmas is all about and what the New Year could bring for us all.

As promised, we’ve taken the best of the questions sent in from listeners and have answered them as truthfully as you can imagine 🤣 The episode is packed full of laughs, advice, and reflections on how the past twelve months have been for us both and also the podcast.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed this Christmas or just want to offload, feel free to drop us a DM on here.

Thinking of getting us a gift this year, then look no further than the rating option on your podcast provider - If you could write a review or just rate the pod that would be awesome. Please also remember to subscribe or follow the podcast so it lands in your inbox as soon as a new episode drops in 2024.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Matt & Liam

One of our favourite listener’s questions from the Christmas special: how do you support a bereaved parent this Christma...

One of our favourite listener’s questions from the Christmas special: how do you support a bereaved parent this Christmas? Here’s a snippet of the answer and you can hear the rest on our brand new episode that’s just dropped into your stockings!

Check it out wherever you get your pods by searching “Dad Still Standing”.

Anyone else feel like this from time to time? When it all just feels like it is getting on top of you. This quotes from ...

Anyone else feel like this from time to time? When it all just feels like it is getting on top of you.

This quotes from our Escaping the Rut episode where we chat about how to get through those dark moments when grief just becomes all consuming.



We're recording our Christmas episode next week and we're looking for your contributions. We are going to be answering your questions on everything and anything. So, to get your question answered just comment below or drop us a message. Funny, sad, reflective, outrageous! Get involved folks...

This episode focuses on medical negligence and legal action and the fraught conversations among families about whether t...

This episode focuses on medical negligence and legal action and the fraught conversations among families about whether to sue or not following .

The dads - with absolutely zero expertise in this - are thankfully joined by Guy Forster from the legal firm. Guy is a partner there and heads up their Medical Negligence team. The episode dispels some of the myths about legal action as well as covers the threshold for taking on or winning claims; what the process looks like; and the emotional impact of doing so on families.

Interestingly we also explore not just the financial implications of taking legal action but the policy and practice changes it can lead to. Ultimately saving more babies' lives.

What a cracker we’ve got for you this week. We are joined by  broadcaster, presenter, journalist, Gooner, and all-round ...

What a cracker we’ve got for you this week. We are joined by broadcaster, presenter, journalist, Gooner, and all-round top bloke for this episode of the podcast.

On the show, James shares his own experiences of loss with us, and while you would hope that we managed to structure this important topic in some kind of sensible way - we just go off down various rabbit holes and somehow try to pull it all together at the end to make it sound profesh.

The three of us talk about loss; mental health; being public with our grief; the impact of the podcast; having a voice on baby loss; and of course how men deal with emotions.

Big love to James for being a thoroughly decent guest and being so open and honest. We love ya brother 👏🏼

Please remember to subscribe or follow the podcast so it lands in your inbox as soon as a new episode drops. If you could write a review or just rate the pod that would be awesome.

If you’d like to get in touch with the show please message us on Instagram or Facebook. You can also email the show [email protected].

'Dad Still Standing' is a podcast about baby loss and grief and is a Factory Originals production.

In this episode, we get real about the emotional ups and downs that come with losing a baby. And the sometimes-never-end...

In this episode, we get real about the emotional ups and downs that come with losing a baby. And the sometimes-never-ending rut that feels impossible to escape.

We then offer some practical advice for getting through the hardest days and go deep about the importance of acknowledging how you're feeling instead of bottling it up.

Naturally we’ve thrown in some tips and advice and even offer some live mindfulness exercises - we say “some”, Liam acted a like a dick and ruined it but the thought was there 🤣

Finally, we chat about finding a group of other dads or trusted friends to talk to, because speaking openly with people who understand can make a world of difference.

But before all that, we can't help ourselves discussing the British Podcast Award, strap yourselves in for that it comes thick and fast!

If you're a dad dealing with the painful loss of a baby, or you know someone who is, this episode is packed with helpful advice, support, and ways to take steps forward, even when it feels impossible.

If you’d like to get in touch with the show please message on here or Facebook and for our socials search . You can also email the show [email protected].

'Dad Still Standing' is a podcast about baby loss and grief and is a Factory Originals production.

In this thought-provoking episode of the podcast we delve deep into a seldom-discussed aspect of grief—the profound impa...

In this thought-provoking episode of the podcast we delve deep into a seldom-discussed aspect of grief—the profound impact on your career.

From the immediate aftermath of loss to long-term job performance, we explore the challenges and adjustments grieving fathers and mothers face in the workplace.

Whether you're struggling with colleague dynamics, contemplating career changes, or seeking a better work-life balance during this painful time, this episode offers invaluable insights and practical advice.

Enlisting the support of our listeners, we are joined by five guests Ross, Emma, Indy, Vaish, and Arthur who give their insight into how bereavement affected their careers.

So, whether you are listening for coping strategies; supportive resources; advice; other people's experiences; or just to hear Liam being called a "prick"...then fear not this episode has it all.

If you have a spare minute and want to help us both, please could you leave a review for the podcast wherever you stream yours. It helps enormously to reach more families.

It can be a force for good, it can bring you to your knees; and that’s just with a swipe of your finger. Browsing, posti...

It can be a force for good, it can bring you to your knees; and that’s just with a swipe of your finger. Browsing, posting, commenting or liking content on social media after loss can bring up the full range of emotions.

In this episode we discuss the pros and cons of social media. From it being a tool to build a community and find an empathetic ear; to the triggering and emotional onslaught of seeing baby related posts.

We also share advice on how to handle those difficult emotional reactions to posts and discuss our own experiences with social media - the positive, the negative, the public, and the private.

Joining us this week are contributions from three listeners: Seth, Mike, and Brian. Thank you all so much for being a part of the show.

Social media will impact your journey with grief in different ways at different stages. Just remember to take care of yourselves.

If you have a spare minute and want to help, please could you leave a review for the podcast on here. It helps enormously to reach more families.



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