不是我们把观看此片政治化,而是打从邀请或接受首相与其夫人出席首映礼开始, 影片的有关当局已经把事情政治化了.
我们极力反对导演以上的. 我们不明白为什么每当有人不满及批评一些政客,政策或事件时
,都会被扣上”不爱国”或”不喜欢这个国家”的罪名而被要求离开这个国家. 昔日,我们被友族说我们是寄居者及被要求"回"中国时,心里很愤怒及难过!因为我们是这个国家的一份子及热爱这个国家的每一寸土地. 打从我们出娘胎开始,这个国家便是我们的祖国! 导演把当今政府与政客和国家画上等号是极愚蠢. 把批评政府与政客看作成不喜欢及不爱国的行为简直是荒谬到了极点! 如今,我们被相同族群的人扣上不爱大马的罪名而被要求考虑移民.心中的愤怒何只千万倍? 教我们情何以堪?教我们将来如何面对友族的调侃?
还有,导演说“政府如此支持本地中文电影,应该觉得很光荣”? 支持? 政府究竟支持些什么?只是来现身喊几句口号及观赏一次你的影片就叫支持? 政治人物一向对中文本土電影不闻不问,就算是豁免20%的娱乐税也都搞得天翻地覆.难道这也叫做支持?而首相在大选前出现在这场合,与其说他支持本地中文电影,不如说他更在乎大选时我们手上的一票是否会投给他! 而且,此导演只是一部片的导演,凭什么要我们考虑移居国外? 显然的不只是阿炳,这部电影的其他成员包括导演似乎都患上”大头症”.
基于以上主要原因, 我们抵制《阿炳心想事成》影片.
We hereby boycott the ‘AH BENG THE MOVIE: THREE WISHES’ film (referred as the movie). We strongly disagree with the act of the authority of the movie on inviting the Prime Minister and his wife to attend the opening ceremony of the movie. We do not allow the movie's authority to emphasis only on its commercial benefits without being sensitive to other people's feeling. We dislike the authority as it has provided a channel for the people who has been hindering the development of democracy of this country to do their own political publicity. We are rather giving up the laughter that the movie may bring to us than forgetting the past appalling treatment received from these people. We do not politicize the issue. On the contrary, it is the authority of the movie who initiated to politicize the issue by inviting the Prime Minister and his wife to the opening ceremony. In addition, during a press interview, the director of this film, Silver revealed that the people who boycott and do not agree on inviting the Prime Minister for the Opening Ceremony,obviously, do not like this country and thus should consider to migrate to others. We do not understand why we are always blamed as non-patriotic when we are dissatisfied with or criticizing some politicians, political regulations or issues. In the director's mind, the 'government' or 'politicians' and 'country' carry the same meaning. He referred the people who criticize the government or politicians are non-patriotic. We strongly accuse the director's above saying as we have been the citizen of this country since we were born and we love this country very much which may beyond his imagination. Silver is just a film director and he has no reason to ask us to consider for immigration to other countries. Moreover, the director pointed out that the presence of Minister in the opening ceremony has revealed the government's strong support towards the local Chinese films. We do not agree with this saying as showing up in the ceremony and watching this film once do not reflect anything much. In fact, the government always does not show their well support and consideration in the development of the local Chinese film industry. This includes the refusal of 20% reimbursement of entertainment tax for local Chinese movies. We strongly believe that by attending the ceremony, the Prime Minister is more concern on whether the people will vote for him during next election and not actually supporting the local Chinese film industry. Due to the above main reasons, we boycott the film. Please press like and share this page with your friends if you support our view and action.