I need help passing my test, I failed the first time. This happend to me. this is how I handled it.
Is precalc hard? It's a relative question but here is what makes upper level math hard for most students
Is there an easy way to remember formulas for your math test? Here. is what I think
Students have photomath in my classroom and this is how I approached the situation.
If you want better answers then you have to start asking better questions.
What's the difference between the expressions
In this video we are going to discuss the difference between the expressions for difference of two squares.
3 Different Solutions to a system of equations
In this video we are going to cover the three different solutions you can expect from a system of linear equations. How to identify one solution, no solution and infinite many solutions.
Student asked me what's the transformations https youtu
In this video we are going to go over how to identify the transformations of a quadratic that is in standardard form.
Three tips for evaluating inverse trig functions
Here are three tips that you can follow to help you evaluate inverse trig functions and the compilation of such.
What is the area of the square
In this video we are going to identify the area of a square given the length of the diagonal.
Three Polynomials You Must Know how to factor
In this video I am going to highlight how to factor three types of polynomials that all students in algebra 2, precalc, or calculus must know.
Graphing a quadratic Two Points vs Three Points
When we are given points either two or three points there are two different ways to graph them. In this video we will explore both.