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Qrash Of Matrix GESARA/ NESARA /TRUMPSARA is coming . Get ready for the (GCR) Global Currency Resēt and (QFS) Quantum

Special Report! Judy Byington: Worldwide Scare Event Inbound Due To Global Military Alliance Arrests & Taking Back US Ta...

Special Report! Judy Byington: Worldwide Scare Event Inbound Due To Global Military Alliance Arrests & Taking Back US Taxpayer Monies – US Government Shutdown Pending and a Global Financial Crash Black Swan Event Expected – Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 14, 2024

Compiled Thurs. 14 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

Worldwide Scare Event Inbound Due To Global Military Alliance Arrests & Taking Back US Taxpayer Monies
Those Globalists Have Also Created A Global Food Shortage For 2024
Bank Runs Happening, Banks Closing Worldwide, US Government Shutdown Pending and a Global Financial Crash Black Swan Event Expected Around Fri. 15 March.

What to Expect: Gold Backed currencies (ISO 20022 tokens) After NESARA Will Shock You. It Had to Be Done…This Way – Dave...

What to Expect: Gold Backed currencies (ISO 20022 tokens) After NESARA Will Shock You. It Had to Be Done…This Way – Dave XRP Lion

We Are Not in Kansas Anymore–Dorothy!

Picture this: a battleground unlike any other, where the forces of truth clash against the shadows of deceit. Every skirmish, every confrontation, is a testament to the relentless pursuit of righteousness. But make no mistake – this is no fairy tale. This is the real world, where the stakes are higher than ever before. . .

QFS NEWS: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Funds and Opening a QFS Account!In an era marked by rapid technologica...

QFS NEWS: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Funds and Opening a QFS Account!

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and financial innovations, the Quantum Financial System (QFS) emerges as a beacon of hope, promising greater security, transparency, and efficiency in the world of finance.

If you’re seeking to transfer your funds from your old bank account to a QFS account or are eager to open a QFS account, you're free to DM.

White Hats INTEL: All Evidence of Military Special Ops Protecting Donald J Trump, the True Commander in Chief – Blessing...

White Hats INTEL: All Evidence of Military Special Ops Protecting Donald J Trump, the True Commander in Chief – Blessings for All: President Donald J. Trump & Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr.- The Great Military Game!

Truth Behind the Mask: The Deception of Biden’s Presidency and Trump’s Sacrifice

The true narrative of Donald J Trump’s presidency emerges, shedding light on a clandestine battle against evil forces. Prepare to delve into a realm where reality surpasses fiction, where heroes and villains wear masks, and where the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. . .

The NESARA Law: Key Provisions of NESARA!In the hallowed halls of justice, where the echoes of truth resound, a landmark...

The NESARA Law: Key Provisions of NESARA!

In the hallowed halls of justice, where the echoes of truth resound, a landmark ruling by the US Supreme Court sent shockwaves through the corridors of power. It was a case brought forth by the Farmers Union—a David pitted against the Goliath of financial tyranny. The court’s verdict reverberated across the nation, exposing the insidious practices of banks unlawfully seizing land belonging to hardworking farmers. But this was merely the tip of the iceberg.

Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged—a beacon of light that would pierce through the cloak of secrecy. The NESARA Law, born out of the ashes of injustice, heralded a new dawn for America. . .


Operation Disclosure Official: Banks Can Steal your Money, Fraudulent Tax Sales, Reasons

Banks Can Steal Your “Money”, Fraudulent Tax Sales, Reasons ++

That is, they can steal what you are using “as” money, but not actual money.

This is an important point.

Bank Notes are not money and never have been. They are evidence of debt owed by the banks issuing these notes. That’s why they are suddenly so desperate to destroy cash.

BREAKING: Wall Street and Regional Banks Scramble for New Funds as the FED Ends Emergency Lending Program, Aimed at Keep...

BREAKING: Wall Street and Regional Banks Scramble for New Funds as the FED Ends Emergency Lending Program, Aimed at Keeping Failing Banks Afloat During Banking Collapse

The reverberations are felt across the financial spectrum as the Federal Reserve abruptly ends its lifeline to struggling banks, leaving Wall Street giants and regional players grappling with an uncertain future. With the safety net pulled, the scene resembles a financial Wild West, where survival of the fittest becomes the mantra. In this high-stakes game, every move is scrutinized, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

WATCH: “Main Core”- A CIA Database of 8 Million Who Will Be Rounded Up When Martial Law Is ImposedMain Core is not a sec...

WATCH: “Main Core”- A CIA Database of 8 Million Who Will Be Rounded Up When Martial Law Is Imposed

Main Core is not a secret. Snyder points to a Wikipedia entry describing the database:

Main Core is the code name of a database maintained since the 1980s by the federal government of the United States. Main Core contains personal and financial data of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats to national security.

The data, which comes from the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other sources, is collected and stored without warrants or court orders. . .

BOMBSHELL FIRST TIME EXPOSÉ: The Hidden War Between the Khazarian Cabal and JFK – A Fight to the Death!Every once in a g...

BOMBSHELL FIRST TIME EXPOSÉ: The Hidden War Between the Khazarian Cabal and JFK – A Fight to the Death!

Every once in a great while a highly radioactive truth bomb gets dropped that changes everything—EVERYTHING! Well, a JFK truth bomb just exploded and the Internet is now experiencing the massive fallout. Every American ought to be deeply grateful to President John F. Kennedy; for it was his awesome and heroic sacrifice that blew the lid off — ONCE AND FOR ALL — the nefarious and multifarious NWO schemes to transform the entire planetary civilization into one giant Khazarian-controlled concentration camp. . .

Orbán-Trump Summit at Mar-a-Lago: A Convergence of Power, Allegiance, and the Pursuit of Peace .In the hallowed grounds ...

Orbán-Trump Summit at Mar-a-Lago: A Convergence of Power, Allegiance, and the Pursuit of Peace .

In the hallowed grounds of Mar-a-Lago, where opulence meets power, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán recently graced the presence of U.S. President Donald J. Trump. A rendezvous shrouded in intrigue, hailed by many as a meeting of minds, sealed with the echoes of praise and a shared vision for a world riddled with turmoil.

The orchestration of this summit seemed ordained, akin to the striking chords of Roy Orbison’s timeless ballad, “Pretty Woman,” heralding the arrival of a woman of grace, FLOTUS Melania Trump. . . ❤️❤️❤️


To all my followers and friends out there who know what’s really going on… To all my conspiracy theorist friends… Yes, sometimes it’s a curse and not always a blessing to be awake. Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey. If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone. No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE. The beliefs you’ve held, people you’ve trusted, principles you were taught- ALL LIES. Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn’t stop there. With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again. Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don’t “get it”. Feeling alone; being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses but for many of you, your very own family and friends too. Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by. Struggling with carrying on bu****it, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep. Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can’t see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance- because “ignorance is bliss” and reality is harsh. Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone. There is no way to sugarcoat it- Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions. You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still function in daily life, and that’s a skill people don’t talk about enough. Some of you are struggling


SEC & COINBASE: Remember just after coming onto Facebook the LORD had me posting about the "CLAW-BACKS" namely all the nefarious and illegal purchases of XRP not supervised by Platforms such as Binance, Coinbase and others.

It was illegal to purchase XRP using VPN's to mask being a US Citizen, or selling other digital assets to then acquire XRP. That is what the SEC is doing w/ Coinbase.

The SEC had to take down Binance and other foreign platforms acting as exchanges to get the customer information on those that used funds from there to then buy XRP in Coinbase. CB's Armstrong knew their KYC and Compliance Department SCREWED UP -- BIG TIME. Now the weeping and gnashing of teeth, the LORD had me post about is HAPPENING.

BQQM! Exposing the JFK Jr. Mystery: Did John F. Kennedy Jr. Mastermind a Political Coup from the Shadows? Statement by O...

BQQM! Exposing the JFK Jr. Mystery: Did John F. Kennedy Jr. Mastermind a Political Coup from the Shadows? Statement by Office of John F. Kennedy Jr. – ‘Official Announcement‘

Did John F. Kennedy Jr. Outsmart Them All? Few tales are as captivating as the purported resurrection of John F. Kennedy Jr. Allegations swirl, whispering of clandestine maneuvers, faked deaths, and a grand chess game played out on the stage of American politics. Could it be that JFK Jr., the scion of a dynasty, orchestrated his own disappearance, only to reemerge as a silent force behind the curtains?

Brace yourselves for a journey through the shadows of power, where nothing is as it seems!

URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the Inevitable Call for the Emergency Broadcast Sys...

URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the Inevitable Call for the Emergency Broadcast System

In a world mired in deceit and chaos, the rise of Quantum Financial Systems and the covert Project Odin stands as a beacon of hope. Unfolding beneath our very eyes, Project Odin is not just a digital tool; it’s the harbinger of a new age, an age where darkness will be exposed, and the shackles of oppression will be shattered.

This exclusive exposé delves deep into the secret realms of Quantum Starlink, Project Odin, and how they are set to revolutionize our world. Prepare yourself, for what you are about to read may change your perspective forever!

Declassification of Information: NESARA GESARA, White Hats, Quantum Financial System (QFS), Banking Cartels, Brunson Bro...

Declassification of Information: NESARA GESARA, White Hats, Quantum Financial System (QFS), Banking Cartels, Brunson Brothers and Empowerment of the People

The White Hats, armed with the Quantum Financial System (QFS), are on a mission to declassify information and liberate humanity from the clutches of a corrupt banking cartel. Brace yourselves, for GESARA is on the horizon, and it’s inevitable.

The time for change has come, and it’s not just the United States but the entire world that is about to experience a financial revolution like no other.

Breaking News: It Begins… NYC Migrant Deportation – NO MORE SANCTUARY CITY!The End of Sanctuary: NYC’s Ruthless Crackdow...

Breaking News: It Begins… NYC Migrant Deportation – NO MORE SANCTUARY CITY!

The End of Sanctuary: NYC’s Ruthless Crackdown on Migrants Sparks Outcry

New York City has shattered its sanctuary city facade, thrusting itself into the center of a heated national debate on immigration. Mayor Eric Adams’ administration’s decision to expel migrants has not only divided the city but has also sparked a wave of outrage and condemnation across the country.

As tensions escalate over the strain on social services and the clash between advocates and authorities, the city finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with the consequences of its controversial policy shift. . .

Reclaiming the Republic: The United States of America is Now and Always has Been a Common Law Constitutional Republic – ...

Reclaiming the Republic: The United States of America is Now and Always has Been a Common Law Constitutional Republic – We are Not and Never Have Been a Democracy

In an era where the echoes of “democracy” incessantly reverberate through the halls of education, media, and political discourse, a fundamental truth stands resolute yet remarkably obscured: The United States of America, a beacon of freedom and governance, was conceived and remains a Common Law Constitutional Republic.

This revelation, starkly absent from the mainstream narrative, challenges the pervasive and mistakenly embraced identity of a democracy—a term conspicuously absent from the nation’s foundational documents.

Natural Remedy Written In The Bible: Extremely Powerful 3,500 -Year-Old Remedy Cures For All DiseasesHealing with medici...

Natural Remedy Written In The Bible: Extremely Powerful 3,500 -Year-Old Remedy Cures For All Diseases

Healing with medicinal plants is as old as mankind itself. The connection between man and his search for drugs in nature dates from the far past, of which there is ample evidence from various sources: written documents, preserved monuments, and even original plant medicines.

Awareness of medicinal plants usage is a result of the many years of struggles against illnesses due to which man learned to pursue drugs in barks, seeds, fruit bodies, and other parts of the plants...

MILITARY INTEL: White Hats, Military Doomsday Plane, Canadian Intelligence, Government Secrets, COG, False Flag, GITMO a...

MILITARY INTEL: White Hats, Military Doomsday Plane, Canadian Intelligence, Government Secrets, COG, False Flag, GITMO and Military Tribunals

In the hushed corridors of power, where truth and fiction blur, the NSA sources have whispered a tale of intrigue and deception. A group known as the “White Hats” is said to be launching a daring assault on the Fort McPherson base complex, deep within the heart of Atlanta, Georgia.

It’s a place where the strings of influence are pulled, where AT&T and CNN allegedly engage in the murky realm of psychological warfare on behalf of the Joe Biden administration.

Unprecedented Alert: Trump’s 6th Presidential Emergency Broadcast Message (PEBM) Coincides with Russian EBS Preparation!...

Unprecedented Alert: Trump’s 6th Presidential Emergency Broadcast Message (PEBM) Coincides with Russian EBS Preparation! Coincidence? I Think Not. . .

Batten down the hatches, folks! In a stunning turn of events, President Trump has just unleashed his 6th Presidential Emergency Broadcast Message (PEBM), sending shockwaves through the nation. But hold onto your hats because here’s the kicker – Russia is gearing up for their own Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) test on the very same day. . .

BOOM! An Urgent Message From the President of the United States Donald J. Trump: “America’s message to the World is this...

BOOM! An Urgent Message From the President of the United States Donald J. Trump: “America’s message to the World is this: It is time to heal and build a new tomorrow. It’s time to build a world with truth and justice, honour, character, Executive Order – Failure to report for arrest within the next 24 hours, Executive Order”…

Breaking the Chains: GESARA NESARA Activation Signals the Fall of Cabal – Military Executes Worldwide Arrest of 500,000 ...

Breaking the Chains: GESARA NESARA Activation Signals the Fall of Cabal – Military Executes Worldwide Arrest of 500,000 Sealed Indictments, New GESARA Law!

Buckle up, world! The winds of change are blowing, and they carry with them the promise of a new dawn. Brace yourself as we delve into the seismic shift that is about to rock the foundations of power and control. GESARA NESARA, the herald of liberation, is on the brink of activation, heralding the downfall of cabal-controlled regimes and the dawn of a new era of justice and freedom!

BREAKING NOW: Mutant Coronavirus Strain with 100% Kill Rate Emerges from Chinese Labs – Just in Time for the 2024 Electi...

BREAKING NOW: Mutant Coronavirus Strain with 100% Kill Rate Emerges from Chinese Labs – Just in Time for the 2024 Election!

This chilling development raises alarm bells worldwide, as experts fear the virus could spill over to humans, potentially unleashing a catastrophe just in time for the 2024 election.

Breaking news from the laboratories in Beijing, China, has unveiled a startling experiment involving a genetically altered coronavirus strain, GX_P2V, which is strikingly reminiscent of the virus responsible for the global pandemic we’ve come to know as COVID-19.

6 Billion People Humans To Be Killed By The Elite – NWO Depopulation Agenda – Holistic Doctors Who Died Mysteriously Exp...

6 Billion People Humans To Be Killed By The Elite – NWO Depopulation Agenda – Holistic Doctors Who Died Mysteriously Exposed The Dangers of Vaccines and Cures For Cancer

As I have mentioned many times, the world has been engaged in a silent war waged by the global elite fought with quiet weapons since 1954. The COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the elite’s 63 year plan to reduce the world population to 500,000,000. . .

Judy Byington Bombshell Report! TRUST THE PLAN – 17 = Q = TRUTH – PRESIDENT TRUMP = Q+ = TRUST THE MAN – “MY NEXT PIECE ...

Judy Byington Bombshell Report! TRUST THE PLAN – 17 = Q = TRUTH – PRESIDENT TRUMP = Q+ = TRUST THE MAN – “MY NEXT PIECE IS NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING” Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 16, 2024


17 = Q = TRUTH


…President Trump


The Event: PUTIN’S DROPS on Tucker Carlson Interview, Gesara Military Law, Secret Military Tribunals, Vatican, Buckingha...

The Event: PUTIN’S DROPS on Tucker Carlson Interview, Gesara Military Law, Secret Military Tribunals, Vatican, Buckingham Palace, White Hats, Cheyenne Mountain, Denver Airport, Military Bases, and More

In a jaw-dropping revelation that sent shockwaves through the corridors of power, Vladimir Putin’s recent interview with Tucker Carlson unleashed a torrent of classified information, shedding light on a clandestine world operating beneath the icy depths of Antarctica.

Brace yourselves for the truth behind Putin’s drops, Gesara military law, secret military tribunals, and the clandestine maneuvers of the global elite.

Antarctica – Congress has Been Briefed by Military Whistleblowers and Hundreds of High-level Military Officials on the T...

Antarctica – Congress has Been Briefed by Military Whistleblowers and Hundreds of High-level Military Officials on the True Events in Antarctica and the Dark Operations of the Deep State

High-level military officials have come forward with explosive information regarding covert operations in Antarctica. The cloak of secrecy surrounding Project Blue Beam, a nefarious scheme to orchestrate an alien invasion scenario, has been lifted, exposing a labyrinth of deception orchestrated by the Deep State.

As the truth emerges, it becomes clear that we are facing not only the manipulation of global events but also a battle for the very soul of humanity.

ZIONISM & KHAZARIAN MAFIA!It’s heartbreaking, but it had to be this way. It had to because the normies will not believe ...


It’s heartbreaking, but it had to be this way. It had to because the normies will not believe if they don’t hear screams, witness war, and have MSM talk about it 24/7. That’s where our world has come to… The idiots, the ignorant fools, the “overeducated dumb people” who keep asking for evidence when it’s right in front of them! What a painful sight!

Saving Israel for last’ was planned for a reason. they all had a common root: Khazarian Mafia.




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