Grow Socials

Grow Socials ✨ passionate about helping businesses & wellness teachers thrive online
✨ social media content + management
✨ work with me ⬇️⬇️

Storytime.I remember the days when I was just starting my VA business, my only wish was to get just ONE client. Months o...


I remember the days when I was just starting my VA business, my only wish was to get just ONE client. Months of hard work passed before I landed my first client. There were countless episodes when I felt really hopeless and almost gave up.

Fast forward to today, God has blessed me with more than one client and I am still on cloud nine! I never trusted myself that I could get the number of clients that I have right now.

During my journey, I have learned that only when we are actually ready for blessings, whether those be monetary or otherwise, will we actually receive them. When we align ourselves with our purpose and something that has a deeper meaning, our lives, and the lives of others take on a whole new meaning. 💚

Double tap if this resonates with you. 🥰

HOW TO PERFECT YOUR CAPTIONSI’ve been super busy with client work last these past few days so I haven’t been as active h...


I’ve been super busy with client work last these past few days so I haven’t been as active here but I’m back with super useful social media top tips and tricks to grow your biz!

The perfect caption? Does it exist? The answer is YES 👏🏻

Check out my tips on how you can write the perfect caption!

➡️ A killer headline - HOOK your readers! Give them a headline that makes them want to click ‘read more'

➡️ Provide INTERESTING content, think to yourself is this something I would want to read?

➡️ Break up your paragraphs into SNACKABLE CONTENT. Nobody wants to read a massive block of text

➡️ ALWAYS use a call to action at the end to get your readers. What do you want them to do next?

Find this helpful? Save for later!

Feedbacks like this fuel me to do better every time. 🌱I am so stoked that my newest client is loving my services so much...

Feedbacks like this fuel me to do better every time. 🌱

I am so stoked that my newest client is loving my services so much.

Double tap if you also love receiving appreciative messages like this. 😍🥰

Stop putting hashtags in your bio!Your bio is the most important thing to your Instagram, it’s the first thing people re...

Stop putting hashtags in your bio!

Your bio is the most important thing to your Instagram, it’s the first thing people read and see when they visit your profile. You want to make an impact.


So stick to who you are, what you offer/do, a little personality, keywords and CTA’s.


Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.Create the space that you need to breathe. 🌱

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.

Create the space that you need to breathe. 🌱

Business is not always about making 🤑🤑🤑It's also about SERVING YOUR PURPOSE. 🌱Drop a 🎯 if you agree!!!

Business is not always about making 🤑🤑🤑

It's also about SERVING YOUR PURPOSE. 🌱

Drop a 🎯 if you agree!!!

RESULTS MATTER! I couldn't be any prouder of this reach from a recent check on my client's insights. Quality content rea...


I couldn't be any prouder of this reach from a recent check on my client's insights. Quality content really makes a difference. And I've noticed that Reels outperformed any other content by a ton!

Insights are important for businesses. Are you checking yours?

One of the most common Instagram tips I see often is "𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞."⁠⁠Here's what I do 👇👇⁠⁠I post m...

One of the most common Instagram tips I see often is "𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞."
Here's what I do 👇👇
I post my content and my clients' content 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 their audience is active.⁠⁠

You guys should try this!

Let me know your thoughts if you find this helpful! 😊

👀 REALITY CHECK 👀REAL Instagram Growth isn't just about 'growth hacks' and 'buying ads'. These are just for people who a...


REAL Instagram Growth isn't just about 'growth hacks' and 'buying ads'. These are just for people who are not willing to put in the work. These will only get you so far.

IG growth is not just about the numbers - half of them could be bots and people outside your niche if you will just focus on ads and boost posts. It is about growing an engaging community within your targeted niche.

Lastly, IG growth is not just about posting everyday coz duh - QUALITY IS SO MUCH MORE THAN IMPORTANT QUANTITY.

Focus on consistently doing the things I listed above and you'll definitely GROW. 🌱

It might not be a whopping 100K followers in a few months but hey, do not underestimate the power of an organic following.

Drop your fave emoji if you agree!! 😉

It's the little things in life. 💞I made this notecard for a very special event. This notecard wrapped up the look of the...

It's the little things in life. 💞

I made this notecard for a very special event. This notecard wrapped up the look of the client's wedding giveaways. I am just so happy to help people with these little things. I am happy that I am serving my purpose. This makes me happy! 😊

To stay on top of the game, it’s not always a matter of pushing harder; it’s time to start working smarter. These four t...

To stay on top of the game, it’s not always a matter of pushing harder; it’s time to start working smarter.

These four tips will prevent mind and body fatigue and help you generate more income without wearing yourself out.

🌱 Practice Sunday Journaling - It helps you consciously create your week (and your life) in wonderful ways
🌱 Use Scheduling Software - With personalized settings, these apps keep you in control while freeing up precious minutes in your day. You don't have to worry about manually posting on your social media platforms, scheduling, and confirming appointments, sending emails, and a lot more! With this type of system in place, you can spend more time focusing on the guest in your chair.
🌱 Prioritization - Work on your hardest tasks when you are most productive. When are you most energized? Set that time aside if you can to work on the most important tasks you have to achieve that day.
🌱 Delegate tasks - Delegate the tasks that don’t require YOU to do them. If others can accomplish the task and you need time for the important issues that require YOUR attention, delegate it.

If you are someone who easily gets overwhelmed during working hours or in personal endeavors, maybe it's time to try these tips! It's time to save yourself from BURNOUT!

What other smart tips can you give to be super productive? Comment below!

Forever thankful.  Always grateful. Abundantly blessed.October has been so so good to me! And I can't be any happier kno...

Forever thankful. Always grateful. Abundantly blessed.

October has been so so good to me! And I can't be any happier knowing that my clients are elated with my services. 🥳🤩

After all, a small win is still a win!

What are your small wins this month? Share in the comments! 👋

Your bio should tell your audience:👉who you are👉what value you provide/ who do you help👉your niche/ what exactly do you ...

Your bio should tell your audience:

👉who you are
👉what value you provide/ who do you help
👉your niche/ what exactly do you do
👉how do you do it
👉what value do you provide/ who do you help
👉call to action (CTA) for link

It's also nice to have relevant story highlights such as:

👉About/Our Values
👉Products/ Services
👉Tips & Tutorials
👉️As seen on/ Collabs

Was this helpful? Tell me what you think in the comments.

If you want to gain followers, connect with your audience as well as make money, then you need these contents!(Don't for...

If you want to gain followers, connect with your audience as well as make money, then you need these contents!

(Don't forget to SAVE for later!)

🌱 Educational content
You should post valuable content at least 50% of the time! It should be insightful, valuable, and practical. Carousels are a great way of providing educational content and these are the posts that get the most saves!

🌱 Inspirational content
Here is where you create the connection with your audience! Share something personal and tell a story, share a secret, and show your face. You can use photos or reels to create inspirational content. Here is where you build that much-needed trust factor!

🌱 Entertaining content
Share a funny meme, a trendy reel, or an exciting story. We all need a little break in between. 😉

🌱 Promotional content
Lastly, PROMOTE your stuff! You might think it's obvious that you are selling something or hosting something, it's not! Only promote 5% of the time though, unless you're running a promotion or launching a new product/service.

Did I miss out on anything? Let me know in the comments. 👇👇

IS THIS HOW TIRED YOU LOOK EVERYDAY RUNNING YOUR BIZ? (Yep, tired but still cute!!)The toughest part of running a busine...


The toughest part of running a business is keeping all the balls juggling in the air.

Biz owners end up wearing a lot of hats to keep their business running. A day in the life of an entrepreneur might include

💢 sales calls
💢 marketing meetings
💢 client lunches
💢 press interviews and
💢 dozens of other things that advance the progress of the business

How does having an IG expert in your back pocket sound? 👀

Pretty sweet, right? 🍦

It's not only a huge relief but also a good investment to help your business grow even more. Growth = 💰💰💰💰💰

Life is so much better if you have someone work on your business' back-end or working on your social media while you spend more time upscaling your biz and making more time with your family.

Let's connect and discover how I can better serve you. Send me a message now!

🎯 Mental Note To Self 🎯No matter how many detours you take or redirections you encounter, trust that you will always be ...

🎯 Mental Note To Self 🎯

No matter how many detours you take or redirections you encounter, trust that you will always be led where you are ultimately meant to be.

Trust the journey. Trust the universe's bigger plan.

Which one are you choosing - Fear or Trust?

So, which one are you?? 😛😝COMMENT BELOW!

So, which one are you?? 😛😝


Learning how to avoid burnout is important for just about anyone with a job or a business. Over time, work that we used ...

Learning how to avoid burnout is important for just about anyone with a job or a business.

Over time, work that we used to love and enjoy can become stale or overwhelming. Even the best of us can face burnout.

Here are some EASY TIPS that you could do to AVOID burnout and remain productive:

🌱 Disconnect - It's important to put on an out-of-office message, too, and not respond to emails. Make sure you pick a consistent end time and avoid working into the night or on weekends. It allows you to unplug and recharge. Believe me, you'll feel rejuvenated.

🌱 Take a Power Nap - Working straight through can seem easy but it can leave you mentally exhausted and emotionally drained. Try to take multiple breaks throughout the day, and instead of surfing social media, try to squeeze in some power naps!

🌱 Meditate & Exercise - It can help alleviate stress and create a sense of well-being. You will also experience increased energy and productivity when you exercise regularly.

🌱 Do a Hobby - Pick a hobby that has little or nothing to do with what you spend most of your week doing, and pursue it with passion! It provides you a satisfying break from the weekly grind.

🌱 Take a Hot Shower - This one does the magic every single time! After a long tiring day, go dedicate some alone time in the shower.

🌱 Visit a Friend - Schedule free time on your calendar and visit a friend or a loved one. After a quick catch-up, you'll get back to work feeling recharged and inspired.

🌱 Eat Healthily - Take self-care seriously! Be sure to eat healthy food. Avoiding burnout is not just about taking care of your mental health - also physical health.

Tell me, what other things do you do to avoid burnout? 👀

It's easy to love the nice things about ourselves, but true love is embracing all our imperfections and learning to live...

It's easy to love the nice things about ourselves, but true love is embracing all our imperfections and learning to live with it. 💞

I have so many flaws and insecurities, but I am proud to say that I am learning to love them all and accept that I am better flawed than flawless.

I keep in mind that being ‘flawed’ with little imperfections doesn’t make me less of a person. It is actually what defines me and makes me special, unique, and human.

I hope YOU take the courage to embrace your flaws as well and go on with your life. Just see what power this little internal shift brings out in you! Remember, you are a perfect the way you are regardless of your flaws.🌱

Drop your favorite emoji if you agree! 💖

An Instagram post is not just about a pretty picture. 👀Instagram isn’t quite as simple as it used to be!Combine all thes...

An Instagram post is not just about a pretty picture. 👀

Instagram isn’t quite as simple as it used to be!Combine all these elements to ensure a successful post. 😉

🌱 Visuals - always ensure top quality visuals.

🌱 Engaging Captions - remember HOOK, SOLVE, CTA.

🌱 Hashtags - don’t just put random oversaturated hashtags! Use 30 relevant hashtags to improve your reach.

🌱 Engagements - Don’t post & ghost!! Interact with other posts & other accounts!

🌱 Scheduling - Analyze your insights & post during peak times. Pop online before & after posting to gain more reach!

🌱 Location - Don’t forget to add a specific location, it sure helps you to be discovered by people.

Which element do you think is the most important? Let me knownin the comments! 👇🏼




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