Livie Dawn

Livie Dawn Message or Tweet me with cover requests. Subscribe:

Business contact: livslifetoday(at)gmail(dot)com
Message me with any requests you have for cover songs. I love discovering new songs and artists and supporting them with my renditions and covers. :) (Plus it's fun to make a song your own and give something popular a personal twist.)

As many of know, we are currently going through a legal battle with DCFS and an overreach into our home. These several m...

As many of know, we are currently going through a legal battle with DCFS and an overreach into our home. These several months have been an outright nightmare as we have feared for the removal of our beautiful daughters following a report filled with lies and no effort to understand truth before throwing our family to the wolves. We have done everything we can to prove the health and wellbeing of Molly and now Anna while going against a system that starts on the presumption of "guilty until proven innocent" instead of the other way around. We have been denied from knowing our accuser and yet continually have been confronted with flat out falsehoods that feel only intended to cause harm while all words claiming to care seem hollow, immediately followed by more lies.

Did you know that DCFS has come into our home multiple times monthly and then turned around and told their attorney lies about our visits that result in our lawyer needing to listen to the recorded visits to prove what they are saying is wrong? Why would they lie? Because DCFS gets money when they remove a child or place "protective services" into a home under the threat of removal if not followed with exactness. They have no sincere interest in knowing that our children are cared for and healthy.

Because of this traumatic never-ending experience, we have incurred medical and legal bills that are far beyond what we can handle on our own. This is a plea for help as we are trying so hard to protect our family. If you can give and/or share this link asking others to give, we thank you. We are so grateful for your generosity and kindness and for the goodness of God in our lives.

In the middle of January, the day before our daughter's first birthday, Molly got sick with a cold and minor fever, suffered a seizure and was rushed to the ...

Our beautiful little girl has hit the 11 month mark! 🤯 I cannot believe that we have been blessed with this little angel...

Our beautiful little girl has hit the 11 month mark! 🤯 I cannot believe that we have been blessed with this little angel for almost a full year now. She is literally the best thing to ever happen to us and I thank God every day that I get the privilege of being Molly's mama! 🥰
She has so many funny quirks and grows more into her own every single day. She is healthy and strong and has tripled her birth weight ahead of schedule. She has been making noise for a long time now but just recently showed interest in actually conversing and babbles constantly. I love listening to all her stories. In the last few days she has started sticking her tongue out while she says "lalala" and Brian and I both find it quite hilarious and adorable.
I love watching her personality develop and seeing how much she loves. Our sweet Dinosaur is the best! 💛

Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours! Today and every day I am grateful for my incredible husband, my sweet baby ...

Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours! Today and every day I am grateful for my incredible husband, my sweet baby girl and the promise that families can be together forever! 💛
I am so grateful for my mom and dad, loving brothers and sisters, the best nieces and nephews, wonderful in-laws and the most incredible group of framily members I could ever ask for. To all those I love and love me, thank you! 🥰

It's gotten cold here in Utah so Molly is back in her blankets. 😍 I love this adorable little girl!!

It's gotten cold here in Utah so Molly is back in her blankets. 😍 I love this adorable little girl!!

My sister, BIL, niece and nephew are moving to England today and I am very sad. I'm also excited for them. They will be ...

My sister, BIL, niece and nephew are moving to England today and I am very sad. I'm also excited for them. They will be coming back eventually, but it is hard to let them go. In the time they are gone everyone will grow and change so much. It has been incredibly special to take the last few weeks to make the most of every moment to love and hold and spend time with each of them! I wish them the best in their travels and look forward to all the fun things they share while they are away. But best believe I am counting down the days to when they come back home again!

My Molly girl is 7 months old! 🤯 I cannot believe how fast time has flown. And how much our sweet Dinosaur has grown!Whe...

My Molly girl is 7 months old! 🤯 I cannot believe how fast time has flown. And how much our sweet Dinosaur has grown!
When filling out the fun little board this month I ran out of room listing all the things loves and had to think hard about the things she dislikes. Brian and I talk often about how blessed we are to have such a sweet, good-natured, happy little daughter. I am grateful she is our oldest because I already can tell how loving and kind she is and will be and it excites me to think of her in the capacity of sister someday.
Happy 7-month birthday, sweetheart. Mama and Daddy love you more than words can tell!

"Happy birthday, daddy!" 😘Today we have had the privilege of celebrating the miracle that is the life of my husband. The...

"Happy birthday, daddy!" 😘
Today we have had the privilege of celebrating the miracle that is the life of my husband. The fact that he was even born is a miracle. And the way we met is another miracle. And how we decided to get married is a miracle. And bringing Molly into this world was a miracle. Our lives, and specifically the life of my love, have been touched by the hand of God at every turn. So I decided to highlight just a few of those moments in a scavenger hunt. These are some of the pictures from the different stops in the hunt. If you know, you know. 🥰
Brian, Molly and I love you so much! Thank you for being an amazing husband and the most incredible, loving and sweet daddy in the world! We are grateful you are ours ! 😘🤟
Happy birthday! 🥳

Happy Pioneer Day!One year ago, Brian and I were at the   parade and we excitedly said, "next year we will be here with ...

Happy Pioneer Day!
One year ago, Brian and I were at the parade and we excitedly said, "next year we will be here with a 6 month old." Today, we found ourselves at the same parade, with our precious little girl who is half a year old already! I know you are probably thinking, duh. But it is mind blowing to me how much can happen in 1 year! 🤯
Molly sat through the parade like a champ, even though it was right during her naptime. By the time is was over, she was so tired and hot and hungry that she just hung in our pack. It was so cute and sad. I made sure to feed her and then she got a good nap while Mama and Daddy helped my sister move. Then we ended up at the pool for a bit and finally had a delicious dinner to close the day. Needless to say, everything wiped us all out! (But isn't Molly just the cutest little sleeper?! 😍)
It was a good day with our little family.
(Oh, and Molly was wearing some super cute cowboy boots made by her great grandma! We all love them.)

Happy Pioneer Day!One year ago, Brian and I were at the   parade and we excitedly said, "next year we will be here with ...

Happy Pioneer Day!
One year ago, Brian and I were at the parade and we excitedly said, "next year we will be here with a 6 month old." Today, we found ourselves at the same parade, with our precious little girl who is half a year old already! I know you are probably thinking, duh. But it is mind blowing to me how much can happen in 1 year! 🤯
Molly sat through the parade like a champ, even though it was right during her naptime. By the time is was over, she was so tired and hot and hungry that she just hung in our pack. It was so cute and sad. I made sure to feed her and then she got a good nap while Mama and Daddy helped my sister move. Then we ended up at the pool for a bit and finally had a delicious dinner to close the day. Needless to say, everything wiped us all out! (But isn't Molly just the cutest little sleeper?! 😍)
It was a good day with our little family.

Molly had her first swim this week. She was a bit tired but still had some fun kicking around in the water for a little ...

Molly had her first swim this week. She was a bit tired but still had some fun kicking around in the water for a little before letting us know she was done for the day. We are both excited to spend more time in the water this summer with our sweet little girl! 🏊‍♀️ ☀️

Happy Independence Day!❤️🤍💙Happy birthday, America! 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙Molly's first Independence Day was a success filled with famil...

Happy Independence Day!
Happy birthday, America! 🇺🇸
Molly's first Independence Day was a success filled with family, food (she tasted watermelon today) and fireworks. 🥰 🇺🇸 🎉

I keep meaning to post this and then get so busy that I forget, but...  is officially in her 5th month! I still pinch my...

I keep meaning to post this and then get so busy that I forget, but...
is officially in her 5th month! I still pinch myself because I can't believe I have been so blessed to call this little girl my daughter. Her personality is the best and she develops more and more every day. It is incredible to see the growth that happens in such a short period of time. Wow, I love my Molly girl! Happy 5 (and a half) month birthday, precious baby. 💗

Happy Father's day to my amazing love! He is the best dad to Miss Molly and such a wonderful support and help to me. He ...

Happy Father's day to my amazing love! He is the best dad to Miss Molly and such a wonderful support and help to me. He loves taking care of and spending time with our little girl and was beyond excited when we were gifted this lightsaber for her because then we could truly show off our Jedi princess. Watching Brian be a dad is the best! We love you, daddy. 💙

Happy flag day! 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🎶 "You're a grand old flag; you're a high-flying flag. And forever in peace may you wave. You're t...

Happy flag day! 🇺🇸
🎶 "You're a grand old flag; you're a high-flying flag. And forever in peace may you wave. You're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave. Every heart beats true for the red, white and blue, where there's never a boast or brag. But should old acquaintance be forgot, keep your eye on the grand old flag." 🎶

I'm bringing it back! Happy   (on a Tuesday again 🤦🏼‍♀️) everybody! 🥰This was Molly's first backyard concert. It was a b...

I'm bringing it back! Happy (on a Tuesday again 🤦🏼‍♀️) everybody! 🥰
This was Molly's first backyard concert. It was a beautiful night with the weather trying to rain but never really sticking. Brian and I sang along and Molly tried really hard to sing right back. It was the cutest thing ever!

Holy cow! I cannot believe our Molly girl is 4 months old! My, how the time flies. And she is growing bigger, stronger a...

Holy cow! I cannot believe our Molly girl is 4 months old! My, how the time flies. And she is growing bigger, stronger and LONGER every day (she grew many inches this last month), with a personality that is my absolute favorite. She has definite preferences already and isn't afraid to speak up when she needs something or feels ignored for too long.
One of our favorite ways to calm down during a crying session is to turn on Disney sing-alongs and dance while Mama sings. It might take a song or two, but Molly eventually mellows and just snuggles into my shoulder. 🥰
We have started talking about Jesus during the day and I show Molly some pictures I enjoy and she often smiles when we are talking. It is really sweet to see. 😍
Also, the other day, Molly said my name!! She was getting ready for bed with Daddy and was not happy. I had stepped away to get ready before feeding her and in the middle of her crying she said, "Ama!" I came back into view and she made eye contact in a way that confirmed to both Brian and I that she was calling for me. 😭💗 My heart melted. I cannot wait to hear her say it again and again! 💛
Happy four month birthday, my precious daughter!!

This view is the best I've ever seen! 😍My favorite part of nursing my little girl is the hand on my chest while she eats...

This view is the best I've ever seen! 😍
My favorite part of nursing my little girl is the hand on my chest while she eats. I've recently started doing our morning feeding laying in the bed and often we both fall back to sleep. These cuddles have become sacred time for me and I make sure to soak in every minute.
(And when I definitely have other responsibilities but I'm stuck with my arm under her head, I choose to love it and make a sacrifice of my time, usually sleep, later in the day to make up for what I slacked off on.)

My baby is 3 months (and 3 days) old! 😭 I can't believe how fast the time has gone. She is growing up so fast and is no ...

My baby is 3 months (and 3 days) old! 😭 I can't believe how fast the time has gone. She is growing up so fast and is no longer my teeny tiny newborn girl. But it is so amazing to see how much my sweet girl is becoming aware of the world. And the best part of all of it is seeing her now recognize and look at me as I walk around the room and smile every time she catches my eye. My Molly girl is the best thing that has ever happened to me! 🥰
(on a Wednesday)

My name is Olivia Dawn, your current UTGOP Secretary. I am seeking reelection at our upcoming State Organizing Conventio...

My name is Olivia Dawn, your current UTGOP Secretary. I am seeking reelection at our upcoming State Organizing Convention on April 22nd, 2023.

I am taking a break from normal campaign posts to bring attention to an issue that I care very deeply about: protecting our state’s rich history and the symbols that remind us of that, including the under-attack Utah State Flag.

As I have stated before, I am a firm supporter of our Platform and believe this document unites our Party in a shared value system. If we use the Platform as our standard we can be sure of our direction. In our Platform, we have a few key planks that help guide my opinion on the current debate regarding changing our state flag.

We believe government properly exists by the consent of the governed.
---This particular phrase within The Proper Role of Government plank comes into play for me because studies and polls have shown that the vast majority of Utahns do not support a change to our flag and yet legislators ignored their constituents and voted for a new flag anyway.

We demand honesty, integrity, morality, and accountability of our public officials.
---There is a current movement across the United States working to rewrite, belittle and remove American history, including state flags and the US flag. It is evident to me that some, if not all of our lawmakers, are aware of this and yet still have moved forward in direct alignment with these efforts. Citizens across the state have spoken loudly about their disdain of this effort and the response from so many of our legislators has been disrespectful, disingenuous and callous.

We recognize the contributions made to our quality of life through ethnic diversity.
---Heritage is defined as “something that is handed down from the past, as a tradition, a thing of honor, pride, and courage.” Our Utah State Flag was established in 1913, crafted by courageous and strong people who founded this great state. The beautiful and historic design includes two US flags (representing support for the United States and the Constitution), the Bald Eagle (representing protection in peace and war), the Sego Lily (representing the Pioneers and the Native American tribes – Shoshone, Goshute, Navajo, Paiute, Northern Utes, and White Mesa Utes), the Beehive and the word “INDUSTRY” (representing hard work and industry), the year “1847” (representing when the Pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley), the year “1896” (representing when Utah officially achieved statehood), and Six Arrows (representing the six tribes named above and the mark of ‘preparedness’ – ready to defend our heritage, our ideals, and our achievements). Each of these symbols show the vast diversity that is part of our state’s rich history.
This flag epitomizes Utah’s rich heritage.

I love what the Republican Party stands for; we will be strong as we abide by these Divine principles within our Platform. It is up to us to promote these beliefs and values throughout the Great State of Utah to protect us from the encroaching dangerous woke leftist ideologies. I love the inscription of the Liberty Bell: Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land!

We must all be actively engaged. There are two days left to sign the referendum; all signatures must be turned in by April 12th at 5pm. If you haven’t signed yet and would like to, please go to the page: 2023 Utah Flag Referendum ( to connect with someone who can help you! If you have any trouble, let me know and I will do my best to assist.

For this   you are treated to more   pictures. Miss Molly was so cute,  matching mommy and daddy. We went for a drive an...

For this you are treated to more pictures. Miss Molly was so cute, matching mommy and daddy. We went for a drive and found lots of untouched snow so we made sure to stop. Then we took more at Gma's. It was a good day remembering our Savior and focusing on our family. Brian and I love being parents!

Happy Easter! 🐣🤟🥰I am grateful that, because of our Savior, Jesus Christ, my little family has the opportunity to be tog...

Happy Easter! 🐣🤟🥰
I am grateful that, because of our Savior, Jesus Christ, my little family has the opportunity to be together forever! I know He lives! His love is infinite and intimate. I know He knows me and is an integral part of my daily life. "God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son."

My name is Olivia Dawn, your current UTGOP Secretary. I am seeking reelection at our upcoming State Organizing Conventio...

My name is Olivia Dawn, your current UTGOP Secretary. I am seeking reelection at our upcoming State Organizing Convention on April 22nd, 2023.
I am a firm supporter of our Platform. This document can help us unite as a principled Party with a shared value system. If we use the Platform as our standard we can be sure of our direction. I believe in and live by the principles espoused in the Platform of our Party. In the last two years, I defended and upheld our Platform in all Party actions and statements. See my voting history here.
I have 100% attendance to SCC meetings, including attending virtually while on my honeymoon and later in-person with my brand new baby girl. I made a promise and I kept my word. My husband has been a great support in fulfilling my duties!
I have had extensive experience in my preparation prior to serving as Secretary. I have a keen understanding of the Constitution and Bylaws and have been successful in making sure the Party is guided by them. I have a clear vision of what we need to do to continue to strengthen our Caucus/Convention system, engage delegates and Republican voters, and find solutions to protect our convention nominees. I am a hard worker. I am organized and able to see things both from a detailed perspective and a big-picture perspective. I have worked fairly and honestly with others, whether we agree or not.
I have learned so much the past two years; I am excited to serve a second term! I look forward to being part of a strong team. I have shown by my actions the delegates have someone they can trust as Party Secretary! I humbly ask for your continued support in my reelection so the UTGOP can hit the ground running following State Convention on April 22nd.
If you have questions about my campaign or anything Party-related, please feel free to reach out.

Today's   features the smiles of a 10 week old. I love her so much!!!

Today's features the smiles of a 10 week old. I love her so much!!!

Poor Miss Molly has not been feeling well the last few days and has been extra needy. It breaks my heart to see her not ...

Poor Miss Molly has not been feeling well the last few days and has been extra needy. It breaks my heart to see her not feel good and it is exhausting to be up with her night and day. But it is an amazing feeling to be needed and wanted so much. And I love all the cuddles I am getting as I help her feel better. I hope my sweet girl is back to her happy, bubbly self soon, but for now, I'll keep taking care of and loving her with everything I have.

Today was an amazing day as Brian blessed our Molly girl. We were so grateful having our family with us to show their lo...

Today was an amazing day as Brian blessed our Molly girl. We were so grateful having our family with us to show their love and support.
I have to say, I loved seeing our sweet daughter in white! It was an honor to have her wear my baby blessing dress and her headband was made with a piece of my wedding dress. It was a privilege sharing a piece of me with her today!

Holy cow! I cannot believe this little girl is 2 months old! She is such an amazing human and it is an honor and privile...

Holy cow! I cannot believe this little girl is 2 months old! She is such an amazing human and it is an honor and privilege to be her mama. And my, does she already have so much personality! Brian and I had so much fun coming up with what to put on the board and then choosing which pictures to share ( ). Happy 2-month birthday, Miss Molly!! 🥰

We've got smiles and bows!After two weeks of smiling at Grandma, Gramma, Gpa, multiple aunties and Daddy, I finally got ...

We've got smiles and bows!
After two weeks of smiling at Grandma, Gramma, Gpa, multiple aunties and Daddy, I finally got a smile from my precious little girl. Now she won't stop smiling and I am even more in love! 🥰
We hit another milestone two days ago. 8 weeks old and we can finally fit a bow on Molly's cute little head. I already am having so much fun dressing her up and showing her off! 😍

Someone please tell me why my baby decided to look around our apartment for 20 minutes tonight as if she had just seen s...

Someone please tell me why my baby decided to look around our apartment for 20 minutes tonight as if she had just seen something crazy?! 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ (Plus a couple cute more normal pictures too. 😍💕)

My Molly girl is beautiful! 😍 I can't stop staring and taking pictures to capture every moment. How can I pick just one ...

My Molly girl is beautiful! 😍 I can't stop staring and taking pictures to capture every moment. How can I pick just one to share? I call this post "the many faces of Miss Molly". 🥰 6 weeks in and I am more in love every single day!

This   I am taking the time to talk about being a mama to this beautiful little girl.I have wanted to be a mom for as lo...

This I am taking the time to talk about being a mama to this beautiful little girl.
I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. When I was little I would play house with my dolls (and later, with my little siblings) and do everything from change their diapers to pretending to nurse and burp them. As I got older, people would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would say, a mom. In HS I just knew I would get married right after graduation and start having kids quite young; I was determined to have a big family just like my mom. In college I would be asked what I was going to do with my life and I always responded, I will be a wife and mother and I'm here now to make sure I will be the best I can be in those roles. Now, at 30 years old (much later than I planned), my dream has finally become a reality and I have been blessed and entrusted with my beloved Molly. And it is everything I hoped it would be and so much more. I never knew how much love was possible before being able to call this little girl my daughter!
The moment she came into my life, everything changed. I am constantly exhausted and frequently overwhelmed. I have become the only source for food and have discovered a never-ending supply of dirty diapers (and an amazing husband who changes them more than 50% of the time). I am now challenged to know the language of crying and can only pray to understand every nuance and tone before it gets inconsolable (which is absolutely heartbreaking and often brings me to tears). I don't have any time to shower or use the toilet or wash the dishes between taking care of the baby and trying to get some amount of work for my job completed each day. My life is no longer my own; I have another person who depends on me completely and I have to change every part of my life to accommodate her ever-changing schedule.
But with all those, what may seem like, negative things, come so many wonderful changes. I have dedicated time, multiple times a day and night, to spend one-on-one time bonding and strengthening our love for each other while nursing. My voice has become an almost instant soothing tool on calming my baby when she is upset. I have someone who will listen for hours while I sing or talk or think out loud and she responds with "coos" and "aahs" and all the trust in the world. I get to see the most beautiful eyes looking at me as though I am the only thing in the world. I get cuddles all the time, no matter what I am doing, and sometimes she even holds my finger or wraps her arm around my shoulder tight to let me know she is there. I have a little person who depends on me for everything and I will do all I can to give her everything.




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