As many of know, we are currently going through a legal battle with DCFS and an overreach into our home. These several months have been an outright nightmare as we have feared for the removal of our beautiful daughters following a report filled with lies and no effort to understand truth before throwing our family to the wolves. We have done everything we can to prove the health and wellbeing of Molly and now Anna while going against a system that starts on the presumption of "guilty until proven innocent" instead of the other way around. We have been denied from knowing our accuser and yet continually have been confronted with flat out falsehoods that feel only intended to cause harm while all words claiming to care seem hollow, immediately followed by more lies.
Did you know that DCFS has come into our home multiple times monthly and then turned around and told their attorney lies about our visits that result in our lawyer needing to listen to the recorded visits to prove what they are saying is wrong? Why would they lie? Because DCFS gets money when they remove a child or place "protective services" into a home under the threat of removal if not followed with exactness. They have no sincere interest in knowing that our children are cared for and healthy.
Because of this traumatic never-ending experience, we have incurred medical and legal bills that are far beyond what we can handle on our own. This is a plea for help as we are trying so hard to protect our family. If you can give and/or share this link asking others to give, we thank you. We are so grateful for your generosity and kindness and for the goodness of God in our lives.
In the middle of January, the day before our daughter's first birthday, Molly got sick with a cold and minor fever, suffered a seizure and was rushed to the ...