Saturday & Sunday, April 29th — 30th, 2023
The Minnesota State Bolt Action Championship GT
Force Selection
1100 requisition points, 16 Order Dice Limit (ODL, aka “in the bag”) there is NO limit to the number of units in
your force and choose one of the following options:
• 1 or 2 Generic Reinforced platoon selectors
• 1 Armored Platoon
• 1 Theater Selector
Units from all Bolt Action campaign books may be used in a reinforced platoon if the unit says “counts as [unit
type] for the purposes of the generic reinforced platoon selector…” in the description or has been pre-approved
by the SNAFU team (see list pinned in our Discord “list building” channel)
• Units in campaign books maybe allowed within their specified theatre selector
• No Naval Observers or theatre selectors which include such
• AXIS ALLIES/SUPPORT Bulgarian/Hungarian/Romanian forces operated in close support of German forces
and thus were often ‘stiffened’ by German units. To represent this, a force may include one extra unit from any
German entry that is a generic reinforced platoon selection, or the Italian Eastern Front theatre selector from
this book (though no Italian army special rules apply). This unit does not count towards the normal platoon
maximum, but it cannot be a Veteran unit, and cannot be a vehicle with a Damage Value of 10 + or 11 + (with
the exception of a Tiger I, which can be included)
• ‘AVANTI SAVOIA!’ – This special army rule will not be in effect, it’ll be replaced with AXIS SUPPORT
• No experimental rules/units, or units with website rules can be selected.
• War Correspondents are allowed!
• No special characters may be taken
• No Bolt Action Korea.
• All books and FAQ published before April 7th, 2023 are allowed
See end of this packet for tournament specific FAQ’s
Submission of Army List
• All lists are to be submitted no later than the 14th of April 11:59pm
to [email protected] . Bolt Action easy army is a great
way of selecting your force and generating your army lists, beware
though that not all entries are covered or correct.
• Unsubmitted army list on the day of may result in rejection
resulting in possible disqualification or removing of units until an
approved lists is created.
• Please submit lists in PDF or Excel format, with the file name of
[your] name.army name
• Bolt Action Champion of Minnesota
• 1st runner up
• 2nd runner up
• Best painted (peer voted)
• Best opponent (peer voted)