Let the council convene. Ten years have passed. Ten years since GTAV. A ground breaking game. since then we have seen remaster and remake, microtransaction infestations, not all of which have been bad.
we enter into an era now of distrust. When GTAV launched it was one of the greatest games of all time. The launch of GTAVI will serve as a bench mark. Can main series single player games capture our imagination? The answer is yes: FF7 remake, God of War revival, ghost of tsushima, hogwarts, horizon, elden ring, tears of the kingdom, bunch of other games I'm forgetting. gaming is not dead, though it is distributed and distrusted. Major installments like GTAVI have a special ability (some would say responsibility) to bring It home and reforge the fire we all feel when we boot up our system and dive into our world. It's nor required, but It sure would be rewarded.
Rockstar has confirmed when the first trailer for GTA 6 is coming.