It publishes original research reports and review articles illuminating gender role socialization, gendered perceptions and behaviors, and gender stereotypes. Incoming Editor-in-Chief (2016): Jan Yoder
[email protected]
Outgoing Editor-in-Chief: Irene H. Frieze
Managing Editor: Susan Dittrich
e-mail: [email protected]
S*x Roles: A Journal of Research is an interdisciplinary beha
vioral science journal offering a feminist perspective. It publishes original research reports and review articles that illuminate the underlying processes and consequences of gender role socialization, gendered perceptions and behaviors, and gender stereotypes. The range of topics is broad, extending to gender issues in employment and work environments; interpersonal relationships; sexual orientation and identity; body image; violence against women, or intimate partners; gender role socialization; the influences of media, schools, peers and community on stereotypes; the acquisition, maintenance, and impact of stereotypes; the cultural, economic, legal and political effects of contemporary social change; or methodological issues in gender research. All papers consider the possibility of study participant gender differences in the initial statement of hypotheses and the analysis of data. Under the current editor, the journal stresses clear descriptions of the sample used in the reported research and in cited studies. Undergraduate samples should not include people aged 30 or older. samples are welcomed. The journal also offers book and media reviews that address gender-related topics. Total cites within Women's Studies journals: ranked 1st out of 38
Total cites within Social Psychology: ranked 10th out of 60
2013 Impact Factor: 1.698
5 Year Impact Factor: 2.096
Instructions for authors can be found on the S*x Roles website:
Submit manuscripts through the Editorial Manager online system:
Published by Springer Science+Business Media