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Mitä Pelataan? Lautapelipodcast suomeksi & englanniksi. Top-listoja, vieraita, arvioita, aiheta lautapeleihin ja lautapelaamiseen liittyen.

Board game podcast in Finnish & English. Top-lists, guests, reviews, topics and things related to boardgames and boardgaming. If you're interested in supporting my media stuff, please take a look at the Patreon and see what you'll get in return!:

Today my first semester teaching my own class ended. The semester was filled with countless new experiences. I began the...

Today my first semester teaching my own class ended. The semester was filled with countless new experiences. I began the semester in a class of 17 5th and 6th grade pupils I did not know. I ended it with 17 wonderful kids who each have their own character and are individuals. Each has their own specific interests and thoughts. My aim was to help the kids learn and grow.
The class was not the easiest really, and I tried my best. We had ups and downs together. We had some clashes and we had moments of joy. What is important to me, is that we had way, way, way more laughs and fun in the class and among the group than we had of sadness or arguments. I hope I have been able to give attention individually to each and every one of the pupils this semester that wished it.
I will miss them all, every single one of them. I almost teared up when other kids sang farewell to my 6th graders. I did so when reading all these cards for me. One said "to the best teacher", that broke me. From a kid who was not a "model" pupil. But they were brilliant in their own witty way, an individual.
I regret I could not have a talk with the 6th graders before they left for home, I had to send a Wilma-message to them afterwards, I hope they read it. Some of you stalk me here, some follow me - I know 😉. Please read my unspoken words, say this to your classmates too, thanks!
I will miss NHL talks in the mornings with one little dude (his sis, let him know if you read this, thx) I will miss football and spending time with all the kids during breaks. I will miss telling some little boys to not shout or swear in class. I will miss the silly puns in class and BrawlStars talk (I'll play with you guys sometime, promise). I will miss all the chats I had with all the kids in the school, they were priceless to me.
Most of all, I will miss spending time with my pupils. Whoever gets to spend time with them next year, I hope they appreciate it as they should. These moments are important to pupils, they should be so for teachers and adults too. And leave an overall positive vibes.
Please greet if we meet!
Now, summer stuff.
Me, out. ❤️

I rarely post in relation to my work or politics. Now I feel like I need to.Exactly 2 months ago our colleagues left Joe...

I rarely post in relation to my work or politics. Now I feel like I need to.
Exactly 2 months ago our colleagues left Joensuu. They were here for a week after traveling for 3 days from Gaza to Egypt to Turkey to Finland, as there is no airport in Gaza and they are not allowed to depart from Israel. It is like a win in a lottery for these very hard working educational academics to even be allowed a visit to Tel Aviv to even apply for a visa, let alone get it. It took a long time, and this was their 2nd trip now.
The focus was Finnish culture besides project stuff. We went to Koli () for a hike, played real Mölkky ( ), experienced golf (), wondered Finnish library system () and of course spent time in Finnish school () as well as got to see Finnish baseball (), and Sauna & swim (). They also stayed in cottages ().
These guys have done an absolutely fantastic work on teacher education and reformed it immensely during our project. They've done so in and specifically in subjects. I have never met a more driven group to better the conditions in their land, for future generations. And possibly never will. As we said farewells, we promised to meet in Gaza one day, soon, not late.
Now all that might be gone, these guys have fled with their families within the open-air prison they live in. Some students they've mentored in our project dead. Their job now is to care for their families and try to get water and necessities to them while there are any to get.
I hope the future is bright, the people deserve it. They deserve something to look forward to. Education is at the core of this, and these guys have brought brightness to an often dark place. To the youth there, to people.
Terror is terrible, genocide is unjustifiable. Human rights are priceless. No civilian should suffer from leaders' whims and their lust for power or status. This goes to everyone in this world we live in, it is the only one we have. Stand up to "leaders" who are not on the people's side, elected or not.
The world is for EVERYone, equally.
Heal the World!❤

Next weekend, it's time for   again! It's a gaming convention organized by the boardgameclub ( ) of our university's ( )...

Next weekend, it's time for again! It's a gaming convention organized by the boardgameclub ( ) of our university's ( ) student union ( ). We get about 100 attendees in the Con, but estimating from 30+ weekly game evening attendees this semester (earlier around 20), we will break records this autumn!
I will be hosting the (traditional) quiz show using Wits&Wagers where there will be game prizes. The club also received a Bingo machine and I will test it and run a game for prizes too! Also, of course, raffles for games! Prizes are provided by and !
This is a wonderful convention to attend to especially if you seek to play games among hospitable and nice people - we North Carelians are that group in Finland. There are also and tournaments and by ! If you have no other reason to visit Joensuu ( ) this is a good one! Welcome!
.fi .fihelsinki

  is a game published by  and it's a re-imagining of  , the designer Paolo Mori's area majority and hand management-set ...

is a game published by and it's a re-imagining of , the designer Paolo Mori's area majority and hand management-set collection game. Both are for 2 to 6 players and take about an hour to play according to the box. Ethnos had a fantasy setting, this one's set in archeological expeditions.
The main change in the game is that there is no map with locations to compete in area majority anymore. There are now site tracks with different conditions to advance. Other than that the game is almost the same. You choose which decks of people (factions earlier) you take into the game and shuffle them. You add 3 monkeys to the deck in a way that they appear in bottom half of deck. Season ends when 3rd is drawn, and players score their expeditions. This is done 2 or 3 times depending on the number of players, then the game ends.
On your turn you either a) pick up a card from deck or available face up cards, or b) play a set of cards with matching colour or type of people. You choose a leader among them, advance on that colour site's archaeology track and get to use the special ability of that leader. The twist in the game is that you then discard the rest of your hand face up to the table and those cards are available for taking from now on. Each track has different requirements to advance and give different bonuses and points, so choose wisely.
I think Ethnos is a good game (7/10), so I wanted to try this new one. The setting in this one is interesting and the artwork is nice. I hate the player "colours" though, need brighter! I didn't like this as a game as much. I had hopes for the tracks, but they remove almost all direct competition in the game - you do what you do and ignore others. Sure, someone will often take the card you want, but that's all. The game felt also a bit long, especially when you did not get what you need and couldn't do anything proper towards the end. I was disappointed. It is inevitable for me to compare these unfortunately, for someone who hates interaction and hasn't played Ethnos this might be a gem! For me this is 6/10.
(Game from Asmodee Nordics (), thanks!)

    edition is a celebratory release on Disney's 100 years. There's a sticker 100 on the wrapping I wanted to be visible...

edition is a celebratory release on Disney's 100 years. There's a sticker 100 on the wrapping I wanted to be visible in the pic so I didn't unwrap the game prior, and thus the embargo-note is there too (thank you ). The box also has a sign stating that over 12 million copies of Dixit has been sold (my Turkish Dixit from 2017 says 1,5 mil). Dixit is most known for its art in the cards, so Disney should suit it well.
Dixit is a game designed by Jean-Louis Roubira and published in 2008 by . The game takes as long as the group makes it take, meaning the more discussion, the more creativity, and difficulty there is in the game, the longer it can take. This version supports 3 to 6 players, and does not end when the deck ends, but when a player reaches 30 points.
In Dixit one player is a storyteller and chooses a card from their hand and gives a clue/tells a story related to that card. It can be anything and given in almost any way - just agree with the group so you have some frame. The trick is, that the storyteller does not want everyone to guess (too easy) nor do they want nobody to guess (too hard). They want something in between, like 1 player, to guess. In such cases, both the storyteller and players who guessed right, score 3 points. If everyone guessed, they get 2 points each, but storyteller gets 0. Everyone gets 0 if nobody guesses.
So what is there to guess? Well, after the storyteller gives their clue, everybody looks at their hand of cards and pick a card that matches that clue. All cards are shuffled and randomly assigned a number. Then everyone votes secretly which number they think is the storyteller's card, you cannot vote your own. Other players get 1 point for each vote their card received. That's how you score.
This version comes with an insert that can hold at least 3 decks of dixit cards. It also has places for the superb disney meeples, no, Diples maybe? Disney People? Anyway, the voting dials are themed to match the Diples and the board is beautiful. The cards are also wonderful and have detail, although not as weird and wonky at times. Wonderful version of a mellow game. 7/10, as the original.

  is a game designed by Günter Burkhardt and published by . The game takes you and 1-4 of your friends to an Irish count...

is a game designed by Günter Burkhardt and published by . The game takes you and 1-4 of your friends to an Irish countryside setting of green meadows (with sheep ofc) and yellow fields (for whiskey ofc). A small bog can be seen here and there, as well as stone circles and ruins of towers. The trip takes about the 45 mins the box says, and is not very dependent on player count as you can act simultaneously.
Your aim is to create a rectangular shape of land around your home tile (the one with whiskey-track) with a lot of sheep adjacent to each other on meadows. While doing so you also try to arrange 3 ruins in a line, 2 bogs next to each other, and create pairings of fields and breweries to produce whiskey. Stone circles will provide points by themselves. Why?
* If you fully (incl. diagonals) surround your home tile, you get 5 points.
* You get points from the largest rectangle you have on your land, i.e 7 wide, 6 high would be 7x6=42 points.
* Each connected sheep in your largest group is worth 1 point, most such sheeps 5 points.
* Each field & brewery adjacent to each other will let you advance 1 step on your Whiskey track for points and sheeples.
* Each line of 3 ruins gives you a tower piece to fill a hole on your land or make your rectangle larger.
* 2 adjacent bogs will give you a single square tile to add to your land. This can be also placed on an empty meadow.
You build simultaneously. Starting player spins a wheel and your emblem will point to a sector with 2 tiles. You choose one of them to add to your land, you can't build on top of previous tiles. Gain the benefits from above if condition fulfilled and a wooden sheep if tile has a +🐑 symbol. Check who has the most sheep, give the 5p token to them. Iterate for 12 rounds (10 if 5p).
This game plays and feels fast. Take a tile, place it, check sheep, next round. It has easy rules, but has nice decisions for the player as the tiles are different shapes and have different types of lands on them. This is almost a filler game for me, but it is a good one. It's not often I find fast and easy to play game that has enough decisions and feels fresh. Rated 8/10.

  Super Teams is a card-driven racing game with a   theme some might have fond memories from their past (or even present...

Super Teams is a card-driven racing game with a theme some might have fond memories from their past (or even present). It's designed by Max Gerchambeau and published by & . The game box says it plays in 20 min, but I'd add about 50%.
You are in charge of a team, a pair, of racers and try to get both of them to finish before others. In a 2p game you have 2 teams each. On your turn you play a card and move either one of that colour racers the number of spaces (1-6) the card indicates. Yes, doesn't matter if it's your team, you move. You also have to play all the cards in your hand before you get new ones. Rinse and repeat.
However, there are things to consider:
* you have to pass a loop fully on one card or you slide back to beginning of it.
* if you begin from spikes you move only 1 on next card.
* if you begin from coins, you move double on next card.
* if you end on a (?) You get a special card.
Seems simple? Well it is - and that's the thing. Almost everything is up to timing when you play cards, save that opponent's 6 for spikes, blast your own racer for 10 spaces from coins. I didn't think much of the game after playing it 4p at the game club. I was about to trade it awa, but The Daughter wanted to play (with th great minis). So I played it 2p with her almost a year after the 4p... And wow how fun it was with 2 teams and teasing each other all the time! Almost every card raised emotions, good or annoying. So much fun. Typing this, I'm leaving the game visible to be asked "can we play this again?". I rated this 6.5, now it's 7.5/10, which is about as high as this kind of game can be for me. One of the few games I'm happy I gave another chance. Usually games don't get much better from initial impressions. Might of course be because of the company.

#보드게임 #ボードゲーム

    is possibly the hottest game of last year. It's designed by Asger Harding Granerud & Daniel Skjold Pedersen, and pub...

is possibly the hottest game of last year. It's designed by Asger Harding Granerud & Daniel Skjold Pedersen, and published by . It's a racing game for 1 to 6 players and plays in about an hour (box) or two (reality).
The game is a race of set number of laps depending on the track. You race by playing a number of cards from your hand depending on the gear your car is currently on. You can play speed cards, stress cards, or upgrade cards. Speed cards move your car the number of spaces the card states, upgrade cards can do various things, and stress cards make you flip the top card of your deck and add its speed to total speed you move with. Your engine also has a set number of Heat cards that are moved from engine to discard pile when an effect (like going too fast in a curve) states so. They later on come to your hand and can't be played, but have to be cooled down (put to engine) with an effect (like using a low gear).
Advanced modules include: service - lots of new upgrades to draft in the beginning, legends - solo, weather and conditions - self explanatory, and championship - set of races for the championship. I have used the first two, and do fully recommend both - maybe after one play though.
I think Heat is a great racing game. The card play is tactical and strategic after you know what is in your deck and see where others move. From advanced modules the solo module is very easy to add, so you can always have full set of opponents. Drafting upgrades brings needed variability to the decks. I like the game more after each play when more stuff is added in. Not sure if that trend will continue with the rest of modules. I rated the game 7/10 after beginner game, now 8.5/10 after using the first two modules. The rating might stay put, or it might move .5 up or down.

#보드게임 #ボードゲーム

  is a 2-player version of the popular and praised game   published by  . As it's predecessor it's designed by Marc Andr...

is a 2-player version of the popular and praised game published by . As it's predecessor it's designed by Marc André, who's now joined by Bruno Cathala of course as it is a 2p take on a bigger game.
As in Splendor, your aiming to be first to reach a goal by picking chips (gems) and buying cards with them. Cards are of a colour (or wild) and provide discount to future buyings using that colour gems. That is Splendor.
However, this is the duel. Here some cards have effects when they are bought, for example: take another turn, take a chip of the card's colour, and take a gem or a pearl from opponent. Some cards also have crowns: when you get your 3rd crown you take a royalty card, another when you get your 6th crown. Oh, and one of the multiple win conditions is to get 10 crowns. Others are the basic gain 20 points, and 10 points in one colour of cards. If you reach one of these 3, you win.
Other differences to earlier is how chips work. You can pick 1-3 chips in a orthagonal or diagonal line from the board (pic2), no gold. If you pick 3 same or 2 pearls, your opponent gets a privilege. Used gems go to bag after you buy a card. If you choose to fill the board in your turn before main action, opponent gets a privilege. Privileges can be used at the start of your turn to pick one chip (no gold). Getting gold and reserving a card is like in Splendor.
For me, every single change in the game makes the game more interesting and deeper. Picking chips has an idea, cards are more varied and have crowns and effects, three ways to win, reason to collect one colour. This is also mayne my favourite of the shrunk into 2p games, as this became meatier! I am not big fan of Splendor to begin with, but this is good. As an added bonus my 7yr old Daughter played well, although age says 10+. I rate this 7/10.

#보드게임 #ボードゲーム

    is a game for 3-6 people lasting 90 mins according to the box. It is published by  and the designer is not mentioned...

is a game for 3-6 people lasting 90 mins according to the box. It is published by and the designer is not mentioned.
In the game you take a role as one of the characters (pic2) trying to influence allies (pic3) to join your councils by playing cards (pics 4&5) to a kind of a trick. Who has the highest power in the trick gains the ally and the next round begins. When a set number of rounds have passed, season changes. When winter has come and its rounds played. At the end of the game whose small council has most power wins, in a case of (likely) tie, the tied player whose other council has more power wins the game.
Each player has two councils (pic9), and they are shared with neighbours, one on the left and one on the right. The one with less power is that player's small council which is compared to others' at the end of the game. Besides allies, power tokens can be placed to councils face down and they will count towards power at the end.
Each round players play cards and apply their abilities trying to gain an ally being influenced that round. Who has the highest combined power of their played cards gain the ally. Allies have varying powers and abilities also, which are executed at certain time.
The game is intriguing and cardplay is tactical as well as strategic at times. It is very important to follow what others, especially your neighbours, are doing and which cards have been played. Each player has 10 cards per season, and those have to last the whole season. A big played pile might be a bad move early. I definitely suggest the advanced variant where character specific cards come to play as well as events. The game has a lot of good stuff, but I can not justify the playtime of the game - it is too long for what it is for me. Rated 6.5/10.

#보드게임 #ボードゲーム

  is a quick, silly   for 3 to 6 people who don't need to play seriously. It's designed by Cory O'Brien and developed an...

is a quick, silly for 3 to 6 people who don't need to play seriously. It's designed by Cory O'Brien and developed and published by .
The good wombats want to build 3 towers and bad wombat(s) try to prevent them from doing so. Your role is hiddenly given to you at the start of the game. The good wombats have 90 seconds to build 3 towers. If they manage to build all 3, they get 2 points and 1 point by building 2. If they build only 1 or none, the bad wombat(s) score 1 or 2 points, respectively. The team to get to 3 points first wins.
Booooriiing? Suuure, BUT x 2. BUT 1: you only build with one hand. BUT 2: you keep your eyes closed with your other hand. Still boring? Well, can be. It's suggested to play with simply good and bad wombats in your first game, that is a bit boring. However, you can, and imo should, use different roles for good wombats. They make the game interesting for all and easier for bad wombats. Roles include a wombat who can't remove pieces from towers and one that can't place any. One can't take free pieces, but only from others and towers. One is confused and changes to bad side when good team has 2 points.
The game is silly fun in a suitable group. Do NOT take the game seriously though. Also, make sure your fingernails are not sharp. This is probably a good spectator game, as it probably looks and sounds very silly and I'd think this is very suitable entertainment for conventions or game club meetings. I personally don't find much replay value in the game after playing with roles and also my previous game was so fun and with a good group, that I might not want to play this again. For one who enjoyes silly, wonky, party games with good components and tactility, this would be a winner! For me, I rate it 6/10. It was fun, and that's it.

#보드게임 #ボードゲーム

    is a head-to-head game for 2 players by Caleb Grace, published by . The game's playtime is up to the players and wha...

is a head-to-head game for 2 players by Caleb Grace, published by . The game's playtime is up to the players and what the deck gives as well. You can adjust the length depending on the number of planets/bases you choose. You win the game once you've destroyed all opponent's bases.
The game is similar to other games where you have a shared line of cards to acquire cards from into your deck and then getting to use them in the future. Star Realms for instance being very similar. The thing here is that you have own factions for players, Rebels and Imperials, and one neutral faction consisting of mercenaries, scum, and villainy of the space. You can only hire your own faction's cards or the neutral ones.
There's another twist: when you play a card you collect the number of resource cubes (for hiring) the card indicates. Differing from many decbuilders, you will also get to use a card's ability and/or attack if the card allows! So you do not have to choose if you hire or fight, do both of able! Cards might also move the force in your direction on a track. Position of the force might affect some cards' functions.
When you attack you can attack opponent's base unless they have a capital ship(s) in play, which have to be destroyed first. Furthermore, you can attack your opponent's cards in the row and get rid of them. Attacking a card in the row gives you a reward and you can get rid of cards that are bad for you. When a base is destroyed, a new one is chosen. Bases have varying hitpoints and special abilities.
The deckbuilding does feel familiar, but the faction related stuff is cool and new! The selection of available cards is important, and play can slow down a lot and be too long if only neutral unwanted cards are in the row. Rated 7/10.

#보드게임 #ボードゲーム

  :    is a quick-paced little game for 2-6 players with quickly functioning brain. The game is published by   &  . The ...

: is a quick-paced little game for 2-6 players with quickly functioning brain. The game is published by & . The game is designed by Johan Benvenuto & Nicolas Bourgoin.
Your aim is to collect a full emblem of 4 pieces, each representing a house in . You gain an emblem by discarding 2 cards of the same type after winning them. You also gain a piece by succeeding in a challenge where you have to feel a card and guess correctly from 10 cards (pic 5). Each card has a different shape and texture of the object. First to full emblem wins - easy, right?
Well, your brain might disagree, and other players might be faster. When you think you've got the answer, you close the card with your hand and THEN answer, IF you are the fastest. If you answer wrong, you must skip next round.
There are 7 different challenges besides the touchy one - pics 3 and 4 show the back and front of each type:
1) Magic wand: blue is left, red is right, wand colour shows which hand you use, drawn colour the direction to point.
x) Touch: if drawn, the touch-task is given to the one who got previous task correct.
2) Items: recognize the colour around most items, cover the card, list the items.
3) Map: follow HP through doors to an item.
x) Touchy Owl.
4) Symbols: which symbol is missing from the back of the card, or is there an extra one?
5) Qudditch: which colour is the one in front?
6) Emblems: one is not like the others.
7) Patronus: which one is seen only once?
You can try for yourself! Let me know how it went.
When I tried this 2p with my then 6yr daughter, she wanted to play through the whole deck (5 times) so she would complete one emblem (I did 4). Today I played it 5p. I don't think there's much replay-value, but it's fun a few times! Rating 5/10. Touchycards are superb! HP fans might love it!

#보드게임 #ボードゲーム

 ! is an up to 8 player party/filler game designed by "Lartinchon" who are: Grégoire Largey, Frank Crittin, and Sébastie...

! is an up to 8 player party/filler game designed by "Lartinchon" who are: Grégoire Largey, Frank Crittin, and Sébastien Pauchon. Champions! is published by in 2023.
In the game characters the players choose are competing against each other in a cup-style tournament in various tasks. You can see some of the characters and tasks in the last photos (6&7) of this post.
Each player chooses 1 or more names from a card they're given and writes it on a tile. There has to be 8 names, so with less than 8 players some players write more than 1 name. The competitors' tiles are then shuffled and set as 4 pairs in the competition bracket. Each pair has their own task to compete in. And players vote one match at a time which one they think would suit better. If vote is even, each task has a tiebreaker colour which is important in games with even number of players.
For instance there could be Rapunzel and Yoda competing on who sneezes very loudly. Or maybe Thanos or Batman does laundry at their parents' place. Which would you vote in these cases? You can see one round in the photos 3&4 how it is laid out.
So how do you get points? After seeing the bracket, you try to know who will win the whole thing and the matches in the bracket. If you vote for 1st round winner, you get 1 point, 2 for 2nd, and 4 for final. You can use your player board to predict the bracket, but you get points (3) only for predicting the champion right. You do this 2 times and total your score - most points win.
The game plays fast and is easy to teach and setup. I see this as a very good "filler" type of game when not being able to decide what to play. Also the selection of characters is good, and I suggest sticking with the provided ones, if even to make the game less thinky and faster. I like the new way of making erasable tiles and boards with a small recess so the marker is not erased when face down on cloth. I rate the game 7/10 although I don't get to play that many party games, but this being fast, funny, and easy (and geeky) makes it a possible choice for a filler if needed!
Any questions?

11 days to my birthday, so let's try to rejuvenate this account a bit with some boardgame reviews. For the following 11 ...

11 days to my birthday, so let's try to rejuvenate this account a bit with some boardgame reviews. For the following 11 days I'll post a review on one of these games that are pending to be reviewed. All of them provided by (a huge thank you & also for not rushing, but trusting!).
Let me know in the comments which game(s) you are the most interested in, I'll also poll in a story to get your opinions. All reviews will be later available in my once I dig it from the dust in the autumn. I'll redo the format etc. a bit and see if I can easily do audio to video for as it now has podcasts as separate playlists as well. Make sure you check my link in bio to find all the media I'm found in, if interested of course. And tell others too if it feels right and if you think they'd be interested. Maybe, just maybe I'll finally reach 1k followers if I'm consistent and new boardgamers find me after me being hidden for a while. 🙂

#보드게임 #ボードゲーム



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Mitä Pelataan?

A podcast on boardgames and topics related to them. In Finnish and in English. Also other content related to boardgames like pictures and opinions on topics.

Podcast lautapeleistä ja niihin liittyvistä aiheista - suomeksi ja englanniksi. Myös muuta lautapeleihin liittyvää sisältöä kuten kuvia ja mielipiteitä asioista.