The Way of Kings follows the stories of three primary protagonists: Kaladin, Dallinar and Shallan. Each one has their own story to tell (which could probably be told in their own novel), with each story slowly helping to unveil the mysteries and secrets that define the world of Roshar. The Way of Kings is very much a journey of discovery, and the more carefully you read it, the more you will learn.
I am passed excited reading this book so far… I am more than half way through and there is still so much unraveling. 🫶🏾
#currentlyreading #readingupdate #fiction #scifi #stormlightarchive #cosmere #brandonsaunderson #thewayofkings #fantasy
I love this story so far. The narrative is told as a living memoir of Liao Hua. He tells his recount of the fall of the Han Dynasty as a young boy into the wars of the three kingdoms. This is a journey not a sprint so you don’t need to know anything about the time period. There are no big information dumps either. This is a simple story so far of how untrained farmers become warriors and Liao become a fierce symbol of the uprising.
It’s the perfect blend of fantasy, Chinese history and coming of age during wartime.
I believe this is supposed to be a ten books series, there are four published so far. I will definitely read more of these books when I finish this one.
#currentlyreading #readingupdate #fiction #historicalfiction #chinesehistoricalfiction #threekingdoms #handynasty #historicalfantasy #yellowskyrevoltbybaptistepinsonwu #baptistepinsonwu
This is a great mixture of Fox Folklore, murder mystery and revenge. Though it’s moving very slowly-the book is very invested is helping you learn the culture, history and folklore of the time period.
The story follows a fox named Snow. She has been wronged by a human man. We don’t know what the wrong is yet but it involves her cubs. She travels to find work as a personal nurse. The family owns a prosperous medicine shop in Manchuria. The family is cursed with tragedy - no man in the family lives past their 24th birthday. Since her arrival the family’s curse seems to be lifting..
The story switches over to a young woman being found in the snow. There are rumors the death is fox related. Bao, a self taught detective, has been hired to uncover the woman’s identity. Bao has always been intrigued by fox lore and is even more so now.
This like I said is a great blend of genres and having a touch of historical adding the final years of the Qing Dynasty and the rebellion in the background.. is not only cozy intriguing but a great look into the mindset of the people.
#currentlyreading #readingupdate #thefoxwifeyangszechoo #yangzechoo #thefoxwife #chinesefolklore #foxfolklore #chinesefiction #historicalfiction #mystery #revengestory #fantasy #mythology
I hate that this isn’t turning out well. SPOILERS**
I am 91 pages in. Let me explain…
In short, Bree is attending a residential college program for high school seniors. We learn that Bree is incredibly intelligent (genius level) and her mother was also (the mom died three months prior and she was an alumni of the program).
Bree and her best friend who is also attending sneak out on the first night. Bree witnesses a magical attack and though a “Merlin” is there and erases her memory it doesn’t stick. Bree and her best friend get caught and the best friend accuses Bree of not trying hard. The best friend refuses to listen to Bree and storms off.. Bree then “discovers” a secret society on campus called the Legendborn. A group of students and people who hunt demons. She has another encounter with a demon during the day and she learns that she also must magically inclined.. then she finds out her supervising chaperone is a “former” member. She then begins to believe her mother’s car crash was connected to the Legendborn. So she purses and persuades her chaperone to sponsor her entry into the society.
What rubbed me the wrong way so far :
1)Bree’s bereavement. Three months after her mother dies. Her Father and “best friend” are on her like frosting on cake.. no reason why just chop chop missy get it together (I’m annoyed can you tell)
2) Bree just doesn’t know things until she does but we still don’t know. Case in point, the Legendborn. She doesn’t know about them but then she just does and she understands the connection to King Arthur - then she is using terms like shadowborn and firstborn but we still have no idea how she knows and worse we don’t know what that is either. (I hope you feel as confused as I do)
3)Bree’s mothers death. Bree now thinks the cop was a Merlin because her memories are changing. When she tells her chaperone this, he says to her (paraphrasing) even if he was a Merlin and your mom accident happened