Exclusive Openings for Healthy Columbus Advisory Board
Healthy Columbus is dedicated to offering trusted, relevant, and accurate health content to the local Columbus market. Central to that goal is showcasing local healthcare providers as reviewers and sources of excellent articles. These carefully selected providers add invaluable expertise and credibility to our website, while simultaneously gre
atly improving their own online presence and display due to their affiliation with a highly trusted, established media website. Healthy Columbus is looking for qualified healthcare providers in each specialty area to represent specific health centers by reviewing and possibly contributing content to the site. Additionally, Healthy Columbus is offering a comprehensive online marketing solution tailored to the local market. Our proven and honed marketing package includes website design, search engine optimization (SEO), local search, social media and local media promotion. We are offering this exclusive marketing program to a select, very limited group of established Columbus providers from each specialty. The healthcare providers already with us dominate their competitors in search engine results and feature prominently in local search programs. We would like to offer you one of the exclusive positions in your specialty. Attached is a little more detail about what we offer and how this works. We plan on working with only two specialists in your field. Please contact our CMO, Timothy Howden at [email protected] (866) 884-3258 to secure your spot. www.healthy-mag.com. Healthy Columbus is a local favorite, both online, in digital, and in print. Home, Health & Community are three areas in our life that matter most. Our community-based Healthy Columbus Magazine offers a fresh perspective in meeting the challenges of today's hectic lifestyle. Within each issue you will find creative yet practical advice on maintaining a balanced approach to your health, home and a sense of community. Mission -
To be THE local source for health information, contacts, and community health connections. Best Niche Publication - 2010
Healthy Columbus Magazine is published monthly in print, digital, online,and with an all new APP, highlighting tips, trends, and healthy techniques to improve the community. Digital Creative Interactive Media. And, web design that works. Healthy Columbus Magazine. COLUMBUS.CITIHEALTH.COM