I have been sharing a lot about The Prism of Lite- as we are in the age of Aquarius, a new paradigm, there's a reason for this. I asked in prayer how we protect ourselves from those things that can be very damaging to us emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially. Here's what my guide told me. Three times a day, close your eyes, feel your body, and imagine it crystal clear, taking three breaths( look up Ujjayi breath) and bringing in the clear light from God's creator. Whatever your belief is, and out of that, it will come as the spectrum of colors like the ones in this picture that represents people, opportunities, and places- a roadmap that will guide you in your life to follow your purpose, supported by safety. All your universal needs will be met. To learn more about Universal needs, visit litetheway.com to understand what they are. You can also
Do the Crystalline consciousness technique -something that many people have been calling me and having sessions with so that they can be aligned when they are starting a business or getting into a new relationship to make sure that they are aligned with the right energy and less bumpy roads along their pathway. Right now, we are in a new paradigm and the spectrum which is a rainbow are the colors that come out of doing this exercise. My guides have also shared with me that they are the new Chakra Colors that hold the frequencies that connect you to living heaven on Earth. I have observed that many of us have been through some huge traumas that have put us in PTSD. I want you to know that they are also gifts that take us back to connecting with our own inner self. It is a gift to know yourself and love yourself. You do not have to put yourself in trauma
to know yourself. I am finishing my book and part of the story of my own journey does come with trauma. Last night i had a dream that i should share with you that it isn't necessary to focus on the trauma to reach the state of peace in your life. But, to connect with FAITH that every exeperience you have happens because it is part of a bigger plan, and God/ Creator never leaves you. Your breath is God / Creator within you. So when you go through trauma and stay stuck in sadness and anger you are not breathing the natural breath (!infinity breath) that allows you to flow naturally with life. PTSD can be released by doing the exercise
above because that will bring you back to the breath that you breathe when you were born all those experiences that have been so heavy can easily stay behind you. They cannot push you, they cannot keep you from living the life you were meant to live on this earth, and that is a life of peace.
through my own experiences, when I held on to all of that anger, hurt, abandonment, abuse, I became it. Do not allow yourself to stay there because you are the creator of your life and with you is the breath that can create a life that you were meant to live on this earth plane. I was going to tell my story and share all the hardships. But instead, I will not own them as my own, because I won't rewind and keep myself there and deprive myself of the good things that are part of my life. So when you sit in sadness, you choose it I can say this, and I believe that often people who have been through really heavy things -if you would like to challenge me and say you have not been through this or that I will say to you I will not tell you my story, but I will promise you that you will find yourself setback and probably have faith in what I'm saying because there is a sweet surrender when you let go and allow yourself to not let trauma keep you from happiness I know, because I locked myself up in a house and kept myself from the outside world, and vowed to bring my perpetrator down. that anger caused my body pain, I lost people in my family that love me, but new it wasn't good for me and I was blessed that they were aware enough to know that they could not support my behavior of feeling sorry for myself. It's a choice you have to make, do you want to sit in that for the rest of your life? Do you want to deprive yourself of joy. there is a beautiful poem, called footprints in the sand. My grandfather loved that poem, and I believe he lived it in his life so when you are feeling heavy, remember, you are part of creator, and all you have to do is now that when you let go of all that has hurt you in the past creator will carry you through it to release it and you will find yourself lighter and born again. Did you know that the reason that people don't live as long as they used to in the old days is because we hold on to the poisonous experiences we've been through and ourselves our breath to heal us. Deepak Chopra wrote a book called ageless, body, timeless mind, that's what he talks about. it is not necessary for you to punish your perpetrator, or a personal Judas leave that too creator, and I promise you that you will become a warrior of faith. You will be able to overcome any obstacle in life, and you will release sickness, depression, and oppression.
Choose to have faith that often things that happen to you were there to bring you closer to yourself. Do not forget how beautiful you are, and always remember you are not shame you are a light in this world that shines so brightly and the experiences that you have been through will be seen as you let go of the past. You don't have to tell the story of your past because your light will be stronger because you overcame it and created a connection with yourself, knowing that we go through things in this life only because we chose to be part of this life and our lives are like a drop of water in the ocean. They are so short. I ask you this one question…. what do you choose for yourself because you get to choose through Free will and choice to be stuck in the past, or to embrace the moment and all the people you love in that moment everything is frequency, choose not to hold the frequency of the pain you went through. it doesn't belong to you Iy belongs to the person that created it. do not go back and try to save them let them hold it and I guarantee you that as they see you free from the pain and suffering that they inflicted upon you that will be their chance to be free from ever hurting another person. You see when we hold onto being a victimit gives power to those who victimize when we let go of it then they have to hold it and see that they cannot victimize us and they must deal with their own conscience. do not hold onto what someone did to you. That's what makes it easier for them to be void of consciousness and continue to victimize instead leave it behind you because it belongs to them not you and I say this with Grace Jesus once said if someone strikes you turn and let them strike your other cheek. What he meant by that what exactly what I'm sharing not that you deserve to be abused over and over again but you are going to do a replay of what they are doing and making them own their actions. I hear a lot about gaslighting someone who wants to make you miserable takes Joy in your misery.. You have heard the saying misery, loves company. do not be the misery they want to create in you walk away and give it to creator and I promise you they will sit in that misery and I believe that they can also surrender it because somewhere someone put that misery on them and they kept it and that's all they know. we give victimizers too much power when they are really not powerful those who are powerful, live their life with love, and when we don't give power to them by feeding them, the same energy that they carry by becoming a victim it makes them sit alone with their actions, and then they have to choose whether they want to be alone because there victimizing no longer draws to them people who are victims because they created them, and then they don't feel alone. It is in being alone a that we face ourselves, and have the opportunity to choose what kind of life we want to live I hope that these words will bring you strength and take away the anger that might be driving you for revenge castaway the revenge because you do not wanna be a victimizer. You know what it's like to be a victim and becoming one that victimizes someone who hurts, you only give them power. Let it go they have no power over you you own your own power, and you cannot own theirs. It makes you the same as them I know because I spent a lot of time being very sick, holding on too, what happened to me. Then I realized it was just holding me back from my own happiness, and I missed out on some very.precious moments with those I love as I sat alone in my hurt. that hurt can have a ripple effect on everyone around you and your victimizer. If you choose to stay there well then be touching everyone you love let it go and enjoy those who want you do you that is not a victim. We are all survivors in someway we all have stories, but the most beautiful story you can tell is that of faith that you had the faith to know you were strong enough to live your life without holding the pain. pain is a frequency that causes sickness and the mind can create it. I hope my words will touch your heart and you know how amazing you are..Love, Kimmie Rose - Litetheway for yourself and you will experience heaven on earth
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