The clearest video code, about the apocalypse, truth, Creator, souls, eternity, etc, has been performed, by creator, by God, by invisible creature, on May 20, 2021. The police, the court, the media, the politics, the church, the army, etc, from the Vatican, Italy, Israel, Islam, Egypt, America, Russia, China, India, Africa, Brazil, Europe, etc, are obliged to publish the truth about the creator, souls, eternity, 24999, apocalypse, etc. It is very clear that it is a paranormal phenomenon, performed by an invisible creature. Nor a person, magician, priest, robot, etc, can not place the tarot cards, video online, in this way. To arrive at the result, that the sum of the numbers of the tarot cards, tarot card 7, tarot card 8, tarot card 9, tarot card 10, tarot card 11, tarot card 12, tarot card 13, tarot card 14, tarot card 15, tarot card 16, tarot card 17 and tarot card 18, is 24999, is impossible for all military scientific theological etc laboratory. Tarot card 3806+ tarot card 3563 + tarot card 461 + tarot card 1195 + tarot card 1211 + tarot card 483 + tarot card 1018 + tarot card 2369 + tarot card 2547 + tarot card 1729 + tarot card 3211 + tarot card 3406 = 24999 Each tarot card has four sides, and each side has a number. ---- Calculation performed in Excel. Tarot cards A7: A18 = 24999 The tarot card with the writing "Yes" A7, and the tarot card "Who does not teach you Eternal Order, kills you body soul and intellectual" A18. ------ The same amount 24999 is between the tarot card "Apocalypse" A16 and tarot card "Glory" A26. Tarot cards A16: A26 = 24999. Tarot card 16+ tarot card 17+ tarot card 18+ tarot card 19+ tarot card 20+ tarot card 21+ tarot card 22+ tarot card 23+ tarot card 24+ tarot card 25+ tarot card 26 = 24999. 1729 + 3211 + 3406 + 1777 + 3270 + 2990 + 915 + 750 + 2587 + 1126 + 3238 = 24999 ----- There are 42 tarot cards. A1: A42 = 94210. I chose 42 tarot cards, out of 1000 tarot cards. Each card has 4 numbers. 4000 numbers in total. So it will be the apocalypse because you do not want to learn the Eternal Order. The robbers of the video codes Eternal Order, SSS666NNN, 24999, etc, to be arrested. Eternal Order Infinite video code, with cut, with eyes closed, at the tarot card with the writing "creator". God. From November 14, 2011. There are 835 tarot cards in the video code. The Creator, and all persons, souls, etc, were robbed of truth, peace, eternity, Eternal Order, 24999, etc. We are looking for policemen, soldiers, lawyers, and judges to defend and help us. We are looking for gods, scientists, magicians, priests, etc, to explain these video codes and the messages from them.------- Magic paranormal mystery supernatural guinness unexplained unknown incredible secret telekinesis telepathy Kabbalah exorcist gods devils ghosts spirits souls wizards magicians shamans prophets scientists politicians investigators writers. Help our creator invisibile to help us. The difference between creator gods devils souls persons etc. Please do not kill confuse replace censor or modify, the creator of the existence NMEILIS NMEINIS ESGSEIS. The invisible body of God, was exposed by him in video codes ESGSEIS. I have touched the invisible body of the creator of the existence technology sciences persons souls etc. The family government and church Infinite Time and Space. Invisible God performed video codes Eternal Infinite Order, 24999, 26662 ,etc. Last news about God, souls, eternity, peace, etc. ------ By my orders, the creator and destroyer of the existence, of the sciences, of the persons, of the souls, of the magic, etc, eternally invisible, NMEILIS NMEINIS ESGSEIS, exposed in video codes, I please on all the gods, devils, demons, persons, souls, creatures, etc, from infinite space, to give up at lies, wars, scandals, conspiracies, death, hells, misinformation, censorship, secrets, unknown, waiting, misunderstanding, disorder, robberies, su***des, assassinations, mutilations, etc, and to accept the language of the infinity, Eternal Infinite Order, peace, truth, reality, understanding, love, respect, justice, unity, equality, eternity, etc. ------ 180 events announced, directed and carried out through telepathy, etc. ----- Only in the book Eternal Infinite Order, all political, economic, religious, social, legal, psychological, historical, magical, paranormal, etc, problems have been solved. All the souls from the past infinite space have re died, several times, due to unknown, stupidity, etc. They were revived several times, but with a blank memory. More souls from the infinite future space, will re die, several times, due to misinformation, mistrust, etc. They will be revived several times, but with an empty memory. ------ The devils, victims, misinforms, etc, are converted to lies, wars, death, racism, robberies, unknown, secrets, envy, hells, Bible, Quran, stone age, prayers, rituals of murder and cannibalism, sacrifices, assassinations, su***des, mutilations, etc. The creator and destroyer of the persons existence sciences technology etc, eternally invisible, NMEILIS NMEINIS ESGSEIS, the saints, intelligents, lovers, informs, conscious, etc, are converted to the language of the infinity, the book Eternal Infinite Order, ESGSEIS video codes, sciences, technology, peace, eternity, love, truth, reality, understanding, respect, unity, equality, justice, order, etc. ------ Invite all your friends here. Share this message on your page, groups, internet, etc. Save this message to your computer. Translate this message into another language and share it on the internet. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yCJ6fY88sIYaSXRR1o_p8_LjmTe0JeMq?fbclid=IwAR26zZI72jvt_-VYS6dETTfIKExvYLjQtHA_lrRJKIPJgdcjmOpWmk9UAIE