Sorry for all the wind, we didn’t realize how hard to hear it was while we were live. The summary is, we are terribly sorry for the delay in episodes, we are planning to record some this week while we are teaching, and that’s the Pacific Ocean in the background. What a stunning place to stand and feel the power of the ocean around us! We are thankful for your support, and patience😊 -CFC
Sooooo, amongst the seriousness of work and teaching, we also have some downtime stupidity…I mean “fun!” Tony said if Brandon tried it, he would after. What wasn’t captured was Tony’s screaming “nooooo” as the pen approached and him dropping a box of pizza on the floor🤣🤣😂😂😂 Now, back to work! #copssavingkids #predatorsbusted #ICAC #icac #downtime #try #donttrythisathome
Here is a quick demonstration of iOS screen time and how to set it up on your child’s device to make it a little safer! Let us know if there are other demonstrations you would like to see. #copssavingkids #predatorsbusted #icac #ICAC #stop #child #exploitation #stopchildexploitation #internet #safety #training #internetsafetytraining #screw #time #screentime
One of our CatFish Kids created, animated and voiced this short video after something similar happened to one of her friends. Her friend was shown some pornographic images by a classmate, and it bothered her deeply. This was the response by the CatFish Kid, to create a video to help educate other kids about what to do if this happens. Amazing!!!
#predatorsbusted #copssavingkids #ICAC #nextgenerationgoals
It is almost impossible for me to fathom it has been three years since Brandon Poor and I launched the CatFish Cops Podcast.
This video happened because of my best friend Clint McNear who had me baffled as to how this was pulled off. We have NO idea if Chris Hansen actually listens to us or not but if anyone can connect us we think we could do an incredible couple of episodes with him… just saying.
Check us out on Apple, Spotify or anywhere else you get your podcasts from we’d love to gain more listeners. Also MANY thanks to our wives and children for being patient and gracious with us as we take on more and more as we continue to grow. #werealwayswatching #predatorsbusted #icaccopssavingkids #cacc2023 #dcac @cwmcnear @tonygodwin
We had a great time this week training law enforcement in child exploitation investigation techniques. Although we believe, ultimately, the best way we can stop this crime is through education and awareness, you can trust that the men and women of law enforcement are passionate about protecting the children of your communities!!! #copssavingkids #ICAC #icac #predatorsbusted #stopchildexploitation #neverstaysilent #endchildsexualabuse
Congratulations to the (randomly picked) winner of our CatFish Cops prize, Tammie Heeth. A huge thank you to everyone who stopped by and entered, said a quick hello, or sat and talked a while. We can’t thank you ALL enough for your commitment to protect children, and to making our world a safer place! We appreciate you! Looking forward to CACC 2023!!! #grateful #icac #ICAC #dcac #dallascacc #endchildexploitation #copssavingkids #predatorsbusted #starttheconversation
Sextortion can come in different forms, such as demanding additional sexual content or demanding money or payment from a child. See how quickly the demands can escalate in this simulated, but lifelike, conversation from the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation #starttheconversation #predatorsbusted #copssavingkids #icac #endchildexploitation #endchildsexualabuse #australiancentretocounterchildexploitation #ACCCE
Even though Tony wishes there was video of Brandon singing opera on a cruise, it Didn’t happen. So this is as close as it gets. Listen to our next two episodes to hear Tony and Brandon in the ‘interview hot seat.’ Forensic Interviewer extraordinaire Kim Skidmore gets all the dirt in “Role Reversal.” #copssavingkids #icac #dcacfinest #cruiseshipoperastar
You will NOT want to miss the next two weeks Episodes with Dr. Michael Bourke, Phd.
TURN UP the volume to listen to this clip as Dr. Bourke discussed the IMPORTANCE of the public (collectively) being educated and to pay attention to the signs as well as advocating for reporting these suspicions to the Police that may "NOT feel right, or look right"... together we can accomplish SO much!