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Dragons Wings Publishing Writing and publishing poetry and children's books since 1997.

I have been invited to do an "Author Talk" for our local Plateau Area Writers Association (PAWA) next month!  :-)  My to...

I have been invited to do an "Author Talk" for our local Plateau Area Writers Association (PAWA) next month! :-) My topic title is Writing 101: From Idea to Book

If you are in the Tacoma area, ask me for details and join us!


reworking one of my books and still plugging away at 2 or 3 more :-)


don't forget! Kate McPhail will be at Barnes & Noble in Medford on Saturday, June 23rd to sign her latest book! Come on down and have a visit! :-)


remember to visit Barnes and Noble in Medford on June 23rd! I will be there signing copies of my latest book: Girl of the Prophesy!

I will design bookmarks and flyers for YOUR book! Contact me today at: kay8mcp@gmail.com for more information

I will design bookmarks and flyers for YOUR book! Contact me today at: [email protected] for more information

eBook sale!  buy two of mine :-) this week special prices

eBook sale! buy two of mine :-) this week special prices


A new race of Fae. Their reluctant champion. Every ruler in Faerie is coming for her. http://thndr.me/FeK1P5


Enter this flash contest, win a 3-month scholarship or an Amazon gift card! Contest open Feb 17-20! http://thndr.me/pqQV4r


Check out this Amazon Bestselling Children's book from Daniel Riding 'The Secret Diary of a Naughty Cat' http://thndr.me/xwJzQS


Come adventure through the goblin caverns for Fantasy February! Full Trilogy only 1.99! http://thndr.me/QVxnam


Many of these stories were responses to online word prompts or contests. While putting these stories together, I learned many things: a picture can generate a tale with a twist; a setting or mood can generate a sci-fi fantasy; a list of random words can generate random adventures; and childhood memo...

it's here!

it's here!

New Book Girl of the Prophecy launches today! Buy it at your favorite retailer! http://thndr.me/bgCgWs


Humorous essays about aging in a society that worships youth. You'll never look at 60 the same way again. http://thndr.me/3Lkh1d

this looks like a good book :-)

this looks like a good book :-)

Reclaim your peace of mind, 5 minutes at a time. by Cindy Tomamichel http://thndr.me/t6iuhT


Get a massive collection of *FREE* Fantasy Ebooks Today! More than 100 *FREE* Ebooks and samples from Instafreebie! http://thndr.me/lMlgba

they will be here soon!  Hardback, paperback, and eBooks!  Available at your favorite retailers :-)

they will be here soon! Hardback, paperback, and eBooks! Available at your favorite retailers :-)


Self-Publish, Print & Sell Print-On-Demand Books, eBooks, Photo Books & Calendars. Free Book Publishing and Global Distribution with easy to use Tools


Getting ready for NaNoWriMo=National November Writing Month. The challenge? to write 50,000 words between November 1st and November 30th! Wish me luck!


I am looking for input on a book for teaching novel writing to kids ages 8+ Any ideas for what to include would be more than welcome! (I will even mention you in the acknowledgements, if I use your ideas :-)

this is cool!

this is cool!

I did it! I completed my self-imposed challenge, Submission Bonanza! During the month of July, I submitted poetry, creative nonfiction, short stories, and flash fiction to 30 litmags. I’m not goi…


In the process of publishing THREE books! One is an updated version of The Money Tree; One is a new short story, Riley, about a dog and a woman who hates dogs; and one is a new non-fiction "how to write" for teens.


Here is an excerpt from my work in progress:

Chapter Five Hoogandam Hall
Jamie and Keira stopped short when they turned the corner of the dirt road they had been traveling. The road abruptly widened and led to a large stone castle. Jamie said,” Look! It even has turrets!” He pointed to several large towers jutting from the sides of the main building. Some were tall, some were short, and a couple looked like afterthoughts as they stuck out at strange angles from the roof. Huge glassless windows looked blankly out across the wide expanse of well-maintained lawn.
Keira pointed to the huge open gates at the front. The gates swung slightly in the breeze. Flanked by gatehouses with boards nailed across the doors. “Guess they don’t care about raiders,” she remarked in a mild tone. An elaborate sign stood to the right of the gates. It appeared to have been painted over, as different colors showed through the words Hoogendam Hall of Learnings.
Looking around, they entered the gates. The sweeping driveway led them past huge trees and through the lawn, which was bordered with strange flowers in a multitude of colors. Keira giggled and pointed to a sign: ‘no picking, smoking, walking on, or smelling of grass allowed.’ She said, “I wonder where those rules came from!”
Jamie laughed. “Remember when our school made a rule that no cars were allowed in the hallways?”
Keira shook her head. “Well, maybe because someone who I won’t name put the principal’s brand new sports car in the gymnasium?” The friends laughed and then stopped as they arrived at the bottom of the wide stone staircase which led up to an ornately carved door.
The closed door had a hand written sign that said ‘NO VISITORS WITHOUT PERMISSION’.
Jamie laughed nervously, “Lotta rules.”
Keira chided, “and they haven’t even met you yet!”
He threw her a mock glare and then began laughing. They failed to notice the big doors opening.
“Who sent you?” a stern voice enquired. Jamie and Keira jumped and then turned to see a boy about their age standing on the top step and glaring at them. He was short and thin to the point of being scrawny. His short, dark hair stood up in uneven spikes and blue eyes flashed. Hands on hips, he asked, “Well?”
Jamie said, under his breath, “Hagrid, how you’ve shrunk!” Keira put her hand in front of her face and sputtered.
“Well, who sent you?” The boy demanded again.
Jamie controlled his face and said, “ummm, we were sent by …” he trailed off and looked helplessly at Keira. He hissed through his teeth,” who do I say sent us here?”
Keira swallowed and said, “we are sup-supposed to meet someone here.” She waved a hand around vaguely.
“Who are you? I saw you in the…” his voice trailed away and red crept up his neck. “umm..”
“You were the one following us!” Jamie took a step forward. The boy stepped back quickly, holding up his hands.
“Sorry! I was just trying to figure out who you are” He spoke quickly. “I mean, I know you aren’t from FAE or ELFTOWN and we don’t want no human traitors from DWARFTOWN around here!” He glared, but took another step backwards when Jamie started up the steps.
Keira laid a hand on Jamie’s arm and said, “I am Keira and this is Jamie. We would like to talk with whoever is in charge here. We have come a long way and need to rest.”
A deep voice came through the door. “Let them in, child. I have been expecting them.”
Keira looked up into the deep-set eyes of a tall, serious-looking man. He was dressed in an old fashioned looking tuxedo and was wearing white gloves. The boy backed away from the door and hung his head as they passed. Keira saw him glance at her through his lashes. He followed them into a huge entry hall with a high ceiling.
Keira’s mouth dropped open as she looked around. This was the largest room she had ever seen. The walls hung with dusty woven tapestries, which showed scenes from battles and coronations. They stood on a lush, but faded, carpet tightly woven in shades of silver and grey. A huge chandelier of candles hung above them. If she had doubted that she was far from her home, the elves and Fae pictured on the tapestry would have convinced her. She elbowed Jamie and nodded towards a huge hanging that showed a battle between dwarves and fairies. The figure in the front looked familiar.
The man turned to them and said, “Wait here and I will let the Council know you have arrived as predicted.” He turned and gracefully ascended the large curved staircase that had suddenly appeared in the center of the entry hall.
Keira hardly heard as she examined all the armor and weapons displayed in this museum-like room.
“Wait! Your coming was predicted?” The boy spoke. “why didn’t you tell me? I know who you are!” He bowed low, holding one arm across his chest and the other waving in a would-be graceful gesture. He stayed in the bow and said, “I am Duncan Bailey, called DB by my friends. I am your most humble servant, your Highness.” He spoiled the effect when he looked up at her, laughter in his blue eyes and dimples flashing.
Keira laughed and Jamie frowned.
DB stood straight and asked, “Are you really the Girl of the Prophesy? When are you going to fight the Dwarf Lord? Can I join your army? What are your plans? I want to help you!” His questions tumbled over each other and allowed her no time to answer.
Laughing, Keira held up her hand. “I have been told I am the Girl of the Prophesy, whatever that means,” she said. “As to the rest, I have no clue!” She was aware of Jamie simmering behind her. She reached out a hand and pulled him to stand next to her. “Jamie and I just found out about this place and haven’t have time to make any plans yet.”
The man returned at that moment. “The celebration ceremony is not quite ready.” He said quietly. Looking at DB, he said, “you are required in the stables, boy!’ DB nodded, flipped a cheerful wave towards Keira, sent a mocking salute towards Jamie, and left through the front door. The man turned to Keira and said, “I am Andy Jeran and I am glad to see you again.”
“A-a-gain?” Keira looked at him, eyes wide. “You have seen me before?”
“Why, of course! I knew your parents before you were born,” he said, with a slight smile.
Keira looked at him, mutely. Jamie put a comforting arm across her shoulders.
Andy Jeran said, “You were born here in Ailarts’ua, as was...” He stopped and cleared his throat. “You were sent to live with your aunt after your parents were taken captive by The Dwarf Lord, LacTiri. The Council thought it the best way to protect you until you were ready to return.”
A door at the far end of the hallway opened and a cheerful sounding voice called out, “Andy, they are ready for you!” The sound of many voices rumbled from behind the door. Keira nervously bit her lip and Jamie muttered softly under his breath.
As Andy Jeran turned to leave, Keira said, “Wait! What is the Celebration Ceremony for?”
The man turned and looked her in the eyes. “Why, for you of course! You must be presented to your people and receive your legacy.” He turned and walked through the door before Keira could close her mouth to form a coherent response.
Keira took a shaky breath and stepped through the door behind him. She closed her eyes at the brightness within the room. An excited buzz ran through the room. She glanced up, startled to see a huge crowd of creatures straight out of a fantasy book; there were elves and Fae and a dwarf or two. Off in a far corner, she saw what could only be an Ent, standing tall, branches gently waving in a non-existent breeze. A sudden shock of shyness ran through her and she looked at her feet, hoping she would become invisible to this overwhelming crowd.
“She looks like her father!”
“I last saw her when she was just a wee babe.”
“So, it is true! The evil family still lives.” Keira looked around to see where the quiet menacing whisper had come from. Although many faces were looking her way, she didn’t see anything but curiosity and a strange hopeful gleam in the eyes turned toward her.
She turned around to say something to Jamie, who she thought had entered the room with her. There was no one behind her and the big door was slowly closing. She started towards it, frantically searching the unfamiliar faces for Jamie.
“Psst! Over here!” Keira turned and was relieved to see Jamie’s long arm waving at her. She walked towards him, but stopped as a hand landed firmly on her shoulder.
Keira spun and looked up into the unsmiling eyes of Rotallius. “You must stand with me.”
Keira started to object, but gulped back her words at the look on the old elf’s face. Daring another look, she saw Jamie fighting his way through the crowd to get to her side. She smiled slightly; he towered over almost everyone in the room and many of them glanced up with a glare and then hurriedly stepped back and let him pass.
He reached her side, just as a side door opened and DB burst through. With a cheery wave and big grin, he started towards the back of the room where Keira stood, safely tucked under Jamie’s arm. His smile faltered for a second, but he continued his rush towards them. The old Fae tossed a frown towards DB, and he stopped short and slunk away into the crowd.
“Why are we just standing here?” Jamie whispered.
Keira shrugged and Rotallius said, “Because we must wait until the others arrive.” Jamie raised his eyebrows, but said nothing more.
Keira kept her head down as the whispers continued through the room. She felt the weight of many eyes on her and tried to think of something else. She glanced up once and caught DB’s eyes on her. He grinned and waved; she waggled her fingers at him and he blew her a kiss. She blushed and Jamie scowled and pulled her closer to himself. He tossed a fierce frown at DB, who simply grinned and gave him a mocking bow.
The door at the far end opened and several hooded figures slowly entered the room. There was an instant hush.
A tall Fae pushed his hood back and stepped forward. He said in a loud echoing voice, “We welcome all the Folk of the Realm!”
There was an immediate roar as the crowd called out, “And we welcome the Council of Elders!”
Keira looked up. She saw that there were three robed figures standing on the stage at one end of the long narrow room. Now that the eyes had turned away from her, she scanned the room. There weren’t as many in the room as she had first assumed. They stand in groups of ten to twelve and there are only about ten groups, so maybe 100 or so, she thought.
The Fae began speaking, “We are pleased to say that the Journey taken by our human councilman has been a success.” He smiled around at the cheering crowd; many of them turned to stare at Keira again, who ducked her head. The Fae held up a hand and there was immediate silence as all eyes turned to him again. “I will let him tell you in his own words what that journey entailed.”
As the crowd cheered again, Keira glanced up in time to see a familiar figure in a grey cloak step forward. Théoden spoke in the same deep voice which she and Jamie had heard at the tower just a day ago. Wait! Was it only yesterday?
Théoden bowed low, as the crowd quieted once more. “My dear friends. This is a day of sorrow and joy. A day of grief and a day of happiness. A day of worry and a day of hope. A day of…”
“Get to the point!” voices in the crowd muttered as Théoden seemed intent on finding as many synonyms as he could.
Théoden cleared his throat with a loud, “harrumph!” as the crowd quieted again. “Today, we see the of fulfilment our dreams, the satisfaction of our imaginings, the success of our fantasies. Today, we become a united people! One with man and Fae and Elf and Ent and Centaur. Today, we will unite and become free from tyranny, free from oppression, free from cruelty and bullying.” The crowd roared and Théoden caught Keira’s eye. He gave her a slow wink and began to speak again. This time, he spoke in a voice that was soft, yet carried conviction. “We are gathered here to honor and remember those who have fallen in the battle that has raged for so long. Most here have lost family and friends to the evil that has overtaken us, but we will NOT, cannot stop! They will be avenged and their slayers will be punished.” He paused as the audience roared again. When it was quiet, he said, “Ten years ago, we lost our True King and Queen, Kyler and Lyrette Kilgore. Their child, Keira, was sent to live in the human world under the protection of her aunt.” The whispering grew louder, as people craned to look at Keira, standing at the back of the room. Théoden said, “The Council of Elders made that difficult decision because it had come to our attention that she was -- and is -- the Girl of the Prophesy!”
The room erupted in pandemonium. Rotallius reached for Keira and pulled her from the room, as the crowd began surging towards her, hands out to touch her. Jamie shoved several people away as he also stepped out of the room and stood with his back against the door. The muffled sound of celebration continued, although Keira could hear Andy Jeran and Théoden pleading for quiet.
A small figure in a robe came around a corner and glided over to where Keira stood next to Rotallius. Flipping back the cowl, the figure revealed the face of a Fae, although considerably smaller than Andy Jeran. She brushed curly dark hair away from her face and smiled at Keira. With a small curtsy, the small Fae said, “I am Pindorro, the Teacher of Comportment and a member of the Council of Elders. We are almost ready for you to come speak to the Folk. Follow me.” She turned and started gliding down a hallway.
Keira squeaked, “Sp-sp-speak? You mean I have to talk to them?” She nodded towards the door, where a murmur was still refusing to subside. “Why?” she looked up at Rotallius and saw a flash of sympathy.
The History Keeper looked down at her and said, “Because, my child, you are the hope and salvation of this Kingdom. The Prophesy says you will defeat the dwarf Lord and restore the kingdom – our home.”
Jamie stepped away from the door and glared at Rotallius. “We hadn’t even heard of this ‘prophesy’ until yesterday! Can’t she have some time to read it and understand it?”
Rotallius didn’t look at Jamie, but her tone softened, “I am sorry child. The time grows short and we must plan. I think we have forgotten that you were away from this world a long time and don’t yet know our ways.”
Keira, eyes wide and lips trembling asked, “What d-d-do I say?”
Rotallius said, “Just be yourself. They already love you.”
Keira blanched. I bet! They will love me until they realize how little I know about them or their Kingdom! Then they will probably feed me to the dwarves or trolls or whatever lives here that eats humans.

Have you written a book? Do you want to write a book? I can help you with: plotting, character development, setting ( or...

Have you written a book? Do you want to write a book? I can help you with: plotting, character development, setting ( or world) crafting, editing and formatting. I also offer other services: flyer, brochure, or bookmark design, and Educational trainings (for parents and preschool teachers). Contact me for more information.

Following is a list of my own published works. All are available directly from me or on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/author/katemcphail).

No Escape!
A "maiden in distress" story for "tweens" and teens. Where is she? Why is she tied and gagged? Who are the strange people who refuse to answer her questions? What are they planning to do to her? When will she be rescued? A woman wakes up in a mystery. She has to use her wits and bravery to figure out how to get away from an impossible and confusing situation. With no one to help her and with many twists and turns, this mystery will keep you guessing right up to the startling conclusion.

Tale of Tails
Beyond Mother Goose Books are stories which use old familiar Nursery rhymes and give them an appealing twist! Tale of Tails is the first book in the set, which promises to become a favorite of children and adults everywhere. This delightful color book story tells "what really happened" to Little Bo-Peep's sheep! Children will love the story; in which they will see some familiar characters. They will also enjoy coloring the delightful pictures, (drawn by Larry Krackle). Ages 3 and up

911 ~ Missing Person!
An early morning phone call sends the author on two searches: one for a missing twelve-year-old boy and the other for peace after the accidental drowning death of her own thirteen-year-old son. This non-fiction personal story details the search methods used by a real search and rescue team comprised of teens aged 14 to 21. The appendix includes information about what to take when you go hiking, added information about search teams, and other interesting "inside" information about Search and Rescue

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but can an old dog teach his new owner something? Sandra McMartin hated dogs, especially old, smelly dogs. What could he do to make her change her mind?

Series Title: Adventures of the West Main Five
The Money Tree
The McPierson family had recently moved to Puyallup, Washington. Tom, aged ten, and his eight-year-old sister, Jamie, were excited to meet new friends. They soon formed a club--The West Main Five--and discovered the clue to a 25-year-old mystery! Using the library to research, they begin to put together an intriguing puzzle. Will the club solve the mystery which has baffled police for years? Who is the mysterious man who seems so interested in them? Where is the missing money?

Rollin’ Into Mystery
The West Main Five is back with a new mystery! They find a mysterious note; has someone been kidnapped? The Police have no reported kidnappings, just a missing person. Where is the mysterious Brad Parker? Why did he disappear from his job? Will the library have any clues to this new mystery?

Focus on Education
Stand out from the crowd! Provide your home childcare children with an outstanding preschool educational experience. This book walks you through the process of setting up and managing a high quality, educational based Home Childcare. Your clients will tell their friends and your reputation for providing quality care will be set. The children in your care will be reading, writing, speaking, singing and counting their way through every day with brain development at maximum capacity!

Circletime Fun
Three books in one! Preschool and Kindergarten teachers will love this compilation of old and new poetry, songs, and nursery rhymes for reading in circle time. A collection of some of the author's favorite circle time literacy activities, these are “kid-tested” and remain staples for teacher trainings, as well.

Girl of the Prophecy * also available as a Hardback
A mysterious stranger tells Keira that she is the “One of the Prophecy” who can save a fairytale land ruled by an evil dwarf. Keira must overcome her shyness and fear to save this unknown country and her own future. Will Keira learn to stand up to the bullies in her life? Will she fulfil the Prophecy and obtain her heart’s desire?

A Teen’s Guide to Writing a Children’s Book
A guide for teachers, librarians, or parents interested in teaching writing skills. This book guides students through the basics needed for planning, writing, editing, illustrating, and formatting a book. At the end of the twelve sessions, they will be able to send their book to a publisher for printing. The book includes planning forms, which can be used or adapted as needed.

Short Shorts
This book is filled with short stories (200 words or less) written for contests or just for fun. In the back, there are ideas and story starters so you can begin a collection of your OWN Short Short Stories!

Kate also writes poetry, published under the name: Kathryn Lynn. Current collections are:

Black Roses: Memorials and Goodbyes
Love sometimes hurts. These poems are about pain or grief or sorrow at the loss of love. There are also poems about love that can never be and love that never was. These poems are for anyone who has ever loved and lost.

Red Roses: poems of love These poems deal with love in its various forms. Written in the familiar simple-to-read style which Kathryn is recognized for, the poems depict everyday emotions of confusion, happiness and peace which often accompany love. They cover many different kinds of love -- reunions, re-discovered or new love, comfortable married love and even some forbidden love.

White Roses: poems of life and laughter The poems in this volume are about life choices, children and grandchildren, and pets. All of Kathryn's poems are easy to read and understand, filled with simple imagery and sentiments. Love for family, friends and pets shine through and the reader will recognize familiar emotions as they enjoy this volume.

Visit Amazon.com's Kate McPhail Page and shop for all Kate McPhail books. Check out pictures, bibliography, and biography of Kate McPhail


starting to make a list of books I would like to publish within the next year. Some of them are projects I started several years back, but never completed. Some are books which are mostly complete, but need illustrations. I have some "how-to" books in progress. And a few are short stories I need to put together in a book. Hmmm, wonder how many I can actually complete over the next few months?


Still plugging away at my fantasy novel. I am also revising a children's series, for which I need an illustrator :-)





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