Happy Trackin' Magazine

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Happy Trackin' Magazine The only paddock paradise track system and natural horse care magazine on the market. Digital and quarterly releases!

Top Tip!Whilst building our woodland track system, we unfortunately needed to cut down a few trees that were rotting, de...

Top Tip!

Whilst building our woodland track system, we unfortunately needed to cut down a few trees that were rotting, dead or dangerous. It's something we disliked doing, but their removal ensured the safety of the horses and allowed for other surrounding life to grow in their place.

If like us, you don't like things going to waste and find yourself in the position of needing to remove a tree on or around your track system, one of the many ways you can repurpose or reuse the wood is by creating little hay net stations. The base of the tree needs to be sturdy and safe, but by attaching a tie ring, you've essentially incorporated another hay station for little to no money.


So, what do you do with the rest of the wood or trees? Grab Issue 2 and find out in the regular segment 'Track Hacks'.

Make sure you subscribe to access our regular segments - www.happytrackinmagazine.com

> Enrichment Makes - easy enrichment ideas for your own track system.
> Julian's Top Tips - a handyman's advice on maintaining your track, from one trackie to another.
> Tracks from around the World - a look at track systems from across the globe.
> Track Hacks - our track 'must haves' for you and your horse.
> Healing Hooves - a look at healing horses' progress on track.

Only 2 weeks to go until the release of Issue 5!What articles did you enjoy the most from Issue 4?

Only 2 weeks to go until the release of Issue 5!

What articles did you enjoy the most from Issue 4?

✨️ Issue 4 ✨️

Issue 4 is here, and boy, is it a good one! Here's what you'll find inside...


The Cover Star - I had the honour of sitting down with Jaime Jackson, founder of the Paddock Paradise, the Natural Trim and the 4 Pillars of Natural Hoof Care, and asked him some of the track system community's most debated, frequently asked questions. Inside Issue 4, you'll find Part 1 of our interview sharing stories, explanations and the most-know facts about track life. You can also watch a recorded portion of our interview, not featured in this magazine, on Jaime's YouTube Channel.

Guest Articles:

🔹️Emma Palmer, featured in Issue 1 with Ailbe's Kissing Spines Journey, is back to share how she overcame hurdle after hurdle - from resource guarding issues and extreme heat to poor hoof quality - by keeping an open mind, seeking support from others when needed and giving her herd time to adjust to life on track.

🔹️Josepha Guillaume of Dressage in Hand by Josepha Guillaume, author and horse trainer, returns to explain that whether you're a happy hacker or a high-end show jumper, aligning your management and training practices with your horse's natural behaviours creates room for an improved team, a happier horse and better Olympians.

🔹️Michèle Rhéaume of Wakita Equine continues on with Part 2 of the importance of sleep in our horses, what symptoms of sleep deprivation to look out for and how to prevent issues with sleep.

🔹️Regular writer, Sue Dawson of Calm Healthy Horses UK, is back with another segment to her series 'Making Mini Tracks Rock' answering the big hay question - can horses thrive on a hay only diet?

🔹️Alyson Sharpe of PB Paddock Paradise Livery bravely shares a glimpse of what heart break can look like, and makes a very special announcement.

🔹️Martine Sudan of Balancing Whispers is here to show the world that high-end facilities, top-quality care and species appropriate living can work together.

🔹️Natural Hoof Care Practitioner, Nick Hill of V&T Equine services, emphasises the importance in stimulation of the hooves and how you can track your horse's movement and process via their hoof wear patterns.

🔹️Fiona Giles of Paddock Paradise Vienne tells the tale of her mare Roxy and little Shetland Buzz and how their lives transformed thanks to life on track.

🔹️Emma Morris shares the story of Shetland Superstar Noddy and his journey with Equine Metabolic Syndrome - a feel-good read for sure!


🔸️Worried about your unsurfaced track and winter this year? Here are my top ten mud control tips to make both you and your horse's lives easier.
🔸️️Part 2 of feeding adlib hay explores the crucial factors required for your horses success on adlib hay.


🔸️Enrichment Makes - easy enrichment ideas for your own track system.
🔸️Julian's Top Tips - a handyman's advice on maintaining your track, from one trackie to another.
🔸️Tracks from around the World - a look at track systems from across the globe.
🔸️Track Hacks - our track 'must haves' for you and your horse.
🔸️Healing Hooves - a look at healing horses' progress on track.
.. and more!

To my fellow trackies or trackies-to-be, Happy Trackin' everyone.


I'm excited to be adding a new segment to the future issues of HTM, called 'Ask the Pros', where you, the reader, can se...

I'm excited to be adding a new segment to the future issues of HTM, called 'Ask the Pros', where you, the reader, can send in your questions to have them answered by one of our professionals.

🔸️ Stuck on something track themed, be it maintenance, herd living or planning your track?
🔸️ Perhaps you're unsure of how to tackle a hoof crack, or what reoccurring abscesses could mean.
🔸️ Maybe you need some feeding advice that fits the natural horse care narrative?

The Pros:

🔹️ Alyson Sharpe is the owner of commercial track livery PB Paddock Paradise Livery and has been using track systems for over 15 years, both as a private owner and on a business scale.

🔹️ Georgie Harrison of Hoof Matters is an ISNHCP Practitioner, and is incredibly experienced working with an array of hoof pathologies, including Laminitis.

🔹️ Sue Dawson of Calm Healthy Horses UK is a Nutritionist with a speciality in grass affected behaviours, and feeding horses in a species appropriate manner.

How to send in your question:

Simply email Maddie at [email protected] with the subject 'Ask the Pros'. Please attach any photos if they are relevant, and ask away!

✨️ Featured in Issue 5 ✨️We all know track systems are great for weight management, loss or gain and for the purpose of ...

✨️ Featured in Issue 5 ✨️

We all know track systems are great for weight management, loss or gain and for the purpose of increasing movement, amongst other things. Stifle issues however, particularly their connection to diet, isn't regularly thought of when we talk about these benefits of track life.

Simone Rank shares Merlin's story and how track life transformed his health in a way few people would have expected. From scheduled pole work, bodywork and various supplements to simply thriving on track, Merlin's story is a great reminder that the benefits of using track systems really can exceed our expectations.

With the release of Issue 5 only a few weeks away, make sure you have subscribed to gain instant access to Issue 5 on the 1st of March and all back issues now - www.happytrackinmagazine.com

Well, it's officially been 1 year since I launched Happy Trackin' and what a year it's been. As many of you will already...

Well, it's officially been 1 year since I launched Happy Trackin' and what a year it's been.

As many of you will already know, I have always intended for this magazine to help fellow horse owners help their own horses. I wanted to provide a resource that could be relied on for support and inspiration, that aligned with natural horse care believes and that offered somewhere for horse owners to learn from others and ask questions. Ultimately, I wanted to spread awareness, positivity and information that could make an impact on our equine world, no matter how small.

Whilst I certainly hoped this magazine would do well with some elbow grease, I didn't expect this first year to turn out the way it did.

Issue 1 was a big hit. I remember the night before I published, I was so anxious that I barely slept, and when I did, I had dreams of it all going terribly wrong. When I finally published my first issue the morning after, I was overwhelmed by your support and generosity.

Since then, I have interviewed fellow horse owners, trackies and natural horse care professionals from all over the world, and met some truly remarkable people through doing so. I ventured down to interview the wonderful folks at Munchkins Miniature Shetland Rescue for Issue 3, which was my first 'formal' in-person interview for HMT, a huge first-step for me. I'd been doing my interviews online prior to meeting Tammy, which in itself also took some getting used to! I was honoured to support their charity in any way I could.

My little whole world then erupted when I was given the oppurnity to interview the one and only Jaime Jackson, something past Maddie never, EVER would have believed. When I spoke about this to my non-horsey family or friends, I always joked that it was like interviewing the Gordan Ramsey of the natural horse care world - a very big deal. I additionally started HMT with no journalist or editor experience, so the lead up to this was terrifying and mind-blowing at the same time. I had an amazing time interviewing Jaime, and having it filmed by the lovely Edyta for their YouTube channel. I'm counting down the days until part 2!

There have, of course, been some confidence knocks along the way, that I have just accepted as part and parcel of putting myself out there in a way I haven't before. With that however, I have been pushed out of my comfort zone and surprised myself with the outcome.

So, this is my very long-winded way of trying to say a huge thank you, from the very depths of my heart, to all of you who have made this a possibility. I hope this magazine has bought you some form of inspiration, information, awareness, support and a sense of community. Your comments, show of support, messages, subscriptions and purchases have not gone unnoticed.

Here's to another year, happy trackin' fellow trackies

What track system or natural horse care misconceptions have you heard?Here's one I hear a lot! Whilst I've added picture...

What track system or natural horse care misconceptions have you heard?

Here's one I hear a lot!

Whilst I've added pictures below to show two horses who gained weight and muscle on a track system to contradict this particular myth, the benefits of this way of life reach FAR beyond weight management, gain or loss. Herd living and socialisation, unrestricted movement, improved hoof health, and a species appropriate diet are just a few.

What myths or misconceptions do you hear floating around the equine world?


If track systems and natural horse care are you kinda thing, then you're in the right place 💙

Join the Happy Trackin' community, regardless of whether you're a newbie, a trackie-to-be or a seasoned pro.

Visit www.happytrackinmagazine.com for more information.

Like anything, misinformation is spread when the purpose or intention behind something is misunderstood. Paddock Paradis...

Like anything, misinformation is spread when the purpose or intention behind something is misunderstood. Paddock Paradise track systems are certainly no exception to this.

I think track systems have a reputation for being ‘tough’ on the horses kept on them, the same way going barefoot can be deemed as ‘cruel’ at times.

Paddock Paradise track systems have one simple purpose: to facilitate health and soundness, both physically and mentally. This is achieved by providing a domesticated horse with the benefits of a natural, species appropriate lifestyle, based on Jaime Jackson’s research of the wild and free-roaming horses of the U.S Great Basin.

Within that, of course, there are things we expect to see like an increase in movement, herd living, healthy barefoot hooves and so on, but these expectations are the result of striving to achieve the main focus.

Whilst there will most likely be hurdles to overcome and harsh truths to digest, track systems are not intended to cause suffering in any way shape or form. With that being said, horses do need to adjust to life on track.

Those carrying extra weight or lacking muscle may find movement harder to begin with, but it’s a necessary hurdle to overcome to prevent suffering long-term.

Those with resource guarding issues or anxiety may struggle to function in a herd to begin with, but it’s a necessary hurdle to overcome so they can spend the rest of their days knowing the depth of connection and friendship found amongst others of their kind.

Those transitioning to barefoot may be tender to begin with, or even stiff, but the whole purpose of navigating through this process is to come out the over end, healthier and happier.

Not to mention, the horse world has an incredibly skewed idea on what it means to meet our horse’s needs.

We’ve spent decades anthropomorphising horses or using them for our own desires, all whilst disregarding them as a species.

To leave a horse un-rugged when it’s not needed, to let them stand in the rain when they want to or to encourage hugely beneficial movement in a sound horse is not cruel, nor is it allowing them to suffer.

However, if a shivering old horse needs a rug, then that horse should be rugged.

If a horse is sore on its hooves during a transition, then using boots is absolutely okay.

If a poor doer horse that drops weight easily needs a bucket feed, a bucket feed they’ll get.

Track systems don’t allow suffering but they do put a stop to micro-management, over-consumption and management practices that will harm the horse in the long-run.

Track systems are anti-suffering, which means prioritising our horse fundamental needs above our own.


Subscribe - www.happytrackinmagazine.com


I don't know whether it's because Christmas closely followed the release of Issue 4, but these last few months has whizzed past 😅

Issue 5 is less than a month away, so I'll be sharing some sneak peaks of the content and guest articles very soon.

So, whilst you're waiting, you can read Part 1 of my interview with Jaime Jackson in Issue 4 and watch the recorded section of our interview over on Jaime's YouTube channel.



Top Tip!

What do you take into consideration when implementing a feeding station in to your track system?

Well, here's what we think about:

> How many hay bales or hay nets can this area safely hold?
> Is there enough space to place the hay bales or nets safely away from the fence?
> Can they push each other off the hay without getting cornered or pushed against a fence?
> Would this set up work for a resource guarding or anxious horse?
> How would this hay station hold up with new horses in the herd?
> If it rains constantly, are there any trees or hedges to help shield the hay?
> Is this hay station far enough away from the water?
> Do they choose to spend time here?

It's important to listen to and watch your herd when changing your track system or building one for the first time. Your horses will be the first ones to tell you if your track needs some minor, or even major, tweaking in order for it to cater to their specific set of needs.

Feeding stations are no exception!

Please note: this video is of our commercial paddock paradise livery so therefore, our hay stations and track width are considerably larger than most. With that in mind, these are all still points to consider regardless of herd size, acreage or track size.


Subscribe - www.happytrackinmagazine.com

Please consider helping little Arthur if you can. Munchkins Miniature Shetland Rescue are Issue 3's cover stars and they...

Please consider helping little Arthur if you can.

Munchkins Miniature Shetland Rescue are Issue 3's cover stars and they do a fabulous job at providing nothing but top quality care to their residents.


Please sponsor little ARTHUR.
This February we are concentrating on sponsorship and fundraising for Arthur.
He is our top petting pony and tiny at just 28" tall.
He truly is a little superstar. He's been ethically handled and trained since he came to us as a baby abandoned in a cow field. He was very ill and we nursed him back to health. He's been castrated, he's had surgery for a hernia and now he needs surgery on his leg.
Arthur is a fun favourite with children, he's so kind and gentle. He has been into residential and care homes, nurseries, schools, and church too. He's been the palm Sunday honourary donkey for years.
Sadly Arthur now needs surgery with a specialist orthopaedic surgeon to remove a troublesome bony cyst in his stifle affecting his movement. He is being referred by our vet Stuart as soon as possible for expert treatment.
Please set up sponsorship for Arthur or please make a donation to help us to save up for his surgery.
Please sponsor him here or please donate below:

I have just added two news mug designs to the shop for those of you who prefer little pieces over T-Shirts or jumpers. I...

I have just added two news mug designs to the shop for those of you who prefer little pieces over T-Shirts or jumpers.

I'm really interested to know what designs I can include, and what type of style you guys like. So, please let me know below if you have an ideas.

Do you prefer phrases, phrases and pictures, etc? I'm all ears for what you guys want to see.


I was having a look at the website's analytics and realised that there are so many of you who have purchased or supporte...

I was having a look at the website's analytics and realised that there are so many of you who have purchased or supported Happy Trackin' since it's launch last January. We're quickly approaching a year of the magazine, and I couldn't be more greatly.

So far, we have readers from:

> UK
> US
> Australia
> New Zealand
> France
> Canada
> Ireland
> Germany
> Denmark
> Italy
> Isle of Man
> Finland
> Latvia
> Norway
> Sweden

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

New Design - Happy Trackin' ClothingI've finally had chance to start brain storming some new designs, so I'm kicking off...

New Design - Happy Trackin' Clothing

I've finally had chance to start brain storming some new designs, so I'm kicking off some new pieces with this 'Let Horses Be Horses' T-Shirt.

This design is a little different to other pieces already available, but I personally think it came out pretty well! At the moment, it's available in an oat, white or light blue T-Shirt or black, navy blue and denim blue with a white outline. Please let me know if you'd like to see it on a hoodie, mug etc.


I'm mid-way through putting Issue 5 together at the moment, which will be out in just over a month's time on the 1st of ...

I'm mid-way through putting Issue 5 together at the moment, which will be out in just over a month's time on the 1st of March 2025.

With that in mind, I'd love to hear what you'd like to see in the upcoming issues of this year. I want this magazine to encompass everything paddock paradise and natural horse care by bringing you stories of hope and inspiration, information that gets you thinking, tips on how to make life easier for you and your horse, how tos for all your track building needs and so much more.

So, please let me know what topics you'd like to see covered or guest writers you'd like to hear from below

The proof is in the pudding, so they say. So, if you're new to track systems and natural horse care, you may be sceptica...

The proof is in the pudding, so they say.

So, if you're new to track systems and natural horse care, you may be sceptical of the changes that can arise from centring your management around your horse's natural needs as a species.

Thankfully, Happy Trackin' is filled with stories and transformations, be that physical, mental or behavioural, of horses thriving on paddock paradise track systems. Better yet, you'll also find information and advice shared by fellow horse owners and professionals on how to overcome various challenges stopping your horse thriving too.

In Issue 1, you can read about Barney's story, and how he was rehabilitated from chronic Laminitis and EMS.

In Issue 2, Gillian Lopez of Heaven Sent Farm, LLC explains the benefits she has seen in her horses since opening a track system boarding facility.

In Issue 2, Sue Dawson of Calm Healthy Horses shares how competition horses can and do thrive on track.

In Issue 4, Emma Palmer shares how she overcame hurdle after hurdle with her horses and track - from resource guarding issues and extreme heat to poor hoof quality.

In Issue 4, Fiona Giles of Paddock Paradise Vienne tells the tale of her mare Roxy and little Shetland Buzz and how their lives transformed thanks to life on track.

In Issue 4, Emma Morris shares the story of Shetland Superstar Noddy and his journey with Equine Metabolic Syndrome - a feel-good read for sure!

Not to mention, you'll find 'Healing Hooves' in each issue, showing you the process of horse's hooves healing once on track.

Subscribe or purchase issues individually - www.happytrackinmagazine.com

I’m someone who needs to know the why behind pretty much everything. ‘Just because’ has never been a reply I can sit wit...

I’m someone who needs to know the why behind pretty much everything. ‘Just because’ has never been a reply I can sit with comfortably, something of which my parents can attest to.

However, I think one of the most powerful decisions you can make as an owner is to always ask why, on your horse’s behalf.

‘Why’ is my horse sore without shoes?

‘Why’ should I be careful with my horse’s forage?

‘Why’ is my horse struggling to socialise with other horses?

This simple, yet critical ability to ask ‘why’ can be the difference in owning a happy, healthy horse in both mind and body, and a horse that is silently struggling.

We should be able to trust in our community, those more experienced or those who have a long list of qualifications under their belts, to help us make the right decisions on behalf of our horse. In reality, we all think differently, we all do differently and sometimes, we are guilty of making decisions rooted in tradition or outdated practices, and not what is necessarily suitable for the horse. Therefore, the responsibility falls on us as owners to not only advocate for them, but to dig deeper when things don’t seem right.

So, going back to my examples.

Asking ‘why is my horse sore without shoes’ may lead you to explore:

- Is my horse sore without shoes because they have sub-clinical Laminitis?
- Is my horse’s diet and environment causing issues in their feet, and most likely their whole body too?
- Is my horse’s current hoof care making them sore?
- Does my horse suffer from thrush and contracted heels and therefore, heel pain?
- Does my horse have weak hooves due to x, y and z?
- Is my horse getting enough movement?

In any of these scenarios, figuring out the why behind that sensitivity is only going to improve your horse’s life. However, ignoring an abnormal, although common, symptom such as tenderness whilst barefoot is only going to cause issues further down the line, potentially accompanied with other struggles.

So, here is your reminder to ask ‘why’. Ask your vet, ask your livery yard owner, your farrier, hoof care practitioner, chiropractor, instructor or absolutely anyone who has a direct affect on your horse. You might get moaned at or tutted at for asking too many questions, but the reality of the matter is, your horse might need you to ask the why to that question when they themselves can’t.


Subscribe or purchase individual issues of Happy Trackin' Magazine - www.happytrackinmagazine.com


You'll know who this very special fella is if you read Issue 3's Adlib Hay article, where I go into resource guarding a little bit.

I do plan to do an entirely different article on our resource guarding issues in the future, but for now, say hello to this very special pony, Bam.


Grab Issue 3 & 4 - www.happytrackinmagazine.com


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Monday 09:00 - 06:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 06:00


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