Hunab Ku Records

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  • Hunab Ku Records

Hunab Ku Records La realidad es un todo unificado, pero el pensamiento lo corta en fragmentos. Sólo el todo es verdad, pero el todo no puede ser hablado o pensado ".

🧭Buy art _save the life of a crazy person
⏳️Psy-family releasing music around the world! 📀🌠
Mexico 🇲🇽 Germany 🇩🇪 We are a crew that is dedicated to to release psychehdelic twilight, forest, hitech and darkpsy Music to the psy community, our team is formed of Live Acts, DJs And Circus Performers.

- Live Acts-

Ataraxium (South


Chinguaga (Germany)

Fabelwesen (Switzerland)

Fischmehl (Austria)

Gabbo (Brasil)

Hexagon 25 (Iran)

Perfect Chaos (Usa)

Yondo And Lorca (Germany)


Armas (Mexico)

Baakel (Mexico)

Eliom (Costa Rica)

Entheon (Mexico)

Fastkiller (Mexico)

Heyzer (Mexico)

Winak (Mexico)

-Circus Performance-



"Ningún pensamiento puede encapsular la inmensidad de la totalidad. Cada pensamiento implica un punto de vista, y cada punto de vista, por su propia naturaleza, implica limitación, lo que significa en última instancia que no es cierto, al menos no del todo.

Entheon ॐ and Winak-Psyjayin in GOAOn Monday, March 10th, starting at 2 pm, there will be a lovely gathering of friends ...

Entheon ॐ and Winak-Psyjayin in GOA

On Monday, March 10th, starting at 2 pm, there will be a lovely gathering of friends at Morjim Beach, full of exciting happenings and curiosities.

Finally, my dad, Franco, has agreed to give a speech and share some of the adventures from his life, beginning with his hitchhiking trip from Italy to India in 1977.

Afterward, we’ll treat all our guests to some snacks and an aperitif, accompanied by techno music from Breger and his crew!

As the sun sets, don’t miss a modular live set of experimental techno by Flish, one of the most intriguing artists in India at the moment.

Then, psytrance will take over, and I’ll play my final set for this beautiful India 🇮🇳 tour.

I’m truly grateful to all the friends who made this possible, and I look forward to seeing you all there for one last good hug before my departure ❤️


Aqueous is a project created in 2023 by 2 psychedelic minds Carlos Rojas and Fernanda Rojas (Ovnivirus & Noon) originally from the state of Mexico, together they have carried out this sound project that has reverberated the dance floors in different parts of Mexico, The project is made up of a deep and forest sound and many watery sounds, seeking to take a trip on the waves that make you feel like you are sailing on water, with an overly psychedelic instinct.

Aqueous Fernanda And Charly Rojas

Aqueous is a project created in 2023 by 2 psychedelic minds Carlos Rojas and Fernanda Rojas (Ovnivirus & Noon) originall...

Aqueous is a project created in 2023 by 2 psychedelic minds Carlos Rojas and Fernanda Rojas (Ovnivirus & Noon) originally from the state of Mexico, together they have carried out this sound project that has reverberated the dance floors in different parts of Mexico, The project is made up of a deep and forest sound and many watery sounds, seeking to take a trip on the waves that make you feel like you are sailing on water, with an overly psychedelic instinct.

Aqueous Fernanda
Charly Rojas

Thank you Africa!!!Yondo And Lorca livesetat Fractal Festival

Thank you Africa!!!
Yondo And Lorca liveset
at Fractal Festival

FunkDaddii in Pushkar , India 💥🎵

FunkDaddii in Pushkar , India 💥🎵


🔥 FUNKDADDII is coming to Holi Purim 2025!
Get ready for an electrifying set filled with funk, groove, and high-energy beats! 🎶✨
He creates an immersive experience like no other. Get ready to dance under the desert sky! 🎶✨
📍 Pushkar, India
📅 13-14-15 March 2025
🎪 Music | Carnival | Workshops | Yoga | Camping | Pop-up Shops

🎟️ Tickets available on:
, , , .zone , .in

📞 Info & Bookings: +91-7737010386 | +91-8287172246 | +91-8141110441

⏳ Only 12 days to go! 🌸🔥

KawaBoonga music in Milano

KawaBoonga music in Milano

Tonight Entheon ॐ at Jungle Calling

Tonight Entheon ॐ at Jungle Calling

KawaBoonga music at Radiozora 👌

KawaBoonga music at Radiozora 👌

The Hunab Ku crew is excited to present the first LIVE SET from their "mad member to show his power! Enjoy!! KAWAAAA BOOOOOOONGAA!!" Born in Lugano, Switzerland, Jakopo Zanini, aka J-Ack, began DJing

Back to wild and beautiful Mexico in April

Back to wild and beautiful Mexico in April

El regreso de los Ents : capítulo II :
Presenta Yondo And Lorca

¡Escucha la magia que te rodea! ¡Ahuuu! ¡Hora de aventuras! Proyecto creado por un joven hippie de Alemania. Quería estudiar Etnología y Biología cuando era niño. Ahora viaja por el mundo con su música... Su viaje al mundo del trance psicodélico comenzó cuando, espontáneamente, hizo autostop hasta el Festival OZORA en 2014. Allí, un pequeño Yondi descubrió la belleza de los rituales de danza tribal mística moderna y quedó enganchado. Nunca se detuvo...
Ese hippie raro no pudo resistirse a compartir la cultura y comenzó a organizar fiestas a todo trapo con sus amigos del espacio. Trajeron mucha escena a su área nuevamente. Más tarde, incluso fundó un festival multigénero junto con muchas almas jóvenes y encantadoras motivadas. En el camino, comenzó a recopilar viejas historias, cuentos de hadas, conocimientos y fragmentos de la realidad para infundirlos en su música. El ambiente perfecto para pistas de baile salvajes...
La compilación de varios artistas "STARDUST" - 05 de mayo de 2023 y poco después de su primer EP de 5 pistas "Oracle OF Miracles" comenzó un nuevo y poderoso viaje que nunca se detuvo y comenzó a administrar la familia del sello Hunab Ku Records junto con su hermano cósmico de México...



"Dinámica de compra de tikets por depósito o transferencia para accesos por código y nombre en lista" podrán hacer depósito o transferencia a cuenta bancaria por Oxxo , 7eleven , banco azteca , etc.

Bancomer: 4152 3142 6094 9758
David Sánchez

Banco azteca : 4027 6658 0536 3000
Luciana Angulo

Mandar comprobante de pago y nombre completo a: [email protected]
para recibir código de acceso

El acceso al evento se dará al dar número de código y presentar una identificación oficial


2ND HUNAB KU physical CD release in the making!

--- GoaJack - [ Hunab Ku Records ]Mega excited for Magikana Festival 2025  The best line up in the uk this summer ☀️  Co...

--- GoaJack - [ Hunab Ku Records ]

Mega excited for Magikana Festival 2025 The best line up in the uk this summer ☀️ Come to the mountains of Wales for non stop music on a amazing sound system


We are excited to unveil the epic lineup of Magikana Festival 2025, which will be held on 17-21 July at our beautiful home in the Heart of ‘Dragonland’, Cambrian Mountains, Wales, UK.

Magikana Festival of Visionary Music and Arts is a mythic transformational boutique festival featuring cutting edge PsyTrance, PsyTech, PsyBass, DarkPsy, PsyDub, DarkProg, PsyBreaks, PsyDnB, ForestPsy, Global Bass, World Fusion.

Magikana 2025 will bring together 90+ international artists and homegrown talent from across the British Isles, delivering 72+ hours of non-stop music across our bespoke magikal stages: the Wizard’s Pyramid and the Dragon’s Grove, each featuring world-class sound and lighting design.

Magikana is an European style festival surrounded by the outstanding natural beauty and wilderness of the Cambrian Mountains. A family friendly festival celebrating life, nature, ancient wisdom, sacred geometry, cosmic awareness and magik!

*** The Wizard’s Pyramid Stage ***
PsyTrance, DarkPsy, PsyTech, PsyProg, Bush Psy, DarkProg and ForestPsy.

* International Guests:
- Virtual Light (Canada / Zero1 Music)
- Purist (Brazil / Sangoma & Resina Records)
- ShaperZ (Argentina / Bom Shanka) new!!!
- Sumiruna (Australia / Zenon Records)
- Dirty Hippy (UK-Spain / Zenon Records)
- Slip Hypnotic (France / Zenon Records)
- Justin Chaos (Argentina / Zero1 Music)
- Hierophants (Brazil / Replicant Records)
- Halfreak (Italy / Alpaka Muzik)
- Garnet (Brazil / Parvati Records)
- Borderliners (Germany / Digital Shamans)
- Nirmal (Scotland-Goa / Free Spirit Records)
- Rafyx (Portugal / Hekwapi Records)
- Inpsyde Out (Germany / Digital Shamans)
- Anchronorium (Portugal / Independent)

* UK based:
- Dirty Saffi (Bristol / Bom Shanka)
- K.I.M (Sweden-UK / Zero1 Music)
- Evil Oil Man (London / Zenon Records)
- Alta (Bristol / Zero1 Music / Bom Shanka)
- Brujo’s Bowl (Mid Wales / Zenon Records)
- M-Theory (Italy-London / Blacklite Records)
- Sense Datum (Wales-Cornwall / Bom Shanka)
- Mark Day (London / Muimina Sounds)
- Heavy Hertz (Sweden-UK / Iboga Records)
- Sneaky Voodoo (Brighton / Zenon Records)
- DM-Theory (Italy-London / IbogaTech)
- Tummy Talk (Wales-Cornwall / Shanti Planti)
- Octognoma (Brighton / Replicant Records)
- Kanaloa (England-Wales / Transubtil Records)
- Magusa (England / Magikana / Alien Res)
- Full Lotus (India-London / Parvati Records)
- Psycode (Bristol / Woo-Dog Recordings)
- Goa Jack (Wales-Bristol / Hunab Ku Records)
- Sprocket (Bristol / Blue Hour Sounds)
- Quadrant (Scotland / In Lak'ech)
- Gradual (Bath / Woo-Dog, Brain Drill)
- Lorraine (Wales-Glastonbury / Psilo Tribe)
- Vibetech (Portugal-Wales / Digital Shamans)
- Miss Lightbeam (Bristol)
- Sizey (Wales / Celtic Tribe / Magnetik Noize)
- Psylas (Wales / Faeriepirates)
- Psilocen Joe (Wales / Shanti)
- DJ Iah (Nottingham / Enterrec / Faeriepirates)
- Wilko (Bristol / Reversible Records)
& Special Guests TBA

*** The Dragon’s Grove Stage ***
Conscious Downtempo & Midtempo Bass:
PsyBass, PsyDub, PsyBreaks, PsyDnB, PsyStep, Psybient, Global Bass, World Fusion, and late hours Uptempo PsyTech, Bush Psy.

* International Guests:
- Dirty Hippy (UK-Spain / Zenon / Shanti Planti)
- Sumiruna (Australia / Zenon / Merkaba Music)
- Halfred (Italy / Merkaba Music / Shanti Planti)
- Lu Tze (Portugal / Merkaba Music)
- In Kether (Netherlands / Deep Sea Freqs)
- Sun Anga (Italy / Melusine Records)

* UK based:
- Globular (Bristol / Independent)
- AkAshA (London-Cornwall / Shanti Planti)
- Quanta (Wales-Cornwall / Shanti Planti)
- EurythmY (Wales-Cornwall / Shanti Planti)
- Beatroots (Wales / Shanti Planti)
- WolfTech (Wales / Shanti Planti)
- Bad Tango (Bristol / Luminus Music)
- Jae Nimbus (Brighton / Shanti Planti)
- Neurodriver (Bristol / Broken Robot)
- Gurtrude (Bristol / Zenon Records)
- Nango Manchay (Sussex / Desert Trax)
- Itzadragon (Chile-UK / Magikana Music)
- DreamFaerie (USA-UK / Shanti Planti)
- Fractal Forest (Bristol / Deep Sea Freqs)
- Primate (Brighton / Small Print Recordings)
- Mettakin (London / Outtallectuals)
- Geoglyph (London / Deep Sea Freqs)
- Echosphere (Wales-Bristol / Deep Sea Freqs)
- Perpetual Present (Surrey / Deep Sea Freqs)
- Sanial (Bristol / Deep Sea Freqs / PsyJelly)
- Snowdrop (Bristol / Deep Sea Freqs / PsyJelly)
- Baxtak (London / Outtallectuals / Shivelight)
- Liquid Soma (Ukraine-UK / Visionary Shamanics)
- Flux Natura (Oxford / Phantasm / Ovnimoon)
- Scion (Scotland / Alex Tooth)
- Amino (Bristol / Soundcrumpet)
- Jaala (Bristol / Deep Sea Freqs / PsyJelly)
- Whirlin Merlin (Bath / Deep Sea Freqs)
- Tree Dimensions (Cambridge/ / Deep Sea)
- Dew Mya (England / Magikana)
- SonicSmudge (Germany-Wales / Moss Collectiv)
- Odd Node (Bristol / Interloop Records)
- Geoffungus (England-Wales / Moss Collectiv)
- Vegetable Matrix (Bristol / Moss Collectiv)
- Being (Bristol / Deep Sea Freqs / PsyJelly)
- Ambient Fraggle (Birmingham)
- Bubblewrap (Nottingham / Synchronos)
- Shpangled (England-Wales / 432hz Records)
- O.V.N.I. (Lancashire)
- Triplodocus (Bath / Sonic Sourcery)
- Zaza (UK-Australia)
- Sir Sprout (Norfolk / Harmaline)
- Wizardtree (Frome / Deep Sea Freqs)

*** Plus ***
- Mind blowing Visionary Art Installations
- Workshops & Performances
- Family Friendly & Dog Friendly
- Riverside Camping
- Stalls, Restaurants & Cafes
- BYO (Bring Your Own)

Come and join us to Awaken the Dragon(s) and Re-member the Wizard(s)!

Limited Capacity!!!

Magikana 2025 is a boutique festival.
Grab your tickets while you can!

Phase 2: £140

Get Tickets @

Magikana Festival
Conscious Psy Festival of Visionary Music & Arts

See you in the valley, magikal people!


Our origins are from the circus!
La Gota Kollektive is a multicultural collective commited to the fortification of arts. Through Art, Culture and educational expression; La Gota aim's to spread messages of inspiration and motivation, to intergrate and unite and to encourage resilience in the face of adversity.

Sun Festival, Ozora(Hungary), Modem, Free Mental (Croatia), Free Earth Festival (Greece), Antaris, Indian Spirit, Psychedelil.Circus, Psychedelic Experience, Zurück Zu Den Wurzeln, Airbeat One, Camp Tipsy, Hive (Cermany), Master of Puppets Funny Moon, Psy island, Digital Forest(Czech Rep),Cosmic Convergence (Guatemala)

Part of the crew
Periko Iration - Ecuador
Tai Amaru - Venezuela
Jose Gallo - El Salvador
Alex Peña - Colombia




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