Since that time more than double that number or our military personal have lost their lives in war on terror. Today is also primary day in NH. It’s a day we have an opportunity to select the candidates that will represent their respective parties in the November election. When I complete this memo I am off to the polls to cast my vote for the individuals I believe will best represent my values. I
make no apologies for my personal social and political views. As a conservative Christian my values are shaped by the word of God. My values are pro-family, pro life, pro personal freedom and I will vote for the candidates whose character and views reflect my own. In addition I have done my homework and will vote for candidates whose actions have matched their campaign rhetoric. I believe that the social issues that govern marriage, family and life, i.e., moral issues are at the core of our social and financial problems. There is ample research to prove this to be true. Both major parties tend to ignore the fact that these moral issues contribute to the social and economic iss or our society. With all do respect to my libertarian friends you can’t have a strong economy when 50 percent of the middle class no longer marry and build families. When you vote for policies that destroy or undermine traditional family values. The fact is that Married couples, no matter how much they may struggle have a far greater record of building wealth and raising children that become successful contributing members of society. Let me encourage you to vote your values. I pray that your values reflect the those which are formend by the Scriptures. Simply put, Love God, Love your neighbors and spread the good news of Jesus Christ and His transforming grace and power. Your neighbor is the person with a need that happens to be in front of as you live out your lives. Pastor, Ron Tannariello.