More hiking! I got to go back to a hike I did 2 weeks ago but this time I tried hiking the full length. Its a 4 mile hike one way. This week, I got close to finishing but had to turn around at the 3.5 mile mark (It may have been just over 3m. I dont track my distance and just use time estimates). So I got a good 6 mile hike in today. It was just what the doctor ordered.
Things to be thankful for:
- the opportunity to study archaeology
- the freedom to worship freely
- the slow fall that is happening here, it means more time to spend outdoors
- technology that keeps me connected
- friends to laugh with
I was happy to have a little snow this year. It is always wonderful to see everything covered in white with all the blue shadows. But, I am also happy to say goodbye to colder weather!
Also, have you ever thought about how amazing snow is? It only forms when there are perfect are temperatures and the right amount of humidity. It still boggles my mind that our beautiful planet was created to work like this.