Episode 5 now streaming!
The 1980s were a pivotal decade in Canadian politics and history, including key battles for q***r liberation and rights.
You’ll hear about former MP Svend Robinson’s efforts to get homosexuality into the Canadian Human Rights Act and protection under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; the military and RCMP efforts to undermine the Charter rights of their members; and a straight Commanding Officer who defended his top-performing soldier from multiple SIU investigations. A young Queen Elizabeth II also has a few things to say in this episode!
Featuring: Martine Roy, Steven P. Deschamps, Patti Gray, Diane M Pitre, Lynne Gouliquer, Claude Lemieux, Svend Robinson, and Dave McMahon. | Previews: Michelle Douglas & John McDougall
Listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/towards-equality-for-some-pt-5/id1587625685?i=1000659657766