
Freesia A Colorful Flower covers various areas of women’s interests, English/Arabic Lifestyle Magazine.


About the Social Media & Digital Marketing Specialist:

We are seeking a creative, forward-thinking, and organized social media specialist (SM) and Digital Marketing (DM) to join our growing team. In this position, you will interact with targeted virtual communities and network users to promote our services to new audiences. You must be able to create consistent, meaningful content on all social media platforms as well as act quickly and gracefully.

Job Description:

Build and execute social media strategy through research, messaging, and audience identification. Write, develop, and strategize online content production and scheduling.

Track and analyze analytics reports to gain insight on traffic, demographics, and effectiveness; utilize this information to positively affect future outcomes
Collaborate with other departments to manage company reputation, coordinate promotions, and increase reach.

Build a meaningful connections and encourage community members through dialog and messaging. Create and implement social media marketing plan and editorial calendar


Strong written and verbal communication skills English/Arabic

Strong familiarity with the business applications of social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.)

using art apps such as photoshop and montage applications, and the ability to create interesting posts.

Strong familiarity with women's interests; such as media, publications, events and community in different fields.

Understanding of social media metrics; able to interpret the results and take action to increase effectiveness of social media campaigns.

Experience from 1- 3 years in same field
Full time/ Part time. Plus Expenses and Bonus are allowed. working online, No need to come to our office, It's a part time job.
trial period 3months

If you got what's takes contact us immediately!

Being a mother is a dream many women have, but only few of them actually understand the consequences and responsibility ...

Being a mother is a dream many women have, but only few of them actually understand the consequences and responsibility that come with it.

Being a mother is a dream many women have, but only few of them actually understand the consequences and responsibility that come with it. The result of that usually affects children negatively throughout their whole lives. To help you avoid this mistake, Freesia chose these 4 advices that’ll make...

Make it shine again, with this sentence Asfour Crystal

Make it shine again, with this sentence Asfour Crystal

Make it shine again, with this sentence Asfour Crystal; The world leader in full-lead crystal production, as well as chandeliers, Gifts, Fashion Elements, Pure Crystal parts and accessories has opened a new fascinating branch in Cairo Festival City Mall. We were delighted and extremely flattered to....


Job Description:
Will be working with Production Team, Presenters, Photographers, Script Writers, Directors, and Stylists
Post production, Models
Covering events and make a special reports and sessions

Looking for:
Photographers, Graphic Designers, Videography, Video editing,

Respect deadline
Able to work in a team work
Willing to learn
Hard worker

It's a volunteering job, will get a bonuses and the ability to be hired in our new team.

If you got what's takes contact us immediately!


About the Social Media & Digital Marketing Specialist:

We are seeking a creative, forward-thinking, and organized social media specialist (SM) and Digital Marketing (DM) to join our growing team. In this position, you will interact with targeted virtual communities and network users to promote our services to new audiences. You must be able to create consistent, meaningful content on all social media platforms as well as act quickly and gracefully.

Job Description:

Build and execute social media strategy through research, messaging, and audience identification. Write, develop, and strategize online content production and scheduling.

Track and analyze analytics reports to gain insight on traffic, demographics, and effectiveness; utilize this information to positively affect future outcomes
Collaborate with other departments to manage company reputation, coordinate promotions, and increase reach.

Build a meaningful connections and encourage community members through dialog and messaging. Create and implement social media marketing plan and editorial calendar


Strong written and verbal communication skills English/Arabic

Strong familiarity with the business applications of social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.)

using art apps such as photoshop and montage applications, and the ability to create interesting posts.

Strong familiarity with women's interests; such as media, publications, events and community in different fields.

Understanding of social media metrics; able to interpret the results and take action to increase effectiveness of social media campaigns.

Experience from 1- 3 years in same field
Part time. Plus Expenses and Bonus are allowed. working online, no need to come to our office, It's a part time job.
trial period 3months

If you got what's takes contact us immediately!

الفنج شوي يكشف مشكلة تأخر زواجك 👇

الفنج شوي يكشف مشكلة تأخر زواجك 👇

"لماذا أنا لا زلت عزباء؟" يتراود هذا السؤال على ألسنة العديد من الفتيات في الوطن العربي، وللأسف تبدأ الفتاة بأن تشكك بنفسها أو بجمالها، وتقارن نفسها بصديقاتها المرت....

Does Arab Media Chooses Beauty Over Talent!?Exclusive interview with Farah Charaf only on Freesia

Does Arab Media Chooses Beauty Over Talent!?
Exclusive interview with Farah Charaf only on Freesia

Farah Charaf, the Lebanese-Turkish presenter, sure is one of the most aspiring upcoming talents today. And not only is she a great host but she can also act and has even sang a song for Egypt’s beloved actress and singer, Soaad Hosni, in one of Coca Cola’s most famous commercials where her lovel...

كيف تستعدي لعام جديد..!!؟

كيف تستعدي لعام جديد..!!؟

يصُعب على امرأة هي شديدة الذوق، وكثيرة الاهتمام بتفاصيل أناقتها عندما تشتري فستاناً جميلاً، قد اختارت لونه بمشقة، وانتقت ملمس قماشه بعناية فائقة، ومن ثمَ راحت تسبح...

What you do not know about      !!?

What you do not know about !!?

Christmas is a Christian cultural tradition that commemorates the birth of Jesus. Christmas day is a public holiday in many nations around the world which is also celebrated by a large number of non-Christian people and it became an integral part of the holiday season. Popular modern customs of cele...

In this modern time, it is no secret social media traffic is booming... Social Media's Modern Day St*****rs..!!

In this modern time, it is no secret social media traffic is booming... Social Media's Modern Day St*****rs..!!

In this modern time, it is no secret social media traffic is booming, and everyone from child to adult has access to all sorts of websites and applications without supervision. Taking advantage of that fact is a group of young girls who use all the social media platforms available to promote and sel...

دكتورة سها عيد رائدة علم الفينج شوي بالوطن العربي في لقاء خاص تكشف أسرار غرف النوم واسباب عصبية المصريين ..

دكتورة سها عيد رائدة علم الفينج شوي بالوطن العربي في لقاء خاص تكشف أسرار غرف النوم واسباب عصبية المصريين ..

رائدة الفينج الشوي"سها عيد": البرتقالي هو الأنسب لغرف المعيشة و البيج لغرف النومكثيرا منا قد سمع عن علم النفس و الفلسفة و الفلك و الأبراج و غيرها من العلوم الشائعة بي....

حميد الشاعري ومحمد محي وحنان مطاوع ونجوم اخرين في حفل "ليلة حب" 7/2/2020انتهي حفل "ليلة حب"، على مسرح المنارة بالتجمع ال...

حميد الشاعري ومحمد محي وحنان مطاوع ونجوم اخرين في حفل "ليلة حب" 7/2/2020

انتهي حفل "ليلة حب"، على مسرح المنارة بالتجمع الخامس، بحضور كوكبة كبيرة من نجوم الفن.

"ليلة حب" جاء لإحياء ذكري كوكب الشرق، وأيضًا احتفالًا بمناسبة عيد الحب، وأحياه كل من مي فاروق، هلا رشدي، ريهام عبد الحكيم، ريم عز الدين، وماريز لاحود، مجتمعين في حفل واحد لأول مرة، بقيادة المايسترو محمد عثمان.

و جاء الحفل بحضور كوكبة كبيرة من نجوم الفن علي رأسهم حميد الشاعري , محمد محي , النتج محمد العدل , النتج و الفنان رمزي العدل و المطرب علاء عبد الخالق و أحمد ماهر , سهير المرشدي , حساك حسني , عمرو عبد العزيز , و المخرجة هالة خليل , المايسترو يحي غنام و عنتر هلال الشاعر الغنائي .

Freesia has been invited to the First Arabic informatic conference in oncology.Powered by Ministry of Communications and...

Freesia has been invited to the First Arabic informatic conference in oncology.

Powered by Ministry of Communications and information technology, freesia was one of the attendees and cared to discuss the new challenges in the oncology field and how to manage those challenges by Artificial intelligence. Freesia would thank
1-Dr. Nevine makram professor of compiter science and information system department at sadat academy (SAMS).
2-Prof. Dr. Omayma hamed associate dean and director of medical education armed forces college of medicine (AFCM).

3-Prof. Dr. Aliaa youssef_ Arab academy for science, technology and maritime transport.

4-Prof. Dr ali fahmy _ dean of Artificial intelligence and oncology.

5-Prof. Abeer ghain
Thank you again for the great talks and thank you for inviting us in this important conference, freesia wish you success.

Versace spring summer 2020 collection. The Jungle print returns to the catwalk in its version original, in shades of gre...

Versace spring summer 2020 collection.

The Jungle print returns to the catwalk in its version original, in shades of green, and in a palette of reds and oranges. The print is declined with different materials and techniques. It is found printed on the legendary metal-mesh and embroidered with crystals and tie-dye elements. Versace is an international fashion house that produces accessories, fragrances, make-up, home furnishings, and clothes. What is your favorite Italian brand?

آخر أميرات الفن الجميل ستبقى في قلوبنا. صعدت روح "بولا محمد شفيق" الشهيره ب'' نادية لطفي'' إلى السماء بعد صراع مع المرض....

آخر أميرات الفن الجميل ستبقى في قلوبنا.

صعدت روح "بولا محمد شفيق" الشهيره ب'' نادية لطفي'' إلى السماء بعد صراع مع المرض. ولدت ناديه لطفي ٣ يناير١٩٣٧ في القاهرة ودرست في المدارس الألمانية. دخولها للفن كان بالصدفه ؛حين قابلت نادية لطفي المنتج والمخرج (رمسيس نجيب) فاختاراها لفيلم" سلطان" مع فريد شوقي واختار لها اسم نادية لطفي بحيث يكون مألوفا لدى الناس.
من أبرز ادوارها لويزا في فيلم ( الناصر صلاح الدين) ، ريري في (السمان والخريف) ، فردوس في( ابي فوق الشجرة)، نادية في (اعترافات امرأة) ، إلهام في (الرجال فقط) ، زنوبة في (قصر الشوق) ، سهير في (الخطايا) زينة في (المومياء) ، ناني في (فيلم المستحيل).
لم تكن اهتماماتها الفن فقط ولكنها كانت من أكبر المهتمين بالقضية الفلسطينية؛سافرت إلى لبنان أثناء الاجتياح الاسرائيلي ١٩٨٢ تضامنا مع المقاومة، شاركت في رعايه المرضى والمصابين واهاليهم أثناء العدوان الثلاثي وحرب أكتوبر؛ حتى أنها اقامت في مستشفى القصر العيني لمساعدة الجرحي. شاركت في أوبريت (القدس هترجعلنا) عام ٢٠٠٠.
ايه اكتر فيلم بتحبه لجميله الجميلات؟


Typical Responsibilities for Makeup artist:
Picking makeup tips, tutorials and accessories for editorial features and advertisements,

Working with designers, models, photographers, Demographer, hair artists, retailers, members of the media, publicists, celebrities and public figures.
managing beauty's editorial on our platform.

Creating an image for celebrities
Researching cosmetic products, Brands and beauty icons with fashion designers and the Managua editor
Keeping up with new beauty look and fashion look.
Attending fashion shows
Predicting and spotting Beauty trends
Locating Beauty from all over the world
Building professional networks

Skills Needed for Makeup Artist:
Knowledge of fashion and beauty trends, color schemes and designer labels
Awareness of art, design and fashion beauty history

Understanding of different face and face look
Business skills such as marketing, networking and advertising
Effective communication skills to work with clients
Creativity and innovation
Eye for detail
Well organized

Makeup artist Job Description
We are looking to hire a Makeup artist with panache and flair to capture the mood on the street. will keep an eye on the street, travel to shows and read fashion & Beauty magazines, Skin care and health to spot trends
Conducting market research to identify new trends, and beauty brands
Student or Fresh Bachelors degree, related Certificate in Makeup field.
Proficient with Microsoft Excel
Availability to travel for research and product development.
Excellent makeup artist and conceptual skills.
Excellent sense of style and color.
Outstanding communication skills, both written and verbal.
Ability to meet multiple deadlines.

If you got what's takes contact us immediately!

Happy birthday Shakira and Piquè.The Colombian singer, dancer, songwriter and record seller (43 years old) and her partn...

Happy birthday Shakira and Piquè.
The Colombian singer, dancer, songwriter and record seller (43 years old) and her partner Piquè the Barcelona football star (33 years old). The attractive couple have countless things in common so much that they even share the same birthday and two beautiful kids (Milan and Sasha)!


Typical Responsibilities for Fashion Stylists:
Picking clothing and accessories for editorial features and advertisements, concerts, music videos, films and TV shows
Working with designers, tailors, models, photographers, hair and makeup artists, retailers, members of the media, publicists, celebrities and public figures
Creating an image for celebrities
Researching fabrics, clothing construction and fashion accessories
Keeping up with different designer labels and fashion designers
Attending fashion shows
Predicting and spotting fashion trends
Locating clothing from all over the world
Building professional networks
Lifting heavy garment bags

Skills Needed for Fashion Stylists:
Knowledge of fashion trends, color schemes and designer labels
Awareness of art, design and fashion history
Understanding of different face and body shapes
Knowledge of different body types and how to dress them in the most flattering way
Business skills such as marketing, networking and advertising
Effective communication skills to work with clients
Creativity and innovation
Eye for detail
Well organized

This role would for Fashion Designer:

Fashion Designer Job Description
We are looking to hire a Fashion Designer with panache and flair to capture the mood on the street. The Fashion Designer will keep an eye on the street, travel to shows and read fashion magazines to spot trends and interpret specific color palettes, patterns and prints for each season. You will sketch your designs by hand, create technical production drawings and address buyers as a seasoned marketer.

To ensure success you will be able to spot trends, capture the spirit of the times in your creations and display business acumen in your ability to apply product strategy. Ideal candidates have outstanding business acumen and are creative geniuses.

Fashion Designer Responsibilities:
Managing design process from conception through to final styling.
Conducting market research to identify new trends, fabrics and techniques, and seeking design inspiration.
Collaborating with team members to select seasonal themes, make edits to line, and create new concepts.
Manage fashion editorials, following trends, brands and events local and internationally.

Fashion Designer Requirements:
Student or Fresh Bachelors degree in design or fine arts, or college degree in fashion design or related field.
Proficient with Microsoft Excel and Adobe Illustrator.
Availability to travel for research and product development.
Ability to do sketches by hand.
Excellent design and conceptual skills.
Excellent sense of style and color.
Outstanding communication skills, both written and verbal.
Ability to meet multiple deadlines.

If you got what's takes contact us immediately!



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Our Story

A Colorful Flower covers various areas of women’s interests, English/Arabic Lifestyle Magazine