M/s GOPTA Success Pvt. are engaged in organizing workshops on 'Time Management', Goal Setting/Achievement', 'Success', 'Personality Development', 'Sleep' and related topics; publishing & distribution of books etc; and content development. SANJAY KUMAR AGARWAL, Founder Chairman of the company is an Author, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker and a successful entrepreneur. Before turning professional A
uthor & Speaker, he was working for Government of India. Working for more than 25 years for Government of India in the Ministry of Finance, specially at C.S.I. Airport, Mumbai; in the Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence and as a guest faculty at National Academy of Customs, Excise & Narcotics gave him wide exposure to meet people from different walks of life and to study their aspirations and problems in life. He found that biggest problem in life of most of the people is lack of balance in different walks of life and sleep related problems. As an author, he has written the best-selling book titled 'How To Add 50000 Productive Hours To Your Life' and 'अपने जीवन में 50000 उत्पादक घंटे कैसे बढ़ाएं', wherein he has created the acronym GOPTA , which accelerates your journey to the success of your dreams; and has revealed, how 3 productive hours to your life can be added per day by using GOPTA, translating to about 1000 productive hours a year and 50000 productive hours during the next 50 years, which you can utilise towards achieving your goals in different walks of life and striking balance in different walks of your life. These concepts have never been spoken across the globe before. As an entrepreneur, he is the Founder CEO of GOPTA Academy and Chairman of GOPTA Success Private Limited. As an speaker, he deals with ‘Time Management’ and ‘Goal Setting’ both at great length in his famous workshop titled 'How to Add 50000 Productive Hours to Your Life'. Simplicity of communication is his stronghold. He combines passion with easy to follow steps. He reveals easy steps to come out of your comfort zone. He focuses on 'WHY' in place of 'HOW' in different areas of life, using simple analogies and examples from his own personal & professional life. That's why, his fans & followers lovingly call him as ‘Time & Goal Guru’. His concepts are beneficial for people from different walks of life & backgrounds, whether they are professionals, enterpreneurs, top executives, business owners, sportspersons, or students. To summarise, each living person on this earth can benefit from his innovative revolutionary ideas in the field of 'Time Management' and 'Goals Setting' i.e. tapping the unlimited potential of GOPTA to add 3 productive hours a day to your life, which can be utilised to accelerate your journey towards the success of your dreams; and to strike reasonable balance among different walks of life. His vision is to see people across the globe moving faster towards their goals. Helping others to realise their dreams is his biggest life mission. His present focus areas include Pan-India, Dubai, Singapore, Australia, UK & USA. His Blog at timeandgoalguru.wordpress.com; his page www.facebook.com/timeandgoalguru and www.facebook.com/howtoadd50000productivehourstoyourlife and his YouTube Channel provide rich material on the techniques of effective time management and goal setting.