EDIT typo: + internal rotation for the last movement. Oops! SAVE for your labor prep or send to a pregnant friend #momday You can start these movements at any time during your entire
Early labor, around 0-6cm: Inlet opening. Wide knee positions like squats and supported squats. Active labor, around 6-10cm: Mid level opening. Asymmetrical positions like rocking lunge.
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During the first week of postpartum I want to prioritise staying restful in supported positions to allow my body to heal after pregnancy and birth however I can support my recovery with.
Do you struggle sleeping during pregnancy︖ 😫 its the WORST when you can’t get to sleep. Hopefully some of these tips can help you fall asleep faster and improve quality of sleep. Exer.
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Do you know how to use your birth ball︖ Here’s a simple routine you can try. The birth ball is a great tool during labor because it allows you to keep moving in rested∕supported positi.
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Do cartwheels induce labor︖︖ **Don’t try this at home Mamas .
#fitpregnancy #pregnancy
Did you know your baby has to navigate through 3 levels of your pelvis︖ 1. The inlet 2. The upper & lower mid level 3. The Outlet There isn’t one movement that opens all three level.
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Did you know your uterus pushes your baby out︖ This means your pelvic floor actually needs to be relaxed and move out of the way to allow the baby to pass through. Although pelvic flo.
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Did you know︖ Your uterus pushes your baby out which means your pelvic floor needs to move out of the way for baby to pass through. Learning to release your pelvic floor in a variety of.
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Did you know there are three levels to the pelvis︖ The inlet, the mid pelvis and the outlet. Each opens with different movements so we want to explore a variety of positions to prepare.
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DAILY Birth Prep Routine 🔥 no equipment needed. SAVE for your birth preparation. Preparing your body for labor doesn’t need to be complicated. Here’s a few of my favourite ways to prep.
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Can you still training your core during pregnancy︖ It’s important we maintain strength in our core during pregnancy. While there are some movements we want to avoid, there are so many.
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Can we start moving in the first week postpartum︖ Absolutely, if you feel like you want to. In fact, movement is encouraged. Rest is our number 1 priority after giving birth however the.
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Being ‘cleared for exercise’ at 6 weeks is an unrealistic expectation on postpartum Moms. At 7 weeks postpartum I still healing my body and gradually increasing workout intensity inste.
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Back Pain is a common complaint during pregnancy and postpartum due to common postural tendencies, our shift in centre of gravity and many other reasons. Try these movements to find re.
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Avoid SI joint pain during pregnancy by adding these movements into your routine. The two SI joints are at the back of your pelvis connecting the sacrum to the ilium. Due to changes in.
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Ask your birth partner ahead of time to support you getting into these positions during labor, especially if you’re experiencing stalls. Did you know trying different positions during.
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Are you suffering from SI JOINT pain during pregnancy︖ These exercises work to strengthen the muscles that help stabilise the SI joint which is especially important during pregnancy du
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Are you experiencing rib cage pain during pregnancy︖ Thoracic mobility and being mindful of posture can often help. 1. Thoracic openers 2. Cat cow 3. Thread the needle 4. Childs pose +
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All of this in just 48 hours. My transformation into motherhood. I did a CrossFit class and went running as an attempt to get my baby moving and that night he was born. Did it work︖ 😂
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