Naomi Aidoo - Time & Pace

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Naomi Aidoo - Time & Pace Founder of Time & Pace™️ - Mobilise your thoughts, tasks & desires using our simple, mindset shifting framework.

Part twwwwwooooooo of what the wonderful people who endorsed Finding Flourishing have said about the book! I’m so apprec...

Part twwwwwooooooo of what the wonderful people who endorsed Finding Flourishing have said about the book! I’m so appreciative of these people and their words. I really hope you enjoy the book too! 💜

Some wonderful people agreed to read Finding Flourishing before it officially became a printed book, and to my delight, ...

Some wonderful people agreed to read Finding Flourishing before it officially became a printed book, and to my delight, agreed to endorse it! I’m so grateful for their wonderful words. 🥹 Here are some of them, with the other half to come later in the week. 💜

Finding Flourishing is a different take on work-life wellbeing. I’m not asking you to do more - not even more rest, real...

Finding Flourishing is a different take on work-life wellbeing. I’m not asking you to do more - not even more rest, really. It’s simply a call to live life more intentionally, concentrating on where you need to be *present* over where you need to be productive. Being present with the family all day, might mean the self-care plate isn’t spinning quite as hard for a minute. This DM from someone who messaged me recently echos the this sentiment entirely. Prioritise some plates, pause others. The world will keep spinning even when your plates aren’t.

Keep going. Keep growing. 💜

P.S. Finding Flourishing is published this Friday and is now available to pre-order. Check out my bio for more info. 📕

Guess who recorded their audiobook today?!? 🙌🏽🥳I’m so delighted that Finding Flourishing now has an audiobook coming soo...

Guess who recorded their audiobook today?!? 🙌🏽🥳

I’m so delighted that Finding Flourishing now has an audiobook coming soon! (Exact dates tbc). The process working with Elliott today at was brilliant. I can’t wait to hear how it all sounds when it’s done! 🎧

This whole getting a book out into the world thing really is a whirlwind - but I’m so grateful for it all. Ten-year-old me who loved reading and writing, 19-year-old me who was writing scripts as part of my dissertation, and 25-year-old me, who decided to sit down and start writing a blog about life and faith that very first time, would be proud. 💜

Swipe to the 8th slide for the Finding Flourishing contents page and the sort of themes we’ll be discussing during our b...

Swipe to the 8th slide for the Finding Flourishing contents page and the sort of themes we’ll be discussing during our book club! 📕💜

Of course I have goals for the book, which I hope and pray will be met. But over the past few days, I’ve been thinking a...

Of course I have goals for the book, which I hope and pray will be met. But over the past few days, I’ve been thinking about the prayer I have for Finding Flourishing. So today as my daughter napped, I jotted down some of what I pray for those who choose to read my book. I pray it blesses you. 🙏🏽

Finding Flourishing is now available for pre-order wherever you buy your books online (HUGE thanks to those of you living in the states who have already bought and paid the shipping. It will be on US Amazon soon for ease!) 💜

The story so far 💭💜Finding Flourishing is now available for pre-order 🎉 pre-orders really help new authors like me and s...

The story so far 💭💜

Finding Flourishing is now available for pre-order 🎉 pre-orders really help new authors like me and so if you like the idea of work-life wellbeing from a faith perspective, which doesn’t ask you to add more to your to-do list, Finding Flourishing is your book! Available wherever you buy your books online.📕


Overactive imagination + school run = this. Hope it makes sense to someone. 💜

Overactive imagination + school run = this. Hope it makes sense to someone. 💜

F I V E! 🎈 Micah, you are an absolute joy and you just get better with every year which passes. Sometimes I wish the int...

F I V E! 🎈

Micah, you are an absolute joy and you just get better with every year which passes.

Sometimes I wish the internet wasn’t such a wild place so I could share the wonder that is you on these squares. But those who know you already know…

You are kind, you are super smart (we’re all trying to keep up 😅), you know your own mind, you’re an incredible big brother, you’re funny and you bring joy (and random facts) to everyone you meet. You are *so* very loved.

We love being your parents, and by God’s grace, we look forward to seeing you THRIVE AT FIVE! 🤩🙌🏽😘

Learn more about Affirmation Infused Goals and what I mean by it in this post. ⬆️If you like the sound of this kind of t...

Learn more about Affirmation Infused Goals and what I mean by it in this post. ⬆️

If you like the sound of this kind of thing, sign up for free today. 🤩

It was such a privilege to be asked to speak at   last weekend. I left with my heart completely full. 💜Teaching a semina...

It was such a privilege to be asked to speak at last weekend. I left with my heart completely full. 💜

Teaching a seminar, walking a group of women through the story of the woman at the well in John 4 pretty much verse by verse brought me so much life, I can’t even really articulate it.

It really has been a minute, but I’m so glad He’s making a way for me to come back to work like this. The feedback was so kind, affirming and served as confirmation. The Lord is at work.

Watch this space for what’s next. And feel free to get in touch if you’re looking for a Bible teacher at your next event. 📖 I’ll make that much more official on my website ASAP. 😅

I shared one of the key verses from the text with my ‘nurture note’ subscribers earlier and I’ll share some musings on it here tomorrow. 💌

Thanks so much to everyone at for putting together such an incredible conference. 💜

MANUSCRIPT SUBMITTED ✅🎉After taking 48 hours to celebrate, reflect, and rest, I thought I’d pop on to share the fact tha...


After taking 48 hours to celebrate, reflect, and rest, I thought I’d pop on to share the fact that on Friday, I submitted the first draft of my manuscript for my book, Finding Flourishing (which is being published in July 2024). 🎊

The last few months have been some of the busiest ever for us as a family in different ways, and by God’s grace, we’ve still managed to get this manuscript over the line in time. I’m so thankful 🙏🏽

Grateful to friends and family who have supported me so amazingly over the past few months. From prayer, offering to take the kids for a bit and even for taking me out on Friday for an impromptu Prosecco with four kids between us in a micropub 😅 I feel so loved and cheered on. Thank you so much.

I’ll share more about Finding Flourishing in the new year, when I begin sharing more with you on what this book’s all about. I’m so excited. It feels wild that it’s actually out of my head now and into 30,000 words +. God is faithful.

Get ready for work-life wellbeing with a faith-focus for 2024 and beyond.

Keep going, keep growing. 💜

1. Celebratory bubbles pt. 2
2. About to press send on the email.
3. My friend’s impromptu pub celebration complete with Micah’s hot chocolate
4. Celebratory fish & chips
5. Cute things from James
6. Cute kids AKA the after party 🎉
7. Cheers 🥂

I got a very exciting email yesterday, which made this whole ‘I’m an actual author now’ thing quite real! My publisher a...

I got a very exciting email yesterday, which made this whole ‘I’m an actual author now’ thing quite real! My publisher at BRF Ministries got in touch with me with some provisional cover designs for my book Finding Flourishing and I asked if it would be okay to share my fave three with you as we consider what the final cover design will be in the coming couple of weeks. So please, if you do nothing else here in this little corner of the internet, could you please vote for the cover design which appeals to your most? All you need to do is put either ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ in the comments, or ‘like’ the photo which features your fave cover design. 🙏🏽

For those of you that are new here, hello 👋🏽 I’m Naomi, author, coach and mum of a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old. I’m currently writing my first ‘proper’ book, which is called ‘Finding Flourishing: Time & Pace for your work-life wellbeing’. It’s a book which explores wellbeing from a Christian faith perspective and is also packed with journal prompts, reflection + tools & tips for what work-life wellbeing might look like in a world where we’re juggling multiple responsibilities and ‘balance’ is, quite frankly, unobtainable. It’s going to be officially released in July 2024. 🎉

So, would you mind voting for your fave provisional cover design? All you need to do is put either ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ in the comments or ‘like’ the photo which features your fave cover design. 🙏🏽 Can’t wait to share the final verdict with you! And if you want to continue on the journey of this book coming to life, be sure to stick around. Thanks so much for being here!

Keep going. Keep growing 💜

📣 FOR ANY OTHER RECOVERING PERFECTIONISTS OUT THERE 👋🏽It might not be all rainbows and butterflies. It might be more of ...


It might not be all rainbows and butterflies. It might be more of a challenge than you first thought it’d be, going slower than you thought it might perhaps…

But if you’re doing it anyway, where others might have given up altogether, you’re making progress and that’s worth celebrating. Give yourself grace.

Keep going, keep growing. 💜

💬 "I wanted to do X, but really, I *should* do Y..." 💬⁣⁣I've heard this sort of statement an unthinkable amount of times...

💬 "I wanted to do X, but really, I *should* do Y..." 💬⁣

I've heard this sort of statement an unthinkable amount of times when working with coaching clients. I'm not talking about people saying they 'should' eat a bit more healthily or they 'should' make more time to invest in the relationships which are important to them. But more things like, they 'should' shut their laptop, despite being in the flow of a really good piece of work, because it's late. Or they 'should' wake up at 5am every single day because it's what seems to be required in order to be successful. 🥱⁣

💭 What if there was no 'should'?⁣

What if we stopped comparing ourselves and our desires with everyone else's in order to fit in, and instead, carved out a lane which made sense for us without the need to explain ourselves? 👣⁣

This is why I'm so passionate about 'work-life wellbeing' over 'work-life balance'. I don't believe in balance really. Sometimes, you'll be juggling a million balls and someone will suggest you 'should' put one down, despite you becoming quite the accomplished juggler for that period of your life. 🤹🏼⁣

Similarly, you might be in a season of rest, recharge and reflection right now, but feel you 'should' get on with X. How long lasting are your efforts going to be if you're only making them as a result of guilt-tripping yourself? 👀⁣

Don't get me wrong, the way society's set up for most, means that there are certain rules we have to follow in order to provide for our loved ones etc. But before embarking on our next step, let's at least take a few moments to think about the motivation behind the move and where it's coming from. ⏱⁣

Perhaps it's time to shed the should. 🤷🏽‍♀️

A big part of the ‘intention’ aspect of the TIME framework is how your daily to-do connect with your main goals/objectiv...

A big part of the ‘intention’ aspect of the TIME framework is how your daily to-do connect with your main goals/objectives…⁣

It’s easy to go through the motions, and to honest, a lot of time we have to. However, if we daily go through the motions, those days will become weeks, weeks-months and those months will eventually become years.⁣

Ask yourself if you’re being intentional about the right things as you execute on your daily to-dos in order to avoid mission drift.⁣

Keep going. Keep growing. 💜

As I study for my ILM 7, I’m reading more books (albeit half a chapter or so each night once the kids are down before my...

As I study for my ILM 7, I’m reading more books (albeit half a chapter or so each night once the kids are down before my eyes start closing 😅) and discovering gems like this on every page.⁣⁣
When I, pre-children, first started coaching leaders & budding/new entrepreneurs in 2016, I’d put *so* much pressure on myself to have the answer and to be the answer to the challenges my clients presented. In reading Nancy Kline’s fantastic book ‘Time to Think’, she makes the point about the fact that despite people presenting you with a problem, they may actually have the best solution within themselves. ⁣⁣
In other words, ‘the pressure’s off’. No, not in the sense that you now abdicate your leadership responsibilities and suggest your team/clients lead themselves, but rather, you lead by empowering them to see if there are any potential solutions themselves. Doing so removes a culture of dependency and brings about healthy and collaborative teams/working relationships.⁣⁣
I’m so looking forward to coming back to coaching more informed and equipped and am excited to see those ‘ah ha’ moments in action.⁣⁣
Remember, this approach isn’t easier and certainly requires more patience when it comes to asking the right questions, waiting for longer than you usually would. I think this is part of the reason it wasn’t something I practiced particularly well in the early days. But the more I read, the more I’m sold on it being so worthwhile. To be honest, I’ve met people with massively difficult circumstances who have been able to adopt this way of thinking and it’s been humbling.⁣

Now I’m not for one minute suggesting that this way of thinking is possible or accessible for everyone. It’s not perfect, like much of what we read of on these squares isn’t. But it may just alleviate some pressure and uncertainty for leaders in any capacity who think that *they* have to be perfect in order to be helpful or supportive. We don’t. Keep going, keep growing. 💜

As we wrap up the week where we’ve been talking about the first pillar of the T.I.M.E framework ‘Thankful’, let’s turn o...

As we wrap up the week where we’ve been talking about the first pillar of the T.I.M.E framework ‘Thankful’, let’s turn our attention to Negativity Bias. What are your thoughts on it? Have you let it rule the roost for a touch too long? How might being thankful give you an opportunity to think about things in a different way too? Would love to know your thoughts on this. Keep going. Keep growing. 💜

Love that Colossians 4:2 is YouVersion’s verse of the day today. 🙏🏽 Yet another reminder that gratitude is good and is G...

Love that Colossians 4:2 is YouVersion’s verse of the day today. 🙏🏽 Yet another reminder that gratitude is good and is God’s idea. When we’re watching for the things around us which are good, (however hard we might have to look), we have an opportunity to be thankful and to therefore change our state. It’s not always easy no, but it’s worth it. Keep going. Keep growing. 💜

My son brings a library book home from nursery every Monday. Last week, this was the one I found in his book bag. When i...

My son brings a library book home from nursery every Monday. Last week, this was the one I found in his book bag. When it came to bedtime and a chance to read the book, I was immediately struck by the use of the word ‘ordinary’. It’s mentioned several times on every page. ⁣

Do you ever have those moments where you see a word so many times that it starts to look weird and then you start questioning if it’s actually a real word at all? (Just me?! 😅) You just suddenly start really noticing something you’ve never really thought about before.⁣

The ‘T’ in our TIME framework here at Time & Pace is for ‘thankful’. Not in a toxic positivity ‘let’s ignore the world’s problems’ type of way, but rather in a ‘noticing the good things around you which you normally don’t give a second thought.’ ⁣

Gratitude is the foundation of our framework because it speaks to our mindset in a way which grounds us. Focusing on what’s good yes, but not because we’re ignoring what isn’t, but rather because when we have goals we’re going and growing towards, it’s good to pay attention to the positive references around us with thankfulness - the things we’d otherwise overlook or ignore.⁣

Feeling thankful does so much for our mental and physical health. It’s not always an easy thing to do and so rather than plucking things out of thin air, why not pay attention to what’s always been there? Keep going. Keep growing. 💜

“Will no one care?”⁣“Will people question what makes me ‘qualified’ to be the person who can write on this?”⁣“Will every...

“Will no one care?”⁣
“Will people question what makes me ‘qualified’ to be the person who can write on this?”⁣
“Will everyone think I’m showing off?”⁣
“Will people question how present a mother and wife I can be with these additional ‘jobs’?”⁣
“Why hasn’t X said anything?”⁣
“Will I be able to actually do this?”⁣
“Did I hear from God wrong?”⁣

These are just some of the thoughts which cropped up after pressing ‘post’ on my news yesterday (see pinned post). ⁣

These are also however, the kinds of thoughts which lived rent-free in my mind for years, if not decades of my life. Back then, they were listened to a lot more than they are now and as a result, I wouldn’t have pressed post or publish. Instead, I’d have paused, procrastinated and pushed down the possibilities for fear of being ‘too much.’⁣

No more.⁣

It’s not easy to do - that voice hasn’t gone anywhere. I’ve just learned to turn her down a bit.⁣

The truth is, I don’t feel qualified. But God qualifies the called and so that part isn’t my problem. I do worry about how I’ll juggle it all. But I’ve also set myself realistic time frames and boundaries. Side note, although we see what people say yes to on social media, we often don’t see what people have to say no to as a result.⁣

I get that I’m *very* privileged to be able to work flexibly from home around my children & that working alongside my husband means I can switch certain things around in order to make space to write & study. There have also been times where I’ve written in the dead of night after a full day of teaching + volunteering at church and pretty much zero people have cared. It’s all reality. It’s all learning. It’s all grace.⁣

As well as talking to myself, this is a post for anyone else who knows imposter syndrome’s grip, whatever your current season in life requires of you. ⁣

God goes before you in solitude and on stages. Both are good. Both are needed. Both are grace.⁣

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”⁣
‭‭(Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬-‭21‬)💜

After much deliberation and prayer, I’ve arrived at the decision that I sadly can no longer continue running Hope Held. ...

After much deliberation and prayer, I’ve arrived at the decision that I sadly can no longer continue running Hope Held. I LOVED going through the gospel of John with those of you who joined me (thank you!) and whilst it would have been wonderful to continue, there’s some MAJOR stuff happening with work with Time & Pace and beyond. When we say yes to things, it inevitably means we say no to others and I don’t have the capacity to keep up with posting daily devotionals + raising two small kids + work right now. I never say never, so maybe I’ll be back. Maybe not. But for now at least, that’s a wrap. Thanks so much for being here! Tune into Time & Pace TOMORROW (this page!) for the big update 💜

P.S. I tried to change the name of this page to Hope Held sooo many times but Facebook kept refusing my request! God must have known it would definitely remain the work page for Time & Pace in the long run 😊

I’ve loved going through John’s gospel here - remembering the works of Jesus and walking through the gospel right until ...

I’ve loved going through John’s gospel here - remembering the works of Jesus and walking through the gospel right until the end. It’s felt a little like a whistle stop tour at times and I’ve wondered if I gave the book enough time, but it’s certainly been refreshing and powerful.⁣

As this verse indicates, John’s gospel doesn’t even go into half of what Jesus did and the truth is, He’s still working today. He’s still speaking to and through us, still present by the power of the Holy Spirit. ⁣

I hope you’ve enjoyed revisiting this gospel together. Thank you so much to anyone who’s liked or commented on anything. Being a pretty new channel, it means a lot.⁣

All will be revealed re what’s next soon. So watch this space 👀 And huge thanks again for being here. 💜

Reading the whole of John’s gospel in quick succession and then arriving ag this infamous verse means it hits home a lit...

Reading the whole of John’s gospel in quick succession and then arriving ag this infamous verse means it hits home a little more than usual. Of course, Jesus knew this would be the end (which was obviously just the beginning) but reading of all the signs and wonders, the miracles, the betrayal and the persecution - all to land here. Thankful we know the end of the story. 🙌🏽

Pilate and people pleasing… a thread 🧵

Pilate and people pleasing… a thread 🧵

When reading John 18 today, I found this question from the ‘John 13-21 For You’ study hugely helpful… “It is easy to say...

When reading John 18 today, I found this question from the ‘John 13-21 For You’ study hugely helpful… “It is easy to say that Jesus is all powerful even in the face of strong opposition but harder to believe it when you yourself are standing against attack. How does this account of Jesus’ power and yet submission to God’s will help you have peace in the face of calamity and trouble?” 🙏🏽

Today at church during worship, I felt a stirring in my spirit - I believe it’s a word in season. Certainly one for me a...

Today at church during worship, I felt a stirring in my spirit - I believe it’s a word in season. Certainly one for me and I hop it’s one for you too. Here’s what I felt ⬇️⁣

“The greatest victory for the enemy would be us believing the lies he consciously and subconsciously feeds us above God’s truth He declares over us. If we choose to continually live small and shrunken lives due to fear, doubt, pain and beyond, we’re letting the lies look louder than the truth. It’s time to shed the false narratives and walk in His truth.”⁣

And then this evening when I read John 16, this verse stood out. Because of the FINISHED work of Christ, the enemy now stands defeated. In Jesus, we have the victory. We’re not fighting for that place, we lead and live FROM it. ⁣

Be reminded of this truth today and any other day you need a prompt directing you towards who and Whose you are. 🙏🏽

No caption required for this one really! 🙏🏽

No caption required for this one really! 🙏🏽

I feel like John 14 and 15 could have their own 5-week study in their own right 😅 here are just 5 of the themes I’ve pic...

I feel like John 14 and 15 could have their own 5-week study in their own right 😅 here are just 5 of the themes I’ve picked out over the past couple of days. What’s struck you about these chapters if you’ve been following along? Share in the comments ↘️

Been reflecting and ruminating on John 14 and 15 today and the through line really lands in this verse. Going to be shar...

Been reflecting and ruminating on John 14 and 15 today and the through line really lands in this verse. Going to be sharing some thoughts in the next day or two but for today, a question from John 13-21 For You (PG 34) ⬇️⁣

‘Verse 6 is controversial today. How might you explain to a friend that it is still true today and still the foundation of true life?’



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Who is Naomi Aidoo?

Naomi Aidoo is a Coach, Teacher, Author. She is a qualified Teacher who taught in high schools for seven years before embarking on building her own online business in 2016 and going full time within it in 2017. Naomi has over 10 years of experience in pioneering youth & women's ministry projects both as a volunteer and a church staff team member, and she is a Trustee for the global charitable organisation Church Mission Society (CMS).

Naomi works with purpose-driven female Leaders and Entrepreneurs through her coaching services and membership communities. Her membership community Biblical Business Academy focuses on helping women build and scale kingdom businesses whilst keeping faith as their foundation. She founded ‘Living Word League’ to support Christian women who want to go deeper in their understanding of God's word by not only reading it, but living it out in their life and work.

Naomi is certified by global organisation, GiANT Worldwide to teach and deliver their ‘5 Voices’ programme, which has been designed to support leaders in understanding their unique leadership personality and traits in order for them to explore what it’s like to be on the other side of them and their leadership. She runs a mastermind programme at least once a year which goes through this work.