Have you been a victim of fraud or had your case unfairly dismissed by the government? We are here to help and will initiate litigation towards a judicial proceeding.▪️Int’l Baller_all rights reserved. #cuttingtothechase #keystone #justice #disputed #breach #ofcontract #wrongful #convictions #propertyrights #personalinjury ➰ Dr. Steven Greer ➰ John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
JFK (few months before his assassination) and Tanzania’s ‘Father of the Nation,’ Julius Kambarage Nyerere at the White House in July 1963. Nyerere, affectionately known as Mwalimu, played a pivotal role in shaping Tanzania’s development and was a key figure in the struggle for independence from British Colonial rule. #universal #lightworkers #jfk #nyerere #cooperation #responsible #cohesive #building #independence @jfklibrary @tanzaniahighcommission