News Tunez is the vision of Musician, Producer and Internet/Mobile Entrepreneur Jon Flatt. The purpose of this site is to be a positive force in the world through MUSIC and content related to the subject matter in songs and videos. We will bring unique artist that will provoke thought, emotion and conversation. You may visit the site because you are interested in an artist, song, video, or specifi
c subject. Our hope is while you are here you will look around to see what else is going on in the world and interact/share with others. News Tunez believes that truth, intellectual honesty, laughter, humility, effective communication and truth driven honest debate are the keys to uniting people of all colors, creeds, religions, races. News Tunez hopes to affect positive change by pointing out absurdities that lead to division that exist within our belief systems. Through commentary, news, satire, music, film, discussion and debate we can make a difference. You will never be judged here on color, creeds, religion, races or sexual orientation. Hate and prejudice comes in all colors, shapes and sizes. If this statement offends you, may I suggest that you take a very hard look at yourself and be very honest about Love, understand why you believe what you believe about other people. Intellectual truth must win the day. The path to peace and truth starts with humility and a willingness to continue to learn every day. If you looking for a Politically Correct site, this is not it. We have to get beyond the BS and get to what is actually real.