It addresses many topics including family, marriage, quiverfull-related, education and politics. Salt is what we Christians are supposed to be in the world: distinctive, loving, and pure. Our Christian faith should impact every part of our life and our life should impact our families first and then the world. SALT then, is about encouraging and inspiring Christians in living their faith. SALT Maga
zine contains articles meant to uplift, inspire and even challenge the believer. While we pray SALT may be a blessing to everyone who reads it, we also believe we who are teaching our children at home, allowing God to determine the size of our families, and who pursue a way of finding a spouse that protects and promotes the purity of our children, need to be encouraged as we travel the path less traveled. We hope it fulfills this purpose as well.
SALT Christian Press started with a small, black and white, single column magazine named SALT. The owners, Jim and Cindy McDermott, published this little magazine for almost fifteen years, watching it grow in both circulation and quality. They occasionally published books as well during that time, such as their own authored work “The Christian Family: in the world but not of it” and A Heart for Adoption author Terri Cooney’s “The Truth About S*x: the mystery of the covenant, till death do us part... Do You Get It?”, but their main focus had always been on SALT Magazine. However, in 2013 they decided to shift direction: they said goodbye to their magazine and concerted their efforts on book publishing, starting with Shannon McDermott's The Valley of Decision. But the McDermotts will still be posting thoughts and news from home on this page, and a website is being set up where they intend to post articles, old and new, and keep a blog. Have a blessed day.
- the team at SALT Christian Press