20TH ANNIVERSARY OF ANTISTATIK, with whom we have enjoyed the best #dnb DJs in the world. Antistatik drum&bass Donny
The farm is under construction.
Formatting the infrastructure and the heads
Incapable of creating, they develop a conception of the world in which an abstract and totally disembodied order predominates. The essential element being the generalized vigilance.
Music.: Finalfix Finalfix - End Of Days
Everything we see is an illusion.
Subtle and profitable for the exterminating archangels of Davos and the madmen of Brussels.
Every day that goes by we have fewer freedoms, rights and we become poorer and poorer.
Unfortunately; society is slowly acclimatising until there is no longer a solution. 🐸 It's the boiled frog syndrome.
Happy New Year froggies.
- Alert - Music : Misanthrop.
The WHO takes care of your health... the same as the banks of your pocket.
Again you are the target.
Mental Warfare
Without war, The Great Reset is doomed.
The beleaguered Western oligarchic system is betting on a war to exterminate and expropriate ITS OWN population.
In case of war, all the excesses of our degenerate States will be possible and legitimate.
Music: Noisia - End Game
No symptoms
Look what is happening ... is it normal?
Now you have the choice between revolution or submission.
All politics is sh*t, the only thing that changes is the flies "
Music: Audio - Omega [RAM Records]
They are not placebo. Happy New Year.
I congratulate you for being so brave and giving your body to Science.
Like "Star Wars," they work much better for trilogies.
After all
Siren songs ... it's for your sake.
The world before was not idyllic, but the world of hygiene, social distances, the control of "contact cases" is certainly posthuman.
If we accept this it is because we were already collectively and anthropologically very handicapped.
Music : Dillinga - Follow Me
Video animacion para la primera referencia de Triple G Agency , musica Blockdata
Triple G Agency bring's you another amazing preview for 【GGG001】 this next one is full of breaks by Blockdata.
INTOXICATED BY FAITH ... -Fe significa no querer saber la verdad-
Con este videoloop no creo que me haga oír, ni me gane las puertas del cielo.
vídeo-vj y música Mano izquierda Visuals
Martius Privata Festa D&B
Tiembla Milano,ya están las fechas 23-24- 25 Martius,
video-vj y musica : Mano izquierda Visuals
Mini tour por Milán este mes de Marzo,¡¡Milana bonita...Martius Privata Festa- Future Progressive-!!
video-vj y musica Mano izquierda Vj
Marca España
Cualquier parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia...marca España Anonymous Occupy Wall St. Winston Smith
Any resemblance with the reality is mere coincidence
Pulsos de vida
Decorados visuales para otros espacios...pulsiones de vida ,bucle eterno :)
Low Syndicate V-10-FEB
Segunda entrega para el doble evento de Low Syndicate en formato Video-Loop-Audio , ¿en que se diferencia de un videoflyer?...Pregunta precios ,a compartir,que las castañas se queman ;)