Urban Fungus
URBAN FUNGUS――Architecture is a Complex Ⅿesh, an exciting exhibition by architects Fuminori Nousaku and Mio Tsuneyama, whose research explores the relationship of architecture, cities, and ecosystems, is currently open at TOTO GALLERY·MA. The exhibition is a fascinating insight into their work, containing models and documents for their ongoing project “Holes in the House”—an architectural renovation which seeks to foster the feeling of being part of an urban ecosystem—as well as showing their experiments with earthen environments in an urban environment and cooking methods that use sunlight. The models and blueprints of various other compelling architectural projects have a huge focus on their relationship with real, living people. The pair have described the act of repairing our divided city with architecture as akin to the growth of fungus. Through a range of experiments and examples that utilize the spaces in between, this fascinating exhibition will be sure to get visitors thinking.
Fuminori Nousaku + Mio Tsuneyama: URBAN FUNGUS――Architecture is a Complex Ⅿesh
Dates: January 18, 2024 – March 24, 2024
Hours: 11:00 – 18:00 (Closed: Monday; National, Summer, and New Year Holidays; and between exhibitions)
Free admission
Venue: TOTO GALLERY·MA (TOTO Nogizaka Building 3F, 1-24-3 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
会期 2024年1月18日(木)~3月24日(日)
会場:TOTOギャラリー・間(東京都港区南青山1-24-3 TOTO乃木坂ビル3F)
1:「西大井のあな」吹抜け 東京都 2017年〜 写真:Jumpei Suzuki
2: 「杭とトンガリ」外観 東京都 2023年 写真:Jumpei Suzuki
3: 展覧会ポスター 都市圏ダイアグラム
#都市菌 #ギャラリー間